3,065 research outputs found

    Scholarly Communications Report on Activities 2017-18

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    2017-18 annual report for Scholarly Communications work at Musselman Library, including Gettysburg College\u27s institutional repository, The Cupola: Scholarship at Gettysburg College. Covers June 2017-May 2018

    Creating a sustainable graduate student workshop series

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    Purpose - This paper reports on librarians’ experience creating and sustaining a workshop and webinar series for graduate students over the course of four years. Design/methodology/approach - Difficulties hosting and promoting stand-alone graduate workshops and a collaborative method for planning workshop days and webinars are described in this case study. Attendance data were collected and recorded for each event and additional quantitative data were collected via registration forms and post-event surveys. Findings - Working collaboratively as a department eased planning and promotional responsibilities, allowing for a sustainable workshops series. Focusing on a limited number of events per semester and developing a brand identity for the series streamlined promotion and increased attendance, relative to discipline-based, stand-alone workshops. Originality/value - While many libraries host workshops, the originality of our program lies in the collaborative planning and promotion process that efficiently uses librarian time and expertise to continuously offer well-attended graduate workshops and webinars. This case study could be used as an example for institutions considering starting a workshop series or those experiencing difficulties with stand-alone workshops

    Teaching Population Health: Innovations in the integration of the healthcare and public health systems

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    Population health is a critical concept in healthcare delivery today. Many healthcare administrators are struggling to adapt their organization from fee-for-service to value delivery. Payers and patients expect healthcare leaders to understand how to deliver care under this new model. Health administration programs play a critical role in training future leaders of healthcare organizations to be adaptable and effective in this dynamic environment. The purpose of this research was to: (a) engage current educators of health administration students in a dialogue about the best practices of integrating the healthcare and public health systems; (b) identify the content and pedagogy for population health in the undergraduate and graduate curricula; and (c) discuss exemplar population health curriculum models, available course materials, and curriculum integration options. Authors conducted focus groups of participants attending this educational session at the 2017 annual AUPHA meeting. Qualitative analysis of the focus group discussions was performed and themes identified by a consensus process. Study findings provide validated recommendations for population health in the health administration curriculum. The identification of key content areas and pedagogical approaches serves to inform health educators as they prepare future health administrators to practice in this new era of population health

    Leveraging LinkedIn: How Can Educators Help College Students Market Themselves?

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    To successfully transition from college to career, community college students must be prepared to sell their skills to potential employers. LinkedIn, the world’s leading professional networking website, provides college students and graduates with an affordable platform to promote their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Unfortunately, students often do not know how to communicate a unique value proposition in their LinkedIn profiles. In response, the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), based in Collin College, developed a 30-minute webinar to train community college educators about how to avoid common mistakes in LinkedIn. High interest in the webinar as well as responses to a survey about the session indicate community college educators want to learn how to leverage LinkedIn to help their students find jobs after graduation

    Virtual student engagement through the admissions process

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    Students pursing higher education are inundated with information meant to recruit them to the college or university. Institutions compete for a prospective student’s attention through multiple mediums and platforms (Hagedorn, 2006). It is to the institutions benefit to continue to update recruitment practices to maintain a competitive advantage. The university admissions office central role is to recruit students and implement recruitment strategies. The COVID-19 global pandemic forced admissions offices to pivot efforts into increasing or relying solely on virtual student engagement to meet safety requirements. The transition highlighted the need to fill gaps in virtual student engagement initiatives and knowledge. The focus of this research examines what virtual student engagement are universities leveraging and what virtual student engagement best practices are used to assist prospective students through the admissions process

    Building Community: Synergy and Empowerment through Staff Development and Marketing in a Small Rural Academic Library

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    This paper presents two collaborative programs at a small academic library that leverage the insights, engagement, and interests of our most important asset: our staff. Two new library committees, the Staff Training Advisory Group and the Marketing Team, extended planning, accountability, and partnerships to paraprofessional staff members. The onset and associated activities of these two committees yielded not only direct results in terms of staff training programs and marketing initiatives, but also resulted in creating a more collaborative culture and shared purpose in our library. This paper examines how the overlap of these two committees created a convergence that fostered excitement about the library, interest in improving library roles, and furthering library initiatives. By working together, and with our university community, we developed solid, popular programs in addition to cultivating a more intentional, thoughtful, and inclusive approach to our work and, ultimately, to supporting our university community.published under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license (more details at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Ye

    Exploring the Use of Trauma Informed Practices in Campus as Lab Programs: Learnings from a Workshop Series

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    With the intersectional challenges of the climate crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and mental health challenges in various forms, empowerment can hold a significant key to mitigating and preventing traumatic experiences at post-secondary institutions. Campus as Lab (CaL) is a growing trend in higher education whereby students, faculty, and staff use experiential learning and applied research projects to advance sustainability on their campuses. It is a unique, empowering learning methodology that can synergistically benefit academic and operational sustainability efforts at post-secondary institutions. In July 2021, a group of professionals who support or lead CaL initiatives gathered to participate in four Summer Series webinars to explore the use of trauma informed practices in CaL programs. This paper provides a high-level overview of the Summer Series webinar structure and explores how participants identified opportunities to use a trauma informed framework for future CaL initiatives. Because of the Summer Series webinars, we believe there is a need for greater familiarity of trauma informed practices on campuses and amongst sustainability staff. Future research could explore the broader application of trauma informed approaches in the various fields of sustainability within post-secondary institutions

    2023 Academic & Creative Excellence Reception Program

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    The program for the 2023 Academic and Creative Excellence (ACE) Reception - the 15th annual - organized by the Lynn Library, working in conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs. The reception is held on March 16, 2023 in the Keith C. and Elaine Johnson Wold Performing Arts Center. The Faculty Scholarship and Creative Activities Award are presented.https://spiral.lynn.edu/ace-programs/1014/thumbnail.jp

    How can rural health be improved through community participation?

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    Executive summary Rural Australians generally experience poorer health than their city counterparts. Rural Australia is a vast geographical region, with significant diversity, where there is good health and prosperity, as well as disadvantage. The purpose of this issue brief is to provide evidence on how the health of rural Australians can be improved through community participation initiatives, which are currently being funded and delivered by health services and networks. Rural Australians need innovative health services that are tailored to the local context and meet increasing healthcare demands, without increases to expenditure. There are community participation approaches supported by research that can improve existing practice. Avoiding duplication, including the current work of Medicare Locals and Local Hospital Networks, is important for ensuring good outcomes from community participation initiatives. The following recommendations are made to improve practice: New ways to contract and pay for health services are needed, which use ideas developed with communities, within current budgets State and federal government competitive grants and tenders should prioritise proposals that demonstrate effective community participation approaches Community-based services, such as community health centres, Medicare Locals and Local Health Networks, have an important role to play in facilitating community participation, including: Building partnerships between existing services and leveraging existing participation strategies, rather than developing new services or standalone initiatives—to leverage available funds and maximise outcomes Employment of a jointly-appointed, paid community leadership position across existing community-based health services, to avoid duplication and overcome barriers of over-consultation and volunteer fatigue Formal and robust evaluation of initiatives is necessary to guide future policy and research A national innovative online knowledge sharing portal is required to share best practice in rural community participation, save time and money on ineffective approaches, and to support the rural health workforce

    School Leader Update, March 2017

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    Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Educatio
