1,995 research outputs found

    A critical review of cyber-physical security for building automation systems

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    Modern Building Automation Systems (BASs), as the brain that enables the smartness of a smart building, often require increased connectivity both among system components as well as with outside entities, such as optimized automation via outsourced cloud analytics and increased building-grid integrations. However, increased connectivity and accessibility come with increased cyber security threats. BASs were historically developed as closed environments with limited cyber-security considerations. As a result, BASs in many buildings are vulnerable to cyber-attacks that may cause adverse consequences, such as occupant discomfort, excessive energy usage, and unexpected equipment downtime. Therefore, there is a strong need to advance the state-of-the-art in cyber-physical security for BASs and provide practical solutions for attack mitigation in buildings. However, an inclusive and systematic review of BAS vulnerabilities, potential cyber-attacks with impact assessment, detection & defense approaches, and cyber-secure resilient control strategies is currently lacking in the literature. This review paper fills the gap by providing a comprehensive up-to-date review of cyber-physical security for BASs at three levels in commercial buildings: management level, automation level, and field level. The general BASs vulnerabilities and protocol-specific vulnerabilities for the four dominant BAS protocols are reviewed, followed by a discussion on four attack targets and seven potential attack scenarios. The impact of cyber-attacks on BASs is summarized as signal corruption, signal delaying, and signal blocking. The typical cyber-attack detection and defense approaches are identified at the three levels. Cyber-secure resilient control strategies for BASs under attack are categorized into passive and active resilient control schemes. Open challenges and future opportunities are finally discussed.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, submitted to Annual Reviews in Contro

    Edge AI for Internet of Energy: Challenges and Perspectives

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    The digital landscape of the Internet of Energy (IoE) is on the brink of a revolutionary transformation with the integration of edge Artificial Intelligence (AI). This comprehensive review elucidates the promise and potential that edge AI holds for reshaping the IoE ecosystem. Commencing with a meticulously curated research methodology, the article delves into the myriad of edge AI techniques specifically tailored for IoE. The myriad benefits, spanning from reduced latency and real-time analytics to the pivotal aspects of information security, scalability, and cost-efficiency, underscore the indispensability of edge AI in modern IoE frameworks. As the narrative progresses, readers are acquainted with pragmatic applications and techniques, highlighting on-device computation, secure private inference methods, and the avant-garde paradigms of AI training on the edge. A critical analysis follows, offering a deep dive into the present challenges including security concerns, computational hurdles, and standardization issues. However, as the horizon of technology ever expands, the review culminates in a forward-looking perspective, envisaging the future symbiosis of 5G networks, federated edge AI, deep reinforcement learning, and more, painting a vibrant panorama of what the future beholds. For anyone vested in the domains of IoE and AI, this review offers both a foundation and a visionary lens, bridging the present realities with future possibilities

    Simulation of Man in the Middle Attack On Smart Grid Testbed

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    Over the past decade, the frequency of cyber attacks against power grids has steadily increased, requiring researchers to find and patch vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. Our research introduces the prototype of a man-in-the-middle attack to be implemented on a microgrid emulator of a smart grid. We present a method of violating the integrity and authentication of packets that are using the IEEE Synchrophasor Protocol in a controlled environment, but this same approach could be used on any other protocol that lacks the proper overhead to ensure the integrity and authenticity of packets. In future research, we plan to implement and test the attack on the previously mentioned smart grid testbed in order to assess the attacks feasibility and tangible effects on Wide Area Monitoring and Control applications, as well as propose possible countermeasures. For this paper, we developed a working simulation of our intended attack using the software ModelSim 10.4. The attack will modify network packet data coming from a Schweitzer Engineering Labs (SEL) Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) hardware sensor, which provides a stream of precise timing values associated with current and voltage values, as these measured values are en route to the Open Phasor Data Concentrator (OpenPDC) application running on a Windows server. Our simulation provides and validates all of the necessary code in order to program a Field Programmable Gate Array and execute our attack on the testbed in future research

    Multilayer Cyberattacks Identification and Classification Using Machine Learning in Internet of Blockchain (IoBC)-Based Energy Networks

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    The world's need for energy is rising due to factors like population growth, economic expansion, and technological breakthroughs. However, there are major consequences when gas and coal are burnt to meet this surge in energy needs. Although these fossil fuels are still essential for meeting energy demands, their combustion releases a large amount of carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere. This significantly jeopardizes community health in addition to exacerbating climate change, thus it is essential need to move swiftly to incorporate renewable energy sources by employing advanced information and communication technologies. However, this change brings up several security issues emphasizing the need for innovative cyber threats detection and prevention solutions. Consequently, this study presents bigdata sets obtained from the solar and wind powered distributed energy systems through the blockchain-based energy networks in the smart grid (SG). A hybrid machine learning (HML) model that combines both the Deep Learning (DL) and Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) models characteristics is developed and applied to identify the unique patterns of Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) cyberattacks in the power generation, transmission, and distribution processes. The presented big datasets are essential and significantly helps in identifying and classifying cyberattacks, leading to predicting the accurate energy systems behavior in the SG.© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Comparative Review of Object Detection Algorithms in Small Single-Board Computers

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    Object detection is a crucial task in computer vision with a wide range of applications. However, deploying object detection algorithms on small single-board computers (SBCs) poses unique challenges. In this review article, we present an in-depth comparative analysis of object detection algorithms tailored for small SBCs. We have conducted an extensive literature review on existing research in object detection algorithms and evaluated the performance of different approaches on benchmark datasets. Our review encompasses cutting-edge deep learning methods, which are YOLO, SSD, and Faster R-CNN. We delve into the challenges and limitations of implementing these algorithms on small SBCs and offer recommendations for optimizing their performance in such environments. Our analysis aims to shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of various object detection algorithms for small SBCs, ultimately guiding practitioners in making informed decisions and identifying potential avenues for future research in this domain

    False Data Injection Impact on High RES Power Systems with Centralized Voltage Regulation Architecture

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    The increasing penetration of distributed generation (DG) across power distribution networks (DNs) is forcing distribution system operators (DSOs) to improve the voltage regulation capabilities of the system. The increase in power flows due to the installation of renewable plants in unexpected zones of the distribution grid can affect the voltage profile, even causing interruptions at the secondary substations (SSs) with the voltage limit violation. At the same time, widespread cyberattacks across critical infrastructure raise new challenges in security and reliability for DSOs. This paper analyzes the impact of false data injection related to residential and non-residential customers on a centralized voltage regulation system, in which the DG is required to adapt the reactive power exchange with the grid according to the voltage profile. The centralized system estimates the distribution grid state according to the field data and provides the DG plants with a reactive power request to avoid voltage violations. A preliminary false data analysis in the context of the energy sector is carried out to build up a false data generator algorithm. Afterward, a configurable false data generator is developed and exploited. The false data injection is tested in the IEEE 118-bus system with an increasing DG penetration. The false data injection impact analysis highlights the need to increase the security framework of DSOs to avoid facing a relevant number of electricity interruptions