83 research outputs found

    3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Tumor Segmentation using Long-range 2D Context

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    We present an efficient deep learning approach for the challenging task of tumor segmentation in multisequence MR images. In recent years, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have achieved state-of-the-art performances in a large variety of recognition tasks in medical imaging. Because of the considerable computational cost of CNNs, large volumes such as MRI are typically processed by subvolumes, for instance slices (axial, coronal, sagittal) or small 3D patches. In this paper we introduce a CNN-based model which efficiently combines the advantages of the short-range 3D context and the long-range 2D context. To overcome the limitations of specific choices of neural network architectures, we also propose to merge outputs of several cascaded 2D-3D models by a voxelwise voting strategy. Furthermore, we propose a network architecture in which the different MR sequences are processed by separate subnetworks in order to be more robust to the problem of missing MR sequences. Finally, a simple and efficient algorithm for training large CNN models is introduced. We evaluate our method on the public benchmark of the BRATS 2017 challenge on the task of multiclass segmentation of malignant brain tumors. Our method achieves good performances and produces accurate segmentations with median Dice scores of 0.918 (whole tumor), 0.883 (tumor core) and 0.854 (enhancing core). Our approach can be naturally applied to various tasks involving segmentation of lesions or organs.Comment: Submitted to the journal Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphic

    Ensembles of Multiple Models and Architectures for Robust Brain Tumour Segmentation

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    Deep learning approaches such as convolutional neural nets have consistently outperformed previous methods on challenging tasks such as dense, semantic segmentation. However, the various proposed networks perform differently, with behaviour largely influenced by architectural choices and training settings. This paper explores Ensembles of Multiple Models and Architectures (EMMA) for robust performance through aggregation of predictions from a wide range of methods. The approach reduces the influence of the meta-parameters of individual models and the risk of overfitting the configuration to a particular database. EMMA can be seen as an unbiased, generic deep learning model which is shown to yield excellent performance, winning the first position in the BRATS 2017 competition among 50+ participating teams.Comment: The method won the 1st-place in the Brain Tumour Segmentation (BRATS) 2017 competition (segmentation task

    Classification of Ischemic Stroke with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) approach on b-1000 Diffusion-Weighted (DW) MRI

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    When the blood flow to the arteries in brain is blocked, its known as Ischemic stroke or blockage stroke. Ischemic stroke can occur due to the formation of blood clots in other parts of the body. Plaque buildup in arteries, on the other hand, can cause blockages because if it ruptures, it can form blood clots. The b-1000 Diffusion Weighted (DW) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) image was used in a general examination to obtain an image of the part of the brain that had a stroke. In this study, classifications used several variations of layer convolution to obtain high accuracy and high computational consumption using b-1000 Diffusion Weighted (DW) MR in ischemic stroke types: acute, sub-acute and chronic. Ischemic stroke was classified using five variants of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectural design, i.e., CNN1–CNN5. The test results show that the CNN5 architectural design provides the best ischemic stroke classification compared to other architectural designs tested, with an accuracy of 99.861%, precision 99.862%, recall 99.861, and F1-score 99.861%

    Machine Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    Machine learning is playing a pivotal role in medical image analysis. Many algorithms based on machine learning have been applied in medical imaging to solve classification, detection, and segmentation problems. Particularly, with the wide application of deep learning approaches, the performance of medical image analysis has been significantly improved. In this thesis, we investigate machine learning methods for two key challenges in medical image analysis: The first one is segmentation of medical images. The second one is learning with weak supervision in the context of medical imaging. The first main contribution of the thesis is a series of novel approaches for image segmentation. First, we propose a framework based on multi-scale image patches and random forests to segment small vessel disease (SVD) lesions on computed tomography (CT) images. This framework is validated in terms of spatial similarity, estimated lesion volumes, visual score ratings and was compared with human experts. The results showed that the proposed framework performs as well as human experts. Second, we propose a generic convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture called the DRINet for medical image segmentation. The DRINet approach is robust in three different types of segmentation tasks, which are multi-class cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) segmentation on brain CT images, multi-organ segmentation on abdomen CT images, and multi-class tumour segmentation on brain magnetic resonance (MR) images. Finally, we propose a CNN-based framework to segment acute ischemic lesions on diffusion weighted (DW)-MR images, where the lesions are highly variable in terms of position, shape, and size. Promising results were achieved on a large clinical dataset. The second main contribution of the thesis is two novel strategies for learning with weak supervision. First, we propose a novel strategy called context restoration to make use of the images without annotations. The context restoration strategy is a proxy learning process based on the CNN, which extracts semantic features from images without using annotations. It was validated on classification, localization, and segmentation problems and was superior to existing strategies. Second, we propose a patch-based framework using multi-instance learning to distinguish normal and abnormal SVD on CT images, where there are only coarse-grained labels available. Our framework was observed to work better than classic methods and clinical practice.Open Acces

    Magnetic resonance image-based brain tumour segmentation methods : a systematic review

