169 research outputs found

    Unified Generative & Dense Retrieval for Query Rewriting in Sponsored Search

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    Sponsored search is a key revenue source for search engines, where advertisers bid on keywords to target users or search queries of interest. However, finding relevant keywords for a given query is challenging due to the large and dynamic keyword space, ambiguous user/advertiser intents, and diverse possible topics and languages. In this work, we present a comprehensive comparison between two paradigms for online query rewriting: Generative (NLG) and Dense Retrieval (DR) methods. We observe that both methods offer complementary benefits that are additive. As a result, we show that around 40% of the high-quality keywords retrieved by the two approaches are unique and not retrieved by the other. To leverage the strengths of both methods, we propose CLOVER-Unity, a novel approach that unifies generative and dense retrieval methods in one single model. Through offline experiments, we show that the NLG and DR components of CLOVER-Unity consistently outperform individually trained NLG and DR models on public and internal benchmarks. Furthermore, we show that CLOVER-Unity achieves 9.8% higher good keyword density than the ensemble of two separate DR and NLG models while reducing computational costs by almost half. We conduct extensive online A/B experiments on Microsoft Bing in 140+ countries and achieve improved user engagement, with an average increase in total clicks by 0.89% and increased revenue by 1.27%. We also share our practical lessons and optimization tricks for deploying such unified models in production.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures and 6 table

    Term-driven E-Commerce

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    Die Arbeit nimmt sich der textuellen Dimension des E-Commerce an. Grundlegende Hypothese ist die textuelle Gebundenheit von Information und Transaktion im Bereich des elektronischen Handels. Überall dort, wo Produkte und Dienstleistungen angeboten, nachgefragt, wahrgenommen und bewertet werden, kommen natürlichsprachige Ausdrücke zum Einsatz. Daraus resultiert ist zum einen, wie bedeutsam es ist, die Varianz textueller Beschreibungen im E-Commerce zu erfassen, zum anderen können die umfangreichen textuellen Ressourcen, die bei E-Commerce-Interaktionen anfallen, im Hinblick auf ein besseres Verständnis natürlicher Sprache herangezogen werden

    On the Benefits of Keyword Spreading in Sponsored Search Auctions: An Experimental Analysis

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    Sellers of goods or services wishing to participate in sponsored search auctions must define a pool of keywords that are matched on-line to the queries submitted by the users to a search engine. Sellers must also define the value of their bid to the search engine for showing their advertisements in case of a query-keyword match. In order to optimize its revenue a seller might decide to substitute a keyword with a high cost, thus likely to be the object of intense competition, with sets of related keywords that collectively have lower cost while capturing an equivalent volume of user clicks. This technique is called keyword spreading and has recently attracted the attention of several researchers in the area of sponsored search auctions. In this paper we describe an experimental benchmark that through large scale realistic simulations allows us to pin-point the potential benefits/drawbacks of keyword spreading for the players using this technique, for those not using it, and for the search engine itself. Experimental results reveal that keyword spreading is generally convenient (or non-damaging) to all parties involved

    Matching Contextual Ads and Web Page Contents through Computational Advertising: Getting the Best Match

