450 research outputs found

    Käyttäjäkeskeisen metatiedon suunnittelu digitaaliseen näppäilykuvaukseen

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    With digital cameras, camera phones, and camcorders connected to personal computers and the Internet, people are capturing, sharing, and storing more and more media created by themselves. This has created the organizing challenge called media management problem: how to browse and find media from the growing personal media collections. Metadata is seen as one of the most promising technologies to address this problem. Previous work on metadata design has focused on public or commercially produced media – not on media created by consumers for themselves or their social networks. Taking snapshot photography as a starting point, this dissertation looks into the media management problem from a user-centric design perspective. In this work, three consecutive systems were designed: MMM-1, MobShare, and PhotosToFriends. Each of these systems was evaluated in extensive user trials. The objective of the user trials was to provide a better understanding of the uses people have for mobile photos and metadata. The results gained from constructing the systems and the associated user trials are divided into three. First, they contribute to understanding social uses for mobile photographs: what was photographed, with whom were the photos shared, and what kind of social activity emerged. Second, the results can be applied into designing systems for photo sharing: the use of galleries, control over sharing, support for discussions, and social awareness and notifications. Third, what are the implications for metadata that the social uses and system design have. The main implications are the inherent problem of personal photo information being contextual, dynamic, and highly semantic, and the strong coupling of metadata and its application. To address these problems we propose the concept of social metadata, which takes advantage of the social activity in photo sharing systems. The user-centric design approach also brings forth that content metadata generation should be approached from several angles – social metadata, user tagging and contextual information – in addition to the more traditional content-based analysis.Digitaalikameroiden, kamerapuhelimien ja digitaalisten videokameroiden ollessa nykyään yhdistettynä kotitietokoneiseen ja sitä kautta Internetiin ihmiset luovat, jakavat ja tallentavat entistä enemmän itse tekemäänsä mediaa. Tämän seurauksena on syntynyt organisointihaaste, jota kutsutaan henkilökohtaisen median hallintaongelmaksi: kuinka selata mediaa tai löytää sieltä haluamansa media? Metatietoa pidetään yhtenä lupaavimmista teknologisista ratkaisuista tähän ongelmaan. Aikaisempi tutkimus metatiedon suunnittelussa on keskittynyt julkiseen tai kaupalliseen mediaan – ei mediaan, jonka kuluttajat luovat itselleen tai sosiaaliselle verkostolleen. Tämä väitöskirja tutkii median hallintaongelmaa käyttäjäkeskeisestä näkökulmasta, jossa lähtökohtana on näppäilyvalokuvaus. Tässä työssä rakennettiin kolme peräkkäistä järjestelmää: MMM-1, MobShare ja PhotosToFriends. Kukin näistä järjestelmistä evaluoitiin kattavilla käyttäjäkokeilla, joiden tavoitteena oli laajentaa ymmärrystä ihmisten mobiilikuvien käytöstä sekä metatiedosta. Järjestelmien rakentamisesta ja niihin liittyvistä käyttäjäkokeista saadut tulokset voidaan jakaa kolmeen osaan. Ensiksi, tulosten kautta voidaan paremmin ymmärtää mobiilikuvien sosiaalista käyttöä: mitä kuvattiin, keille kuvia jaettiin ja minkälaista sosiaalista toimintaa syntyi. Toiseksi, tuloksia voidaan käyttää kuvienjakojärjestelmien suunnittelussa: gallerioiden käyttö, jakamisen kontrollointi, keskustelun tukeminen sekä tietoisuus ja tiedottaminen sosiaalisesta aktiivisuudesta. Kolmanneksi, mitä seuraamuksia kahdella edellisellä kohdalla on metatiedon suunnittelulle. Tärkeimmät seuraamukset ovat se, että henkilökohtainen tieto on kontekstuaalista, dynaamista ja semanttista, ja metatiedon sekä sitä käyttävien sovellusten välillä on vahva keskinäinen liitos. Näiden ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi ehdotamme sosiaalisen metatiedon käsitettä, joka käyttää hyväksi kuvienjakojärjestelmien sosiaalista aktiivisuutta. Käyttäjäkeskeinen lähestyminen suunnittelussa nostaa esille myös, että sisältöä kuvaavan metatiedon luomista pitäisi lähestyä useasta eri näkökulmasta – sosiaalinen metatieto, käyttäjien "tägit" ja konteksti-informaatio – perinteisen sisältöpohjaisen analyysin lisäksi.reviewe

    Using social semantic knowledge to improve annotations in personal photo collections

