894 research outputs found

    Leveraging Semantic Annotations to Link Wikipedia and News Archives

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    The incomprehensible amount of information available online has made it difficult to retrospect on past events. We propose a novel linking problem to connect excerpts from Wikipedia summarizing events to online news articles elaborating on them. To address the linking problem, we cast it into an information retrieval task by treating a given excerpt as a user query with the goal to retrieve a ranked list of relevant news articles. We find that Wikipedia excerpts often come with additional semantics, in their textual descriptions, representing the time, geolocations, and named entities involved in the event. Our retrieval model leverages text and semantic annotations as different dimensions of an event by estimating independent query models to rank documents. In our experiments on two datasets, we compare methods that consider different combinations of dimensions and find that the approach that leverages all dimensions suits our problem best

    Ranking Archived Documents for Structured Queries on Semantic Layers

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    Archived collections of documents (like newspaper and web archives) serve as important information sources in a variety of disciplines, including Digital Humanities, Historical Science, and Journalism. However, the absence of efficient and meaningful exploration methods still remains a major hurdle in the way of turning them into usable sources of information. A semantic layer is an RDF graph that describes metadata and semantic information about a collection of archived documents, which in turn can be queried through a semantic query language (SPARQL). This allows running advanced queries by combining metadata of the documents (like publication date) and content-based semantic information (like entities mentioned in the documents). However, the results returned by such structured queries can be numerous and moreover they all equally match the query. In this paper, we deal with this problem and formalize the task of "ranking archived documents for structured queries on semantic layers". Then, we propose two ranking models for the problem at hand which jointly consider: i) the relativeness of documents to entities, ii) the timeliness of documents, and iii) the temporal relations among the entities. The experimental results on a new evaluation dataset show the effectiveness of the proposed models and allow us to understand their limitation

    Introduction to the special issue on cross-language algorithms and applications

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    With the increasingly global nature of our everyday interactions, the need for multilingual technologies to support efficient and efective information access and communication cannot be overemphasized. Computational modeling of language has been the focus of Natural Language Processing, a subdiscipline of Artificial Intelligence. One of the current challenges for this discipline is to design methodologies and algorithms that are cross-language in order to create multilingual technologies rapidly. The goal of this JAIR special issue on Cross-Language Algorithms and Applications (CLAA) is to present leading research in this area, with emphasis on developing unifying themes that could lead to the development of the science of multi- and cross-lingualism. In this introduction, we provide the reader with the motivation for this special issue and summarize the contributions of the papers that have been included. The selected papers cover a broad range of cross-lingual technologies including machine translation, domain and language adaptation for sentiment analysis, cross-language lexical resources, dependency parsing, information retrieval and knowledge representation. We anticipate that this special issue will serve as an invaluable resource for researchers interested in topics of cross-lingual natural language processing.Postprint (published version

    Methods for improving entity linking and exploiting social media messages across crises

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    Entity Linking (EL) is the task of automatically identifying entity mentions in texts and resolving them to a corresponding entity in a reference knowledge base (KB). There is a large number of tools available for different types of documents and domains, however the literature in entity linking has shown the quality of a tool varies across different corpus and depends on specific characteristics of the corpus it is applied to. Moreover the lack of precision on particularly ambiguous mentions often spoils the usefulness of automated disambiguation results in real world applications. In the first part of this thesis I explore an approximation of the difficulty to link entity mentions and frame it as a supervised classification task. Classifying difficult to disambiguate entity mentions can facilitate identifying critical cases as part of a semi-automated system, while detecting latent corpus characteristics that affect the entity linking performance. Moreover, despiteless the large number of entity linking tools that have been proposed throughout the past years, some tools work better on short mentions while others perform better when there is more contextual information. To this end, I proposed a solution by exploiting results from distinct entity linking tools on the same corpus by leveraging their individual strengths on a per-mention basis. The proposed solution demonstrated to be effective and outperformed the individual entity systems employed in a series of experiments. An important component in the majority of the entity linking tools is the probability that a mentions links to one entity in a reference knowledge base, and the computation of this probability is usually done over a static snapshot of a reference KB. However, an entity’s popularity is temporally sensitive and may change due to short term events. Moreover, these changes might be then reflected in a KB and EL tools can produce different results for a given mention at different times. I investigated the prior probability change over time and the overall disambiguation performance using different KB from different time periods. The second part of this thesis is mainly concerned with short texts. Social media has become an integral part of the modern society. Twitter, for instance, is one of the most popular social media platforms around the world that enables people to share their opinions and post short messages about any subject on a daily basis. At first I presented one approach to identifying informative messages during catastrophic events using deep learning techniques. By automatically detecting informative messages posted by users during major events, it can enable professionals involved in crisis management to better estimate damages with only relevant information posted on social media channels, as well as to act immediately. Moreover I have also performed an analysis study on Twitter messages posted during the Covid-19 pandemic. Initially I collected 4 million tweets posted in Portuguese since the begining of the pandemic and provided an analysis of the debate aroud the pandemic. I used topic modeling, sentiment analysis and hashtags recomendation techniques to provide isights around the online discussion of the Covid-19 pandemic

