6 research outputs found

    Lie Dimension Subrings

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    We compare, for L a Lie ring over the integers, its lower central series (\gamma_n(L))_{n>0} and its dimension series defined by \delta_n(L):=L\cap \varpi^n(L) in the universal enveloping algebra of L. We show that \gamma_n(L)=\delta_n(L) for all n<4, but give an example showing that they may differ if n=4. We introduce simplicial methods to describe these results, and to serve as a possible tool for further study of the dimension series.Comment: Small typos fixed wrt v

    Lie Algebras and the Dimension Problem

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    The dimension subgroup problem and the Ore conjecture are two group theoretical problems. In this thesis, translations of these problems to Lie algebras are analyzed and partially solved.2021-11-1

    Group and Lie algebra filtrations and homotopy groups of spheres

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    We establish a bridge between homotopy groups of spheres and commutator calculus in groups, and solve in this manner the “dimension problem” by providing a converse to Sjogren’s theorem: every abelian group of bounded exponent can be embedded in the dimension quotient of a group. This is proven by embedding for arbitrary , the torsion of the homotopy group () into a dimension quotient, via a result of Wu. In particular, this invalidates some long-standing results in the literature, as for every prime , there is some -torsion in 2(2) by a result of Serre. We explain in this manner Rips’s famous counterexample to the dimension conjecture in terms of the homotopy group 4(2) = ℀∕2â„€. We finally obtain analogous results in the context of Lie rings: for every prime there exists a Lie ring with -torsion in some dimension quotient