12 research outputs found

    QUOTUS: The Structure of Political Media Coverage as Revealed by Quoting Patterns

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    Given the extremely large pool of events and stories available, media outlets need to focus on a subset of issues and aspects to convey to their audience. Outlets are often accused of exhibiting a systematic bias in this selection process, with different outlets portraying different versions of reality. However, in the absence of objective measures and empirical evidence, the direction and extent of systematicity remains widely disputed. In this paper we propose a framework based on quoting patterns for quantifying and characterizing the degree to which media outlets exhibit systematic bias. We apply this framework to a massive dataset of news articles spanning the six years of Obama's presidency and all of his speeches, and reveal that a systematic pattern does indeed emerge from the outlet's quoting behavior. Moreover, we show that this pattern can be successfully exploited in an unsupervised prediction setting, to determine which new quotes an outlet will select to broadcast. By encoding bias patterns in a low-rank space we provide an analysis of the structure of political media coverage. This reveals a latent media bias space that aligns surprisingly well with political ideology and outlet type. A linguistic analysis exposes striking differences across these latent dimensions, showing how the different types of media outlets portray different realities even when reporting on the same events. For example, outlets mapped to the mainstream conservative side of the latent space focus on quotes that portray a presidential persona disproportionately characterized by negativity.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of WWW 2015. 11pp, 10 fig. Interactive visualization, data, and other info available at http://snap.stanford.edu/quotus

    Two Computational Models for Analyzing Political Attention in Social Media

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    Understanding how political attention is divided and over what subjects is crucial for research on areas such as agenda setting, framing, and political rhetoric. However, existing methods for measuring attention, such as manual labeling ac- cording to established codebooks, are expensive and restric- tive. We describe two computational models that automati- cally distinguish topics in politicians’ social media content. Our models - one supervised classifier and one unsupervised topic model - provide different benefits. The supervised clas- sifier reduces the labor required to classify content accord- ing to pre-determined topic lists. However, tweets do more than communicate policy positions. Our unsupervised model uncovers both political topics and other Twitter uses (e.g., constituent service). Together, these models are effective, in- expensive computational tools for political communication and social media research. We demonstrate their utility and discuss the different analyses they afford by applying both models to the tweets posted by members of the 115th U.S. Congress.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1822228.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147460/6/Hemphill and Schopke - Two Compuational Models.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147460/1/Hemphill and Schopke - Two Computational Models.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147460/8/ICWSM 2020 Two Computational Models.pptx5056Description of Hemphill and Schopke - Two Compuational Models.pdf : Revised articleDescription of Hemphill and Schopke - Two Computational Models.pdf : Main articleDescription of ICWSM 2020 Two Computational Models.pptx : Presentation with scrip

    All Things Considered: Detecting Partisan Events from News Media with Cross-Article Comparison

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    Public opinion is shaped by the information news media provide, and that information in turn may be shaped by the ideological preferences of media outlets. But while much attention has been devoted to media bias via overt ideological language or topic selection, a more unobtrusive way in which the media shape opinion is via the strategic inclusion or omission of partisan events that may support one side or the other. We develop a latent variable-based framework to predict the ideology of news articles by comparing multiple articles on the same story and identifying partisan events whose inclusion or omission reveals ideology. Our experiments first validate the existence of partisan event selection, and then show that article alignment and cross-document comparison detect partisan events and article ideology better than competitive baselines. Our results reveal the high-level form of media bias, which is present even among mainstream media with strong norms of objectivity and nonpartisanship. Our codebase and dataset are available at https://github.com/launchnlp/ATC.Comment: EMNLP'23 Main Conferenc

    Getting the agenda right: measuring media agenda using topic models

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    Agenda setting is the theory of how issue salience is transferred from the media to media audience. An agenda-setting study requires one to define a set of issues and to measure their salience. We propose a semisupervised approach based on topic modeling for exploring a news corpus and measuring the media agenda by tagging news articles with issues. The approach relies on an off-the-shelf Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic model, manual labeling of topics, and topic model customization. In preliminary evaluation, the tagger achieves a micro F1-score of 0.85 and outperforms the supervised baselines, suggesting that it could be successfully used for agenda-setting studies

    Debating Debate: Measuring Discursive Overlap on the Congressional Floor

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    The study of how elites communicate to each other is an understudied topic largely because we lack a viable, large-scale, measure of discursive overlap. Discursive overlap is the extent to which parties and partisans talk to and past each other. In this paper, I introduce a repurposed measure - cosine similarity scores - and a method of measurement that concisely quantifies discursive overlap. I compare this measure to two others - overlap coefficients and Wordfish scores Slapin and Proksch (2008). To compare the scores, I first examine the distribution of the scores and then compare how well each does in a series of tests, including how well each reflects reality and how well each responds to different aspects of communication that increase or decrease discursive overlap. Throughout the paper, I use the 2008 Farm Bill as an ongoing case. I conclude that cosine similarity scores do indeed capture discursive overlap and show that it is the best measure among the three considered.Master of Art