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    The technological transformation and automation of digital content delivery has revolutionized the media industry. What is more, the Internet is rapidly turning into an advertising channel. Just in the United States, Internet advertising revenues hit $7.3 billion for the first quarter of 2011, representing a 23 percent increase over the same period in 2010 (iab.net, 2011). Beneficiaries of this investment and growth are search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Also, Malaysian advertising landscape is gradually shifting its traditional media forms to the emergent of Internet advertising but still at a budding stage. The latter shows much room for growth, as the industry fuels to content digitization on Web applications. In this project, the types of Internet advertising that is going to be discussed on are Contextual Ads and Sponsored Search Ads, but the major scope will be on Contextual Advertising. Given that, these types of advertising have the central challenge of finding the “best match” between a given context and a suitable advertisement, through principled way of computational methods. Hence, it is also referred as Computational advertising. Furthermore, there are four main players that exists in the Internet advertising ecosystem that are going to be discussed in this study, which are; Users, Advertisers, Ad Exchange and Publishers. Hence in order to find ways to counter the centre challenge, this research study will mainly address two objectives, which are to successfully make the best Contextual Ads selections that match to the Web Page contents through the concept of Computational advertising, and to ensure that there is a valuable connection between the Web pages and the Contextual Ads. Thus, the scope of the study will be mainly on discussing about the theory of Computational advertising itself, besides elaborating on Contextual Ads, matching Contextual Ads and Web pages and also, finding the most feasible way in creating the valuable connection between Contextual Ads and the Web pages. Moreover, at the end of every discussion in every subtopic, some insights on the Internet advertising in Malaysian context are discussed as per related issue. v Consequently, this study employed two main methods to address the research questions rose. Those methods include extensive research and analysis on previous literature works and journals, and also in depth surveys to collect related data and information in real-life situations. Every part of gathered data and findings will then be analyzed accordingly. All discussions, conclusion and future recommendations are presented as per sections. Hence in order to prove the working mechanism of matching Contextual Ads and Web pages by using Computational advertising approach, Web pages together with the ads matching system, will then be developed through FYP-II timeline, as the final product of the study

    Studying, developing, and experimenting contextual advertising systems

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    The World Wide Web has grown so fast in the last decade and it is today a vital daily part of people. The Internet is used for many purposes by an ever growing number of users, mostly for daily activities, tasks, and services. To face the needs of users, an efficient and effective access to information is required. To deal with this task, the adoption of Information Retrieval and Information Filtering techniques is continuously growing. Information Re-trieval (IR) is the field concerned with searching for documents, information within documents, and metadata about documents, as well as searching for structured storage, relational databases, and the World Wide Web. Infor- mation Filtering deals with the problem of selecting relevant information for a given user, according to her/his preferences and interest. Nowadays, Web advertising is one of the major sources of income for a large number of websites. Its main goal is to suggest products and services to the still ever growing population of Internet users. Web advertising is aimed at suggesting products and services to the users. A significant part of Web ad-vertising consists of textual ads, the ubiquitous short text messages usually marked as sponsored links. There are two primary channels for distributing ads: Sponsored Search (or Paid Search Advertising) and Contextual Ad-vertising (or Content Match). Sponsored Search advertising is the task of displaying ads on the page returned from a Web search engine following a query. Contextual Advertising (CA) displays ads within the content of a generic, third party, webpage. In this thesis I study, develop, and evaluated novel solutions in the field of Contextual Advertising. In particular, I studied and developed novel text summarization techniques, I adopted a novel semantic approach, I studied and adopted collaborative approaches, I started a conjunct study of Contex-tual Advertising and Geo-Localization, and I study the task of advertising in the field of Multi-Modal Aggregation. The thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 1, we briefly describe the main aspects of Information Retrieval. Following, the Chapter 2 shows the problem of Contextual Advertising and describes the main contributes of the literature. Chapter 3 sketches a typical adopted approach and the eval-uation metrics of a Contextual Advertising system. Chapter 4 is related to the syntactic aspects, and its focus is on text summarization. In Chapter 5 the semantic aspects are taken into account, and a novel approach based on ConceptNet is proposed. Chapter 6 proposes a novel view of CA by the adoption of a collaborative filtering approach. Chapter 7 shows a prelim-inary study of Geo Location, performed in collaboration with the Yahoo! Research center in Barcelona. The target is to study several techniques of suggesting localized advertising in the field of mobile applications and search engines. In Chapter 8 is shown a joint work with the RAI Centre for Research and Technological Innovation. The main goal is to study and propose a system of advertising for Multimodal Aggregation data. Chapter 9 ends this work with conclusions and future directions