10 research outputs found

    Lifted Wasserstein Matcher for Fast and Robust Topology Tracking

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    This paper presents a robust and efficient method for tracking topological features in time-varying scalar data. Structures are tracked based on the optimal matching between persistence diagrams with respect to the Wasserstein metric. This fundamentally relies on solving the assignment problem, a special case of optimal transport, for all consecutive timesteps. Our approach relies on two main contributions. First, we revisit the seminal assignment algorithm by Kuhn and Munkres which we specifically adapt to the problem of matching persistence diagrams in an efficient way. Second, we propose an extension of the Wasserstein metric that significantly improves the geometrical stability of the matching of domain-embedded persistence pairs. We show that this geometrical lifting has the additional positive side-effect of improving the assignment matrix sparsity and therefore computing time. The global framework implements a coarse-grained parallelism by computing persistence diagrams and finding optimal matchings in parallel for every couple of consecutive timesteps. Critical trajectories are constructed by associating successively matched persistence pairs over time. Merging and splitting events are detected with a geometrical threshold in a post-processing stage. Extensive experiments on real-life datasets show that our matching approach is an order of magnitude faster than the seminal Munkres algorithm. Moreover, compared to a modern approximation method, our method provides competitive runtimes while yielding exact results. We demonstrate the utility of our global framework by extracting critical point trajectories from various simulated time-varying datasets and compare it to the existing methods based on associated overlaps of volumes. Robustness to noise and temporal resolution downsampling is empirically demonstrated

    Ranking Viscous Finger Simulations to an Acquired Ground Truth with Topology-aware Matchings

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    International audienceThis application paper presents a novel framework based on topological data analysis for the automatic evaluation and ranking of viscous finger simulation runs in an ensemble with respect to a reference acquisition. Individual fingers in a given time-step are associated with critical point pairs in the distance field to the injection point, forming persistence diagrams. Different metrics, based on optimal transport, for comparing time-varying persistence diagrams in this specific applicative case are introduced. We evaluate the relevance of the rankings obtained with these metrics, both qualitatively thanks to a lightweight web visual interface, and quantitatively by studying the deviation from a reference ranking suggested by experts. Extensive experiments show the quantitative superiority of our approach compared to traditional alternatives. Our web interface allows experts to conveniently explore the produced rankings. We show a complete viscous fingering case study demonstrating the utility of our approach in the context of porous media fluid flow, where our framework can be used to automatically discard physically-irrelevant simulation runs from the ensemble and rank the most plausible ones. We document an in-situ implementation to lighten I/O and performance constraints arising in the context of parametric studies

    Statistical Parameter Selection for Clustering Persistence Diagrams

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    International audienceIn urgent decision making applications, ensemble simulations are an important way to determine different outcome scenarios based on currently available data. In this paper, we will analyze the output of ensemble simulations by considering so-called persistence diagrams, which are reduced representations of the original data, motivated by the extraction of topological features. Based on a recently published progressive algorithm for the clustering of persistence diagrams, we determine the optimal number of clusters, and therefore the number of significantly different outcome scenarios, by the minimization of established statistical score functions. Furthermore, we present a proof-of-concept prototype implementation of the statistical selection of the number of clusters and provide the results of an experimental study, where this implementation has been applied to real-world ensemble data sets

    Progressive Wasserstein Barycenters of Persistence Diagrams

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    This paper presents an efficient algorithm for the progressive approximation of Wasserstein barycenters of persistence diagrams, with applications to the visual analysis of ensemble data. Given a set of scalar fields, our approach enables the computation of a persistence diagram which is representative of the set, and which visually conveys the number, data ranges and saliences of the main features of interest found in the set. Such representative diagrams are obtained by computing explicitly the discrete Wasserstein barycenter of the set of persistence diagrams, a notoriously computationally intensive task. In particular, we revisit efficient algorithms for Wasserstein distance approximation [12,51] to extend previous work on barycenter estimation [94]. We present a new fast algorithm, which progressively approximates the barycenter by iteratively increasing the computation accuracy as well as the number of persistent features in the output diagram. Such a progressivity drastically improves convergence in practice and allows to design an interruptible algorithm, capable of respecting computation time constraints. This enables the approximation of Wasserstein barycenters within interactive times. We present an application to ensemble clustering where we revisit the k-means algorithm to exploit our barycenters and compute, within execution time constraints, meaningful clusters of ensemble data along with their barycenter diagram. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-life data sets report that our algorithm converges to barycenters that are qualitatively meaningful with regard to the applications, and quantitatively comparable to previous techniques, while offering an order of magnitude speedup when run until convergence (without time constraint). Our algorithm can be trivially parallelized to provide additional speedups in practice on standard workstations. [...

