136,484 research outputs found

    Projection-Free Methods for Solving Convex Bilevel Optimization Problems

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    When faced with multiple minima of an "inner-level" convex optimization problem, the convex bilevel optimization problem selects an optimal solution which also minimizes an auxiliary "outer-level" convex objective of interest. Bilevel optimization requires a different approach compared to single-level optimization problems since the set of minimizers for the inner-level objective is not given explicitly. In this paper, we propose new projection-free methods for convex bilevel optimization which require only a linear optimization oracle over the base domain. We provide convergence guarantees for both inner- and outer-level objectives that hold under our proposed projection-free methods. In particular, we highlight how our guarantees are affected by the presence or absence of an optimal dual solution. Lastly, we conduct numerical experiments that demonstrate the performance of the proposed methods

    Accelerating two projection methods via perturbations with application to Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy

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    Constrained convex optimization problems arise naturally in many real-world applications. One strategy to solve them in an approximate way is to translate them into a sequence of convex feasibility problems via the recently developed level set scheme and then solve each feasibility problem using projection methods. However, if the problem is ill-conditioned, projection methods often show zigzagging behavior and therefore converge slowly. To address this issue, we exploit the bounded perturbation resilience of the projection methods and introduce two new perturbations which avoid zigzagging behavior. The first perturbation is in the spirit of kk-step methods and uses gradient information from previous iterates. The second uses the approach of surrogate constraint methods combined with relaxed, averaged projections. We apply two different projection methods in the unperturbed version, as well as the two perturbed versions, to linear feasibility problems along with nonlinear optimization problems arising from intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment planning. We demonstrate that for all the considered problems the perturbations can significantly accelerate the convergence of the projection methods and hence the overall procedure of the level set scheme. For the IMRT optimization problems the perturbed projection methods found an approximate solution up to 4 times faster than the unperturbed methods while at the same time achieving objective function values which were 0.5 to 5.1% lower.Comment: Accepted for publication in Applied Mathematics & Optimizatio

    Inexact Model: A Framework for Optimization and Variational Inequalities

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    In this paper we propose a general algorithmic framework for first-order methods in optimization in a broad sense, including minimization problems, saddle-point problems and variational inequalities. This framework allows to obtain many known methods as a special case, the list including accelerated gradient method, composite optimization methods, level-set methods, proximal methods. The idea of the framework is based on constructing an inexact model of the main problem component, i.e. objective function in optimization or operator in variational inequalities. Besides reproducing known results, our framework allows to construct new methods, which we illustrate by constructing a universal method for variational inequalities with composite structure. This method works for smooth and non-smooth problems with optimal complexity without a priori knowledge of the problem smoothness. We also generalize our framework for strongly convex objectives and strongly monotone variational inequalities.Comment: 41 page

    Projection-Free Methods for Stochastic Simple Bilevel Optimization with Convex Lower-level Problem

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    In this paper, we study a class of stochastic bilevel optimization problems, also known as stochastic simple bilevel optimization, where we minimize a smooth stochastic objective function over the optimal solution set of another stochastic convex optimization problem. We introduce novel stochastic bilevel optimization methods that locally approximate the solution set of the lower-level problem via a stochastic cutting plane, and then run a conditional gradient update with variance reduction techniques to control the error induced by using stochastic gradients. For the case that the upper-level function is convex, our method requires O~(max{1/ϵf2,1/ϵg2})\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\max\{1/\epsilon_f^{2},1/\epsilon_g^{2}\}) stochastic oracle queries to obtain a solution that is ϵf\epsilon_f-optimal for the upper-level and ϵg\epsilon_g-optimal for the lower-level. This guarantee improves the previous best-known complexity of O(max{1/ϵf4,1/ϵg4})\mathcal{O}(\max\{1/\epsilon_f^{4},1/\epsilon_g^{4}\}). Moreover, for the case that the upper-level function is non-convex, our method requires at most O~(max{1/ϵf3,1/ϵg3})\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\max\{1/\epsilon_f^{3},1/\epsilon_g^{3}\}) stochastic oracle queries to find an (ϵf,ϵg)(\epsilon_f, \epsilon_g)-stationary point. In the finite-sum setting, we show that the number of stochastic oracle calls required by our method are O~(n/ϵ)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{n}/\epsilon) and O~(n/ϵ2)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{n}/\epsilon^{2}) for the convex and non-convex settings, respectively, where ϵ=min{ϵf,ϵg}\epsilon=\min \{\epsilon_f,\epsilon_g\}

    Frank-Wolfe-type methods for a class of nonconvex inequality-constrained problems

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    The Frank-Wolfe (FW) method, which implements efficient linear oracles that minimize linear approximations of the objective function over a fixed compact convex set, has recently received much attention in the optimization and machine learning literature. In this paper, we propose a new FW-type method for minimizing a smooth function over a compact set defined as the level set of a single difference-of-convex function, based on new generalized linear-optimization oracles (LO). We show that these LOs can be computed efficiently with closed-form solutions in some important optimization models that arise in compressed sensing and machine learning. In addition, under a mild strict feasibility condition, we establish the subsequential convergence of our nonconvex FW-type method. Since the feasible region of our generalized LO typically changes from iteration to iteration, our convergence analysis is completely different from those existing works in the literature on FW-type methods that deal with fixed feasible regions among subproblems. Finally, motivated by the away steps for accelerating FW-type methods for convex problems, we further design an away-step oracle to supplement our nonconvex FW-type method, and establish subsequential convergence of this variant. Numerical results on the matrix completion problem with standard datasets are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed FW-type method and its away-step variant.Comment: We updated grant information and fixed some minor typos in Section