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    Background: Image segmentation is an essential step in the analysis and subsequent characterisation of brain tumours through magnetic resonance imaging. In the literature, segmentation methods are empowered by open-access magnetic resonance imaging datasets, such as the brain tumour segmentation dataset. Moreover, with the increased use of artificial intelligence methods in medical imaging, access to larger data repositories has become vital in method development. Purpose: To determine what automated brain tumour segmentation techniques can medical imaging specialists and clinicians use to identify tumour components, compared to manual segmentation. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of 572 brain tumour segmentation studies during 2015–2020. We reviewed segmentation techniques using T1-weighted, T2-weighted, gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, diffusion-weighted and perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging sequences. Moreover, we assessed physics or mathematics-based methods, deep learning methods, and software-based or semi-automatic methods, as applied to magnetic resonance imaging techniques. Particularly, we synthesised each method as per the utilised magnetic resonance imaging sequences, study population, technical approach (such as deep learning) and performance score measures (such as Dice score). Statistical tests: We compared median Dice score in segmenting the whole tumour, tumour core and enhanced tumour. Results: We found that T1-weighted, gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted, T2-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery magnetic resonance imaging are used the most in various segmentation algorithms. However, there is limited use of perfusion-weighted and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Moreover, we found that the U-Net deep learning technology is cited the most, and has high accuracy (Dice score 0.9) for magnetic resonance imaging-based brain tumour segmentation. Conclusion: U-Net is a promising deep learning technology for magnetic resonance imaging-based brain tumour segmentation. The community should be encouraged to contribute open-access datasets so training, testing and validation of deep learning algorithms can be improved, particularly for diffusion- and perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, where there are limited datasets available

    Reasoning with Uncertainty in Deep Learning for Safer Medical Image Computing

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    Deep learning is now ubiquitous in the research field of medical image computing. As such technologies progress towards clinical translation, the question of safety becomes critical. Once deployed, machine learning systems unavoidably face situations where the correct decision or prediction is ambiguous. However, the current methods disproportionately rely on deterministic algorithms, lacking a mechanism to represent and manipulate uncertainty. In safety-critical applications such as medical imaging, reasoning under uncertainty is crucial for developing a reliable decision making system. Probabilistic machine learning provides a natural framework to quantify the degree of uncertainty over different variables of interest, be it the prediction, the model parameters and structures, or the underlying data (images and labels). Probability distributions are used to represent all the uncertain unobserved quantities in a model and how they relate to the data, and probability theory is used as a language to compute and manipulate these distributions. In this thesis, we explore probabilistic modelling as a framework to integrate uncertainty information into deep learning models, and demonstrate its utility in various high-dimensional medical imaging applications. In the process, we make several fundamental enhancements to current methods. We categorise our contributions into three groups according to the types of uncertainties being modelled: (i) predictive; (ii) structural and (iii) human uncertainty. Firstly, we discuss the importance of quantifying predictive uncertainty and understanding its sources for developing a risk-averse and transparent medical image enhancement application. We demonstrate how a measure of predictive uncertainty can be used as a proxy for the predictive accuracy in the absence of ground-truths. Furthermore, assuming the structure of the model is flexible enough for the task, we introduce a way to decompose the predictive uncertainty into its orthogonal sources i.e. aleatoric and parameter uncertainty. We show the potential utility of such decoupling in providing a quantitative “explanations” into the model performance. Secondly, we introduce our recent attempts at learning model structures directly from data. One work proposes a method based on variational inference to learn a posterior distribution over connectivity structures within a neural network architecture for multi-task learning, and share some preliminary results in the MR-only radiotherapy planning application. Another work explores how the training algorithm of decision trees could be extended to grow the architecture of a neural network to adapt to the given availability of data and the complexity of the task. Lastly, we develop methods to model the “measurement noise” (e.g., biases and skill levels) of human annotators, and integrate this information into the learning process of the neural network classifier. In particular, we show that explicitly modelling the uncertainty involved in the annotation process not only leads to an improvement in robustness to label noise, but also yields useful insights into the patterns of errors that characterise individual experts

    Advancing efficiency and robustness of neural networks for imaging

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    Enabling machines to see and analyze the world is a longstanding research objective. Advances in computer vision have the potential of influencing many aspects of our lives as they can enable machines to tackle a variety of tasks. Great progress in computer vision has been made, catalyzed by recent progress in machine learning and especially the breakthroughs achieved by deep artificial neural networks. Goal of this work is to alleviate limitations of deep neural networks that hinder their large-scale adoption for real-world applications. To this end, it investigates methodologies for constructing and training deep neural networks with low computational requirements. Moreover, it explores strategies for achieving robust performance on unseen data. Of particular interest is the application of segmenting volumetric medical scans because of the technical challenges it imposes, as well as its clinical importance. The developed methodologies are generic and of relevance to a broader computer vision and machine learning audience. More specifically, this work introduces an efficient 3D convolutional neural network architecture, which achieves high performance for segmentation of volumetric medical images, an application previously hindered by high computational requirements of 3D networks. It then investigates sensitivity of network performance on hyper-parameter configuration, which we interpret as overfitting the model configuration to the data available during development. It is shown that ensembling a set of models with diverse configurations mitigates this and improves generalization. The thesis then explores how to utilize unlabelled data for learning representations that generalize better. It investigates domain adaptation and introduces an architecture for adversarial networks tailored for adaptation of segmentation networks. Finally, a novel semi-supervised learning method is proposed that introduces a graph in the latent space of a neural network to capture relations between labelled and unlabelled samples. It then regularizes the embedding to form a compact cluster per class, which improves generalization.Open Acces