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    Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (IPL) e Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL)apoio concedido pela bolsa SPRH/PROTEC/67580/2010, que apoiou parcialmente este trabalh

    Review and Alignment of Tag Ontologies for Semantically-Linked Data in Collaborative Tagging Spaces

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    Abstract—As the number of Web 2.0 sites offering tagging facilities for the users ’ voluntary content annotation increases, so do the efforts to analyze social phenomena resulting from generated tagging and folksonomies. Most of these efforts provide different views for the understanding of various web activities. Results from various experimental research should be utilized to improve existing approaches underlying tagging data and contribute further to weaving the Web. However, in practice, there are not enough solutions taking advantage of these results. Even though we can mine social relations via tagging data, it proves no worth for users if this data cannot be reused. In this paper we propose a solution for tag data representation which allows data reuse across different tagging systems. To achieve this goal, we analyze current social tagging practices, existing folksonomy usage as well as Semantic Web approaches to data annotation and tagging. We survey and compare existing tag ontologies in an attempt to investigate mapping possibilities between different conceptual models. Finally, we present our method for federation among existing ontologies in order to generate re-usable, semantically-linked data that will underly tagging data. I

    Automated methods for image detection of cultural heritage: Overviews and perspectives

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    Remote sensing data covering large geographical areas can be easily accessed and are being acquired with greater frequency. The massive volume of data requires an automated image analysis system. By taking advantage of the increasing availability of data using computer vision, we can design specific systems to automate data analysis and detection of archaeological objects. In the past decade, there has been a rise in the use of automated methods to assist in the identification of archaeological sites in remote sensing imagery. These applications offer an important contribution to non-intrusive archaeological exploration, helping to reduce the traditional human workload and time by signalling areas with a higher probability of presenting archaeological sites for exploration. This survey describes the state of the art of existing automated image analysis methods in archaeology and highlights the improvements thus achieved in the detection of archaeological monuments and areas of interest in landscape-scale satellite and aerial imagery. It also presents a discussion of the benefits and limitations of automatic detection of archaeological structures, proposing new approaches and possibilities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trustworthiness in Social Big Data Incorporating Semantic Analysis, Machine Learning and Distributed Data Processing

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    This thesis presents several state-of-the-art approaches constructed for the purpose of (i) studying the trustworthiness of users in Online Social Network platforms, (ii) deriving concealed knowledge from their textual content, and (iii) classifying and predicting the domain knowledge of users and their content. The developed approaches are refined through proof-of-concept experiments, several benchmark comparisons, and appropriate and rigorous evaluation metrics to verify and validate their effectiveness and efficiency, and hence, those of the applied frameworks

    Visualizing Social Photos on a Hasse Diagram for Eliciting Relations and Indexing New Photos

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    International audienceSocial photos, which are taken during family events or parties, represent individuals or groups of people. We show in this paper how a Hasse diagram is an efficient visualization strategy for eliciting different groups and navigating through them. However, we do not limit this strategy to these traditional uses. Instead we show how it can also be used for assisting in indexing new photos. Indexing consists of identifying the event and people in photos. It is an integral phase that takes place before searching and sharing. In our method we use existing indexed photos to index new photos. This is performed through a manual drag and drop procedure followed by a content fusion process that we call ‘propagation'. At the core of this process is the necessity to organize and visualize the photos that will be used for indexing in a manner that is easily recognizable and accessible by the user. In this respect we make use of an Object Galois Sub-Hierarchy and display it using a Hasse diagram. The need for an incremental display that maintains the user's mental map also leads us to propose a novel way of building the Hasse diagram. To validate the approach, we present some tests conducted with a sample of users that confirm the interest of this organization, visualization and indexation approach. Finally, we conclude by considering scalability, the possibility to extract social networks and automatically create personalised albums

    Architecture of participation : the realization of the Semantic Web, and Internet OS

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, System Design and Management Program, February 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 65-68).The Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) is becoming an integral part of our daily life and touching every part of the society around the world including both well-developed and developing countries. The simple technology and genuine intention of the original WWW, which is to help researchers share and exchange information and data across incompatible platforms and systems, have evolved into something larger and beyond what one could conceive. While WWW has reached the critical mass, many limitations are uncovered. To address the limitations, the development of its extension, the Semantic Web, has been underway for more than five years by the inventor of WWW, Tim Berners-Lee, and the technical community. Yet, no significant impact has been made. Its awareness by the public is surprisingly and unfortunately low. This thesis will review the development effort of the Semantic Web, examine its progress which appears lagging compared to WWW, and propose a promising business model to accelerate its adoption path.by Shelley Lau.S.M