18 research outputs found

    The Effects of Approximate Multiplication on Convolutional Neural Networks

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    This paper analyzes the effects of approximate multiplication when performing inferences on deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The approximate multiplication can reduce the cost of the underlying circuits so that CNN inferences can be performed more efficiently in hardware accelerators. The study identifies the critical factors in the convolution, fully-connected, and batch normalization layers that allow more accurate CNN predictions despite the errors from approximate multiplication. The same factors also provide an arithmetic explanation of why bfloat16 multiplication performs well on CNNs. The experiments are performed with recognized network architectures to show that the approximate multipliers can produce predictions that are nearly as accurate as the FP32 references, without additional training. For example, the ResNet and Inception-v4 models with Mitch-ww6 multiplication produces Top-5 errors that are within 0.2% compared to the FP32 references. A brief cost comparison of Mitch-ww6 against bfloat16 is presented, where a MAC operation saves up to 80% of energy compared to the bfloat16 arithmetic. The most far-reaching contribution of this paper is the analytical justification that multiplications can be approximated while additions need to be exact in CNN MAC operations.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computin

    Optimizing Self-Organizing Maps for Bacterial Genome Identification on Parallel Ultra-Low-Power Platforms

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    Pathogenic bacteria significantly threaten human health, highlighting the need for precise and efficient methods for swiftly identifying bacterial species. This paper addresses the challenges associated with performing genomics computations for pathogen identification on embedded systems with limited computational power. We propose an optimized implementation of Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) targeting a parallel ultra-lowpower platform based on the RISC-V instruction set architecture. We propose two mapping methods for implementing the SOM algorithm on a parallel cluster, coupled with software techniques to improve the throughput. Orthogonally to parallelization, we investigate the impact of smaller-than-32-bit floating-point formats (smallFloats) on energy savings, precision, and performance. Our experimental results show that all smallFloat formats exhibit a 100% classification accuracy. The parallel variants achieve a speed-up of 1.98×, 3.79×, and 6.83× on 2, 4, and 8 cores, respectively. Comparing our design with a 16-bit fixed-point implementation on a coarse grain reconfigurable architecture (CGRA), the FP8 implementation achieves, on average, 1.42× energy efficiency, 1.51× speedup, and a 50% reduction in memory footprint compared to CGRA. Furthermore, FP8 vectorization increases the average speed-up by 2.5×

    Large-Scale Discrete Fourier Transform on TPUs

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    In this work, we present two parallel algorithms for the large-scale discrete Fourier transform (DFT) on Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) clusters. The two parallel algorithms are associated with two formulations of DFT: one is based on the Kronecker product, to be specific, dense matrix multiplications between the input data and the Vandermonde matrix, denoted as KDFT in this work; the other is based on the famous Cooley-Tukey algorithm and phase adjustment, denoted as FFT in this work. Both KDFT and FFT formulations take full advantage of TPU's strength in matrix multiplications. The KDFT formulation allows direct use of nonuniform inputs without additional step. In the two parallel algorithms, the same strategy of data decomposition is applied to the input data. Through the data decomposition, the dense matrix multiplications in KDFT and FFT are kept local within TPU cores, which can be performed completely in parallel. The communication among TPU cores is achieved through the one-shuffle scheme in both parallel algorithms, with which sending and receiving data takes place simultaneously between two neighboring cores and along the same direction on the interconnect network. The one-shuffle scheme is designed for the interconnect topology of TPU clusters, minimizing the time required by the communication among TPU cores. Both KDFT and FFT are implemented in TensorFlow. The three-dimensional complex DFT is performed on an example of dimension 8192×8192×81928192 \times 8192 \times 8192 with a full TPU Pod: the run time of KDFT is 12.66 seconds and that of FFT is 8.3 seconds. Scaling analysis is provided to demonstrate the high parallel efficiency of the two DFT implementations on TPUs

    Reduced Precision Floating-Point Optimization for Deep Neural Network On-Device Learning on MicroControllers

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    Enabling On-Device Learning (ODL) for Ultra-Low-Power Micro-Controller Units (MCUs) is a key step for post-deployment adaptation and fine-tuning of Deep Neural Network (DNN) models in future TinyML applications. This paper tackles this challenge by introducing a novel reduced precision optimization technique for ODL primitives on MCU-class devices, leveraging the State-of-Art advancements in RISC-V RV32 architectures with support for vectorized 16-bit floating-point (FP16) Single-Instruction Multiple-Data (SIMD) operations. Our approach for the Forward and Backward steps of the Back-Propagation training algorithm is composed of specialized shape transform operators and Matrix Multiplication (MM) kernels, accelerated with parallelization and loop unrolling. When evaluated on a single training step of a 2D Convolution layer, the SIMD-optimized FP16 primitives result up to 1.72×\times faster than the FP32 baseline on a RISC-V-based 8+1-core MCU. An average computing efficiency of 3.11 Multiply and Accumulate operations per clock cycle (MAC/clk) and 0.81 MAC/clk is measured for the end-to-end training tasks of a ResNet8 and a DS-CNN for Image Classification and Keyword Spotting, respectively -- requiring 17.1 ms and 6.4 ms on the target platform to compute a training step on a single sample. Overall, our approach results more than two orders of magnitude faster than existing ODL software frameworks for single-core MCUs and outperforms by 1.6 ×\times previous FP32 parallel implementations on a Continual Learning setup.Comment: Pre-print version submitted to Elsevier's Future Generation Computer Systems journal. For the associated open-source release, see https://github.com/pulp-platform/pulp-trainli