    Task-based Augmented Reeb Graphs with Dynamic ST-Trees

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    International audienceThis paper presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first parallel algorithm for the computation of the augmented Reeb graph of piecewise linear scalar data. Such augmented Reeb graphs have a wide range of applications , including contour seeding and feature based segmentation. Our approach targets shared-memory multi-core workstations. For this, it completely revisits the optimal, but sequential, Reeb graph algorithm, which is capable of handing data in arbitrary dimension and with optimal time complexity. We take advantage of Fibonacci heaps to exploit the ST-Tree data structure through independent local propagations, while maintaining the optimal, linearithmic time complexity of the sequential reference algorithm. These independent propagations can be expressed using OpenMP tasks, hence benefiting in parallel from the dynamic load balancing of the task runtime while enabling us to increase the parallelism degree thanks to a dual sweep. We present performance results on triangulated surfaces and tetrahedral meshes. We provide comparisons to related work and show that our new algorithm results in superior time performance in practice, both in sequential and in parallel. An open-source C++ implementation is provided for reproducibility

    Visual Analysis of Variability and Features of Climate Simulation Ensembles

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    This PhD thesis is concerned with the visual analysis of time-dependent scalar field ensembles as occur in climate simulations. Modern climate projections consist of multiple simulation runs (ensemble members) that vary in parameter settings and/or initial values, which leads to variations in the resulting simulation data. The goal of ensemble simulations is to sample the space of possible futures under the given climate model and provide quantitative information about uncertainty in the results. The analysis of such data is challenging because apart from the spatiotemporal data, also variability has to be analyzed and communicated. This thesis presents novel techniques to analyze climate simulation ensembles visually. A central question is how the data can be aggregated under minimized information loss. To address this question, a key technique applied in several places in this work is clustering. The first part of the thesis addresses the challenge of finding clusters in the ensemble simulation data. Various distance metrics lend themselves for the comparison of scalar fields which are explored theoretically and practically. A visual analytics interface allows the user to interactively explore and compare multiple parameter settings for the clustering and investigate the resulting clusters, i.e. prototypical climate phenomena. A central contribution here is the development of design principles for analyzing variability in decadal climate simulations, which has lead to a visualization system centered around the new Clustering Timeline. This is a variant of a Sankey diagram that utilizes clustering results to communicate climatic states over time coupled with ensemble member agreement. It can reveal several interesting properties of the dataset, such as: into how many inherently similar groups the ensemble can be divided at any given time, whether the ensemble diverges in general, whether there are different phases in the time lapse, maybe periodicity, or outliers. The Clustering Timeline is also used to compare multiple climate simulation models and assess their performance. The Hierarchical Clustering Timeline is an advanced version of the above. It introduces the concept of a cluster hierarchy that may group the whole dataset down to the individual static scalar fields into clusters of various sizes and densities recording the nesting relationship between them. One more contribution of this work in terms of visualization research is, that ways are investigated how to practically utilize a hierarchical clustering of time-dependent scalar fields to analyze the data. To this end, a system of different views is proposed which are linked through various interaction possibilities. The main advantage of the system is that a dataset can now be inspected at an arbitrary level of detail without having to recompute a clustering with different parameters. Interesting branches of the simulation can be expanded to reveal smaller differences in critical clusters or folded to show only a coarse representation of the less interesting parts of the dataset. The last building block of the suit of visual analysis methods developed for this thesis aims at a robust, (largely) automatic detection and tracking of certain features in a scalar field ensemble. Techniques are presented that I found can identify and track super- and sub-levelsets. And I derive “centers of action” from these sets which mark the location of extremal climate phenomena that govern the weather (e.g. Icelandic Low and Azores High). The thesis also presents visual and quantitative techniques to evaluate the temporal change of the positions of these centers; such a displacement would be likely to manifest in changes in weather. In a preliminary analysis with my collaborators, we indeed observed changes in the loci of the centers of action in a simulation with increased greenhouse gas concentration as compared to pre-industrial concentration levels

    Gaze-Based Human-Robot Interaction by the Brunswick Model

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    We present a new paradigm for human-robot interaction based on social signal processing, and in particular on the Brunswick model. Originally, the Brunswick model copes with face-to-face dyadic interaction, assuming that the interactants are communicating through a continuous exchange of non verbal social signals, in addition to the spoken messages. Social signals have to be interpreted, thanks to a proper recognition phase that considers visual and audio information. The Brunswick model allows to quantitatively evaluate the quality of the interaction using statistical tools which measure how effective is the recognition phase. In this paper we cast this theory when one of the interactants is a robot; in this case, the recognition phase performed by the robot and the human have to be revised w.r.t. the original model. The model is applied to Berrick, a recent open-source low-cost robotic head platform, where the gazing is the social signal to be considered