3,122 research outputs found

    Leveraging Mid-Level Deep Representations For Predicting Face Attributes in the Wild

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    Predicting facial attributes from faces in the wild is very challenging due to pose and lighting variations in the real world. The key to this problem is to build proper feature representations to cope with these unfavourable conditions. Given the success of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in image classification, the high-level CNN feature, as an intuitive and reasonable choice, has been widely utilized for this problem. In this paper, however, we consider the mid-level CNN features as an alternative to the high-level ones for attribute prediction. This is based on the observation that face attributes are different: some of them are locally oriented while others are globally defined. Our investigations reveal that the mid-level deep representations outperform the prediction accuracy achieved by the (fine-tuned) high-level abstractions. We empirically demonstrate that the midlevel representations achieve state-of-the-art prediction performance on CelebA and LFWA datasets. Our investigations also show that by utilizing the mid-level representations one can employ a single deep network to achieve both face recognition and attribute prediction.Comment: In proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP

    Face Attribute Prediction Using Off-the-Shelf CNN Features

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    Predicting attributes from face images in the wild is a challenging computer vision problem. To automatically describe face attributes from face containing images, traditionally one needs to cascade three technical blocks --- face localization, facial descriptor construction, and attribute classification --- in a pipeline. As a typical classification problem, face attribute prediction has been addressed using deep learning. Current state-of-the-art performance was achieved by using two cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which were specifically trained to learn face localization and attribute description. In this paper, we experiment with an alternative way of employing the power of deep representations from CNNs. Combining with conventional face localization techniques, we use off-the-shelf architectures trained for face recognition to build facial descriptors. Recognizing that the describable face attributes are diverse, our face descriptors are constructed from different levels of the CNNs for different attributes to best facilitate face attribute prediction. Experiments on two large datasets, LFWA and CelebA, show that our approach is entirely comparable to the state-of-the-art. Our findings not only demonstrate an efficient face attribute prediction approach, but also raise an important question: how to leverage the power of off-the-shelf CNN representations for novel tasks.Comment: In proceeding of 2016 International Conference on Biometrics (ICB

    Pose Induction for Novel Object Categories

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    We address the task of predicting pose for objects of unannotated object categories from a small seed set of annotated object classes. We present a generalized classifier that can reliably induce pose given a single instance of a novel category. In case of availability of a large collection of novel instances, our approach then jointly reasons over all instances to improve the initial estimates. We empirically validate the various components of our algorithm and quantitatively show that our method produces reliable pose estimates. We also show qualitative results on a diverse set of classes and further demonstrate the applicability of our system for learning shape models of novel object classes

    PANDA: Pose Aligned Networks for Deep Attribute Modeling

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    We propose a method for inferring human attributes (such as gender, hair style, clothes style, expression, action) from images of people under large variation of viewpoint, pose, appearance, articulation and occlusion. Convolutional Neural Nets (CNN) have been shown to perform very well on large scale object recognition problems. In the context of attribute classification, however, the signal is often subtle and it may cover only a small part of the image, while the image is dominated by the effects of pose and viewpoint. Discounting for pose variation would require training on very large labeled datasets which are not presently available. Part-based models, such as poselets and DPM have been shown to perform well for this problem but they are limited by shallow low-level features. We propose a new method which combines part-based models and deep learning by training pose-normalized CNNs. We show substantial improvement vs. state-of-the-art methods on challenging attribute classification tasks in unconstrained settings. Experiments confirm that our method outperforms both the best part-based methods on this problem and conventional CNNs trained on the full bounding box of the person.Comment: 8 page
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