    Reduced precision floating-point optimization for Deep Neural Network On-Device Learning on microcontrollers

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    Enabling On-Device Learning (ODL) for Ultra-Low-Power Micro-Controller Units (MCUs) is a key step for post-deployment adaptation and fine-tuning of Deep Neural Network (DNN) models in future TinyML applications. This paper tackles this challenge by introducing a novel reduced precision optimization technique for ODL primitives on MCU-class devices, leveraging the State-of-Art advancements in RISC-V RV32 architectures with support for vectorized 16-bit floating-point (FP16) Single-Instruction Multiple-Data (SIMD) operations. Our approach for the Forward and Backward steps of the Back Propagation training algorithm is composed of specialized shape transform operators and Matrix Multiplication (MM) kernels, accelerated with parallelization and loop unrolling. When evaluated on a single training step of a 2D Convolution layer, the SIMD-optimized FP16 primitives result up to 1.72x faster than the FP32 baseline on a RISC-V-based 8+1-core MCU. An average computing efficiency of 3.11 Multiply and Accumulate operations per clock cycle (MAC/clk) and 0.81 MAC/clk is measured for the end-to-end training tasks of a ResNet8 and a DS-CNN for Image Classification and Keyword Spotting, respectively - requiring 17.1 ms and 6.4 ms on the target platform to compute a training step on a single sample. Overall, our approach results more than two orders of magnitude faster than existing ODL software frameworks for single-core MCUs and outperforms by 1.6x previous FP32 parallel implementations on a Continual Learning setup.& COPY; 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Accelerating DNN Training With Photonics: A Residue Number System-Based Design

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    Photonic computing is a compelling avenue for performing highly efficient matrix multiplication, a crucial operation in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). While this method has shown great success in DNN inference, meeting the high precision demands of DNN training proves challenging due to the precision limitations imposed by costly data converters and the analog noise inherent in photonic hardware. This paper proposes Mirage, a photonic DNN training accelerator that overcomes the precision challenges in photonic hardware using the Residue Number System (RNS). RNS is a numeral system based on modular arithmetic\unicode{x2014}allowing us to perform high-precision operations via multiple low-precision modular operations. In this work, we present a novel micro-architecture and dataflow for an RNS-based photonic tensor core performing modular arithmetic in the analog domain. By combining RNS and photonics, Mirage provides high energy efficiency without compromising precision and can successfully train state-of-the-art DNNs achieving accuracy comparable to FP32 training. Our study shows that on average across several DNNs when compared to systolic arrays, Mirage achieves more than 23.8×23.8\times faster training and 32.1×32.1\times lower EDP in an iso-energy scenario and consumes 42.8×42.8\times lower power with comparable or better EDP in an iso-area scenario

    A single-source C++20 HLS flow for function evaluation on FPGA and beyond

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    International audienceThis paper presents a framework to reuse the intelligence of RTL generators in a single-source HLS setting. This framework is illustrated by a C++ fixed-point library to generate mathematical function evaluator. A compiler flow from C++20 to Vivado IPs has been developed to make the library usable with Vitis HLS. This flow is demonstrated on two applications: an adder for the logarithmic number system, and additive sound synthesis. These experiments show that the approach allows to easily tune the precision of the types used in the application. They also demonstrate the ability to generate arbitrary function evaluator at the required precision

    DGEMM on Integer Matrix Multiplication Unit

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    Deep learning hardware achieves high throughput and low power consumption by reducing computing precision and specializing in matrix multiplication. For machine learning inference, fixed-point value computation is commonplace, where the input and output values and the model parameters are quantized. Thus, many processors are now equipped with fast integer matrix multiplication units (IMMU). It is of significant interest to find a way to harness these IMMUs to improve the performance of HPC applications while maintaining accuracy. We focus on the Ozaki scheme, which computes a high-precision matrix multiplication by using lower-precision computing units, and show the advantages and disadvantages of using IMMU. The experiment using integer Tensor Cores shows that we can compute double-precision matrix multiplication faster than cuBLAS and an existing Ozaki scheme implementation on FP16 Tensor Cores on NVIDIA consumer GPUs. Furthermore, we demonstrate accelerating a quantum circuit simulation by up to 4.33 while maintaining the FP64 accuracy