    Semantic Web meets Web 2.0 (and vice versa): The Value of the Mundane for the Semantic Web

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    Web 2.0, not the Semantic Web, has become the face of “the next generation Web” among the tech-literate set, and even among many in the various research communities involved in the Web. Perceptions in these communities of what the Semantic Web is (and who is involved in it) are often misinformed if not misguided. In this paper we identify opportunities for Semantic Web activities to connect with the Web 2.0 community; we explore why this connection is of significant benefit to both groups, and identify how these connections open valuable research opportunities “in the real” for the Semantic Web effort

    Temporal models for mining, ranking and recommendation in the Web

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    Due to their first-hand, diverse and evolution-aware reflection of nearly all areas of life, heterogeneous temporal datasets i.e., the Web, collaborative knowledge bases and social networks have been emerged as gold-mines for content analytics of many sorts. In those collections, time plays an essential role in many crucial information retrieval and data mining tasks, such as from user intent understanding, document ranking to advanced recommendations. There are two semantically closed and important constituents when modeling along the time dimension, i.e., entity and event. Time is crucially served as the context for changes driven by happenings and phenomena (events) that related to people, organizations or places (so-called entities) in our social lives. Thus, determining what users expect, or in other words, resolving the uncertainty confounded by temporal changes is a compelling task to support consistent user satisfaction. In this thesis, we address the aforementioned issues and propose temporal models that capture the temporal dynamics of such entities and events to serve for the end tasks. Specifically, we make the following contributions in this thesis: (1) Query recommendation and document ranking in the Web - we address the issues for suggesting entity-centric queries and ranking effectiveness surrounding the happening time period of an associated event. In particular, we propose a multi-criteria optimization framework that facilitates the combination of multiple temporal models to smooth out the abrupt changes when transitioning between event phases for the former and a probabilistic approach for search result diversification of temporally ambiguous queries for the latter. (2) Entity relatedness in Wikipedia - we study the long-term dynamics of Wikipedia as a global memory place for high-impact events, specifically the reviving memories of past events. Additionally, we propose a neural network-based approach to measure the temporal relatedness of entities and events. The model engages different latent representations of an entity (i.e., from time, link-based graph and content) and use the collective attention from user navigation as the supervision. (3) Graph-based ranking and temporal anchor-text mining inWeb Archives - we tackle the problem of discovering important documents along the time-span ofWeb Archives, leveraging the link graph. Specifically, we combine the problems of relevance, temporal authority, diversity and time in a unified framework. The model accounts for the incomplete link structure and natural time lagging in Web Archives in mining the temporal authority. (4) Methods for enhancing predictive models at early-stage in social media and clinical domain - we investigate several methods to control model instability and enrich contexts of predictive models at the “cold-start” period. We demonstrate their effectiveness for the rumor detection and blood glucose prediction cases respectively. Overall, the findings presented in this thesis demonstrate the importance of tracking these temporal dynamics surround salient events and entities for IR applications. We show that determining such changes in time-based patterns and trends in prevalent temporal collections can better satisfy user expectations, and boost ranking and recommendation effectiveness over time

    On the Design and Exploitation of User's Personal and Public Information for Semantic Personal Digital Photograph Annotation

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    Automating the process of semantic annotation of digital personal photographs is a crucial step towards efficient and effective management of this increasingly high volume of content. However, this is still a highly challenging task for the research community. This paper proposes a novel solution. Our solution integrates all contextual information available to and from the users, such as their daily emails, schedules, chat archives, web browsing histories, documents, online news, Wikipedia data, and so forth. We then analyze this information and extract important semantic terms, using them as semantic keyword suggestions for their photos. Those keywords are in the form of named entities, such as names of people, organizations, locations, and date/time as well as high frequency terms. Experiments conducted with 10 subjects and a total of 313 photos proved that our proposed approach can significantly help users with the annotation process. We achieved a 33% gain in annotation time as compared to manual annotation. We also obtained very positive results in the accuracy rate of our suggested keywords
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