67 research outputs found

    No-Reference Light Field Image Quality Assessment Based on Micro-Lens Image

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    Light field image quality assessment (LF-IQA) plays a significant role due to its guidance to Light Field (LF) contents acquisition, processing and application. The LF can be represented as 4-D signal, and its quality depends on both angular consistency and spatial quality. However, few existing LF-IQA methods concentrate on effects caused by angular inconsistency. Especially, no-reference methods lack effective utilization of 2-D angular information. In this paper, we focus on measuring the 2-D angular consistency for LF-IQA. The Micro-Lens Image (MLI) refers to the angular domain of the LF image, which can simultaneously record the angular information in both horizontal and vertical directions. Since the MLI contains 2-D angular information, we propose a No-Reference Light Field image Quality assessment model based on MLI (LF-QMLI). Specifically, we first utilize Global Entropy Distribution (GED) and Uniform Local Binary Pattern descriptor (ULBP) to extract features from the MLI, and then pool them together to measure angular consistency. In addition, the information entropy of Sub-Aperture Image (SAI) is adopted to measure spatial quality. Extensive experimental results show that LF-QMLI achieves the state-of-the-art performance

    Progress in industrial photogrammetry by means of markerless solutions

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    174 p.La siguiente tesis está enfocada al desarrollo y uso avanzado de metodologías fotogramétrica sin dianas en aplicaciones industriales. La fotogrametría es una técnica de medición óptica 3D que engloba múltiples configuraciones y aproximaciones. En este estudio se han desarrollado procedimientos de medición, modelos y estrategias de procesamiento de imagen que van más allá que la fotogrametría convencional y buscan el emplear soluciones de otros campos de la visión artificial en aplicaciones industriales. Mientras que la fotogrametría industrial requiere emplear dianas artificiales para definir los puntos o elementos de interés, esta tesis contempla la reducción e incluso la eliminación de las dianas tanto pasivas como activas como alternativas prácticas. La mayoría de los sistemas de medida utilizan las dianas tanto para definir los puntos de control, relacionar las distintas perspectivas, obtener precisión, así como para automatizar las medidas. Aunque en muchas situaciones el empleo de dianas no sea restrictivo existen aplicaciones industriales donde su empleo condiciona y restringe considerablemente los procedimientos de medida empleados en la inspección. Un claro ejemplo es la verificación y control de calidad de piezas seriadas, o la medición y seguimiento de elementos prismáticos relacionados con un sistema de referencia determinado. Es en este punto donde la fotogrametría sin dianas puede combinarse o complementarse con soluciones tradicionales para tratar de mejorar las prestaciones actuales

    Study and Characterization of a Camera-based Distributed System for Large-Volume Dimensional Metrology Applications

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    Large-Volume Dimensional Metrology (LVDM) deals with dimensional inspection of large objects with dimensions in the order of tens up to hundreds of meters. Typical large volume dimensional metrology applications concern the assembly/disassembly phase of large objects, referring to industrial engineering. Based on different technologies and measurement principles, a wealth of LVDM systems have been proposed and developed in the literature, just to name a few, e.g., optical based systems such as laser tracker, laser radar, and mechanical based systems such as gantry CMM and multi-joints artificial arm CMM, and so on. Basically, the main existing LVDM systems can be divided into two categories, i.e. centralized systems and distributed systems, according to the scheme of hardware configuration. By definition, a centralized system is a stand-alone unit which works independently to provide measurements of a spatial point, while a distributed system, is defined as a system that consists of a series of sensors which work cooperatively to provide measurements of a spatial point, and usually individual sensor cannot measure the coordinates separately. Some representative distributed systems in the literature are iGPS, MScMS-II, and etc. The current trend of LVDM systems seem to orient towards distributed systems, and actually, distributed systems demonstrate many advantages that distinguish themselves from conventional centralized systems

    Deep learning based objective quality assessment of multidimensional visual content

