337,866 research outputs found

    Local delamination on heavily deformed polymer-metal interfaces:evidence from microscopy

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    In this work the microstructure of interfaces present in heavily bi-axially deformed polymer-coated metal is studied. Cross sections of deformed polymer-coated steel are prepared using several polishing strategies, including the use of focused ion beam, and are imaged using optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. We find that the interfaces show significant details right down to the smallest scale observable with the preparation techniques used of about similar to 10 nm. Local delamination events at these deformed interfaces are observed and are found to be preferentially associated with overhanging parts on the interface. Overhanging parts are frequently observed, but only below a certain length-scale on the interfaces that are otherwise found to be self-affine up to a certain correlation length. The smallest detail includes the tail of the size distribution of the overhanging features. Together this suggests that the physical mechanisms determining the formation of critical features for adhesion operate at sub-grain level as well as at grain level

    An Accelerating 3D Image Reconstruction System Based on the Level-of-Detail Algorithm

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    This paper proposes a research of An Accelerating 3D Image Reconstruction System Based on the Level-of-Detail Algorithm and combines 3D graphic application interfaces, such as DirectX3D and OpenCV to reconstruct the 3D imaging system for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and adds Level of Detail (LOD) algorithm to the system. The system uses the volume rendering method to perform 3D reconstruction for brain imaging. The process, which is based on the level of detail algorithm that converts and formulates functions from differing levels of detail and scope, significantly reduces the complexity of required processing and computation, under the premises of maintaining drawing quality. To validate the system's efficiency enhancement on brain imaging reconstruction, this study operates the system on various computer platforms, and uses multiple sets of data to perform rendering and 3D object imaging reconstruction, the results of which are then verified and compared

    A guide to the TCP/IP protocol suite

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    This comprehensive, technical update describes more interfaces than any other sources and features an introduction to binary and hexadecimal arithmetic. The book provides exclusive coverage of L2TP, the hot new protocol being implemented by most manufacturers of routers and network access servers. It is the first book to include LAN analysis screens and engineering-level detail on IPv6 routing

    Pipes and Connections

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    This document describes the low-level Pipe and ConnectionManager objects of the Mesh- Router system. The overall MeshRouter framework provides a general scheme for interest- limited communications among a number of client processes. This generality is achieved by a carefully factorized, object-oriented software implementation. Within this framework, the Pipe and ConnectionManager (base) classes dened in this note specify the interfaces for i) ac- tual `bits on the wire' communications and ii) dynamic client insertions during overall system execution. Two specic implementations of the Pipe class are described in detail: a `Memo- ryPipe' linking objects instanced on a single processor and a more general 'rtisPipe' providing inter-processor communications built entirely from the standard RTI-s library used in current JSAF applications. Initialization procedures within the overall MeshRouter system are dis- cussed, with particular attention given to dynamic management of inter-processor connections. Prototype RTI-s router processes are discussed, and simple extensions of the standard system conguration data les are presented

    Stationary-phase contributions to surface diffusion at C8-modified silica mesopores

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    The structure, dynamics, and mobility of binary solvents and solute molecules at adsorbent surfaces play an important role in adsorption, catalysis, and separation. When investigating chemical systems, information gained by experimental data is often limited to the macroscopic view. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations allow new insights on molecular processes and offer the possibility to study the molecular-level picture at solid-liquid interfaces in detail

    AXES at TRECVID 2012: KIS, INS, and MED

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    The AXES project participated in the interactive instance search task (INS), the known-item search task (KIS), and the multimedia event detection task (MED) for TRECVid 2012. As in our TRECVid 2011 system, we used nearly identical search systems and user interfaces for both INS and KIS. Our interactive INS and KIS systems focused this year on using classifiers trained at query time with positive examples collected from external search engines. Participants in our KIS experiments were media professionals from the BBC; our INS experiments were carried out by students and researchers at Dublin City University. We performed comparatively well in both experiments. Our best KIS run found 13 of the 25 topics, and our best INS runs outperformed all other submitted runs in terms of P@100. For MED, the system presented was based on a minimal number of low-level descriptors, which we chose to be as large as computationally feasible. These descriptors are aggregated to produce high-dimensional video-level signatures, which are used to train a set of linear classifiers. Our MED system achieved the second-best score of all submitted runs in the main track, and best score in the ad-hoc track, suggesting that a simple system based on state-of-the-art low-level descriptors can give relatively high performance. This paper describes in detail our KIS, INS, and MED systems and the results and findings of our experiments

    The Role of the Interfaces in Perovskite Solar Cells

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    Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells (HPSCs) have achieved an impressive power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 25.2% in 2019. At this stage, it is of paramount importance to understand in detail the working mechanism of these devices and which physical and chemical processes govern not only their power conversion efficiency but also their long-term stability. The interfaces between the perovskite film and the charge transport layers are among the most important factors in determining both the PCE and stability of HPSCs. Herein, an overview is provided on the recent advances in the fundamental understanding of how these interfaces influence the performance of HPSCs. Firstly, it is discussed how the surface energy of the charge transport layer, the energy level alignment at the interfaces, the charge transport in interfacial layers, defects and mobile ions in the perovskite film, and interfacial layers or at the interfaces affect the charge recombination as well as hysteresis and light soaking phenomenon. Then it is discussed how the interfaces and interfacial materials influence the stability of HPSCs. At the same time, an overview is also provided on the various design strategies for the interfaces and the interfacial materials. At the end, the outlook for the development of highly efficient and stable HPSCs is provided

    Drop coalescence in technical liquid/liquid applications : a review on experimental techniques and modeling approaches

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    The coalescence phenomenon of drops in liquid/liquid systems is reviewed with particular focus on its technical relevance and application. Due to the complexity of coalescence, a comprehensive survey of the coalescence process and the numerous influencing factors is given. Subsequently, available experimental techniques with different levels of detail are summarized and compared. These techniques can be divided in simple settling tests for qualitative coalescence behavior investigations and gravity settler design, single-drop coalescence studies at flat interfaces as well as between droplets, and detailed film drainage analysis. To model the coalescence rate in liquid/liquid systems on a technical scale, the generic population balance framework is introduced. Additionally, different coalescence modeling approaches are reviewed with ascending level of detail from empirical correlations to comprehensive film drainage models and detailed computational fluid and particle dynamics