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    Tese (doutorado) — Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2022.Na última década, houve um tremendo aumento na popularidade dos aplicativos multimídia, aumentando assim o conteúdo multimídia. Quando esses conteúdossão gerados, transmitidos, reconstruídos e compartilhados, seus valores de pixel originais são transformados. Nesse cenário, torna-se mais crucial e exigente avaliar a qualidade visual do conteúdo visual afetado para que os requisitos dos usuários finais sejam atendidos. Neste trabalho, investigamos recursos espaciais, temporais e angulares eficazes desenvolvendo algoritmos sem referência que avaliam a qualidade visual de conteúdo visual multidimensional distorcido. Usamos algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina e aprendizado profundo para obter precisão de previsão.Para avaliação de qualidade de imagem bidimensional (2D), usamos padrões binários locais multiescala e informações de saliência e treinamos/testamos esses recursos usando o Random Forest Regressor. Para avaliação de qualidade de vídeo 2D, apresentamos um novo conceito de saliência espacial e temporal e pontuações de qualidade objetivas personalizadas. Usamos um modelo leve baseado em Rede Neural Convolucional (CNN) para treinamento e teste em patches selecionados de quadros de vídeo.Para avaliação objetiva da qualidade de imagens de campo de luz (LFI) em quatro dimensões (4D), propomos sete métodos de avaliação de qualidade LFI (LF-IQA) no total. Considerando que o LFI é composto por multi-views densas, Inspired by Human Visual System (HVS), propomos nosso primeiro método LF-IQA que é baseado em uma arquitetura CNN de dois fluxos. O segundo e terceiro métodos LF-IQA também são baseados em uma arquitetura de dois fluxos, que incorpora CNN, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) e diversos recursos de gargalo. O quarto LF-IQA é baseado nas camadas CNN e Atrous Convolution (ACL), enquanto o quinto método usa as camadas CNN, ACL e LSTM. O sexto método LF-IQA também é baseado em uma arquitetura de dois fluxos, na qual EPIs horizontais e verticais são processados no domínio da frequência. Por último, mas não menos importante, o sétimo método LF-IQA é baseado em uma Rede Neural Convolucional de Gráfico. Para todos os métodos mencionados acima, realizamos experimentos intensivos e os resultados mostram que esses métodos superaram os métodos de última geração em conjuntos de dados de qualidade populares.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).In the last decade, there has been a tremendous increase in the popularity of multimedia applications, hence increasing multimedia content. When these contents are generated, transmitted, reconstructed and shared, their original pixel values are transformed. In this scenario, it becomes more crucial and demanding to assess visual quality of the affected visual content so that the requirements of end-users are satisfied. In this work, we investigate effective spatial, temporal, and angular features by developing no-reference algorithms that assess the visual quality of distorted multi-dimensional visual content. We use machine learning and deep learning algorithms to obtain prediction accuracy. For two-dimensional (2D) image quality assessment, we use multiscale local binary patterns and saliency information, and train / test these features using Random Forest Regressor. For 2D video quality assessment, we introduce a novel concept of spatial and temporal saliency and custom objective quality scores. We use a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based light-weight model for training and testing on selected patches of video frames. For objective quality assessment of four-dimensional (4D) light field images (LFI), we propose seven LFI quality assessment (LF-IQA) methods in total. Considering that LFI is composed of dense multi-views, Inspired by Human Visual System (HVS), we propose our first LF-IQA method that is based on a two-streams CNN architecture. The second and third LF-IQA methods are also based on a two-stream architecture, which incorporates CNN, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and diverse bottleneck features. The fourth LF-IQA is based on CNN and Atrous Convolution layers (ACL), while the fifth method uses CNN, ACL, and LSTM layers. The sixth LF-IQA method is also based on a two-stream architecture, in which, horizontal and vertical EPIs are processed in the frequency domain. Last, but not least, the seventh LF-IQA method is based on a Graph Convolutional Neural Network. For all of the methods mentioned above, we performed intensive experiments, and the results show that these methods outperformed state-of-the-art methods on popular quality datasets

    Optimization of Optical Image Geometric Modeling, Application to Topography Extraction and Topographic Change Measurements Using PlanetScope and SkySat Imagery

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    The volume of data generated by earth observation satellites has increased tremendously over the last few decades and will increase further in the coming decade thanks in particular to the launch of nanosatellites constellations. These data should open new avenues for Earth surface monitoring due to highly improved spectral, spatial and temporal resolution. Many applications depend, however, on the accuracy of the image geometric model. The geometry of optical images, whether acquired from pushbroom or frame systems, is now commonly represented using a Rational Function Model (RFM). While the formalism has become standard, the procedures used to generate these models and their accuracies are diverse. As a result, the RFM models delivered with commercial data are commonly not accurate enough for 3-D extraction, subpixel registration or ground deformation measurements. In this study, we present a methodology for RFM optimization and demonstrate its potential for 3D reconstruction using tri-stereo and multi-date Cubesat images provided by SkySat and PlanetScope, respectively. We use SkySat data over the Morenci Mine, Arizona, which is the largest copper mine in the United States. The re-projection error after the RFM refinement is 0.42 pix without using ground control points (GCPs). Comparison of our Digital Elevation Model (DEM with ~3 m GSD) with a reference DEM obtained from an airborne LiDAR survey (with ~1 m GSD) over stable areas yields a standard deviation of the elevation differences of ~3.9 m. The comparison of the two DEMs allows detecting and measuring the topographic changes due to the mine activity (excavation and stockpiles). We assess the potential of PlanetScope data, using multi-date DOVE-C images from the Shisper glacier, located in the Karakoram (Pakistan), which is known for its recent surge. We extracted DEMs in 2017 and 2019 before and after the surge. The re-projection error after the RFM refinement is 0.38 pix without using GCPs. The accuracy of our DEMs (with ~9 m GSD) is evaluated through comparison with the SRTM DEM (GSD ~30 m) and with a DEM (GSD ~2 m) calculated from Geoeye-1 (GE-1) and World-View-2 (WV-2) stereo images. The standard deviation of the elevation differences in stable areas between the PlanetScope DEM and SRTM is ~12 m, and ~7 m with the GE-1&WV-2 DEM. The mass transfer due to the surge is clearly revealed from a comparison of the 2017 and 2019 DEMs. The study demonstrates that, with the proposed scheme for RFM optimization, times series of DEM extracted from SkySat and PlanetScope images can be used to measure topographic changes due to mining activities or ice flow, and could also be used to monitor geomorphic processes such as landslides, or coastal erosion for example