4 research outputs found

    Lessons learned from the design of a mobile multimedia system in the Moby Dick project

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    Recent advances in wireless networking technology and the exponential development of semiconductor technology have engendered a new paradigm of computing, called personal mobile computing or ubiquitous computing. This offers a vision of the future with a much richer and more exciting set of architecture research challenges than extrapolations of the current desktop architectures. In particular, these devices will have limited battery resources, will handle diverse data types, and will operate in environments that are insecure, dynamic and which vary significantly in time and location. The research performed in the MOBY DICK project is about designing such a mobile multimedia system. This paper discusses the approach made in the MOBY DICK project to solve some of these problems, discusses its contributions, and accesses what was learned from the project

    Unterwachen und Schlafen: Anthropophile Medien nach dem Interface

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    Anthropophile Medien durchdringen zunehmend unsere lebensweltliche Realität, sei es im Ambient Assisted Living, als Pflegeassistenzsysteme, in den Arbeitsszenarien einer Industrie 4.0, als behagliche Interfaces des Affective Computing oder als Lifetracker der Quantified-Self-Bewegung. Verbunden ist damit der Einzug menschlicher Befindlichkeiten, Werte und sozialer Routinen in das Design medialer Agencies. Über 40 Jahre nach dem Erscheinen von Michel Foucaults 'Surveiller et punir' gerät damit auch dessen Kritikbegriff ins Wanken. An die Stelle von 'Überwachen und Strafen' tritt 'Unterwachen und Schlafen'. 'Unterwachen und Schlafen' stellt nicht das theoretische Programm einer vollautomatisierten Lebenswelt in Aussicht, sondern das Konstrukt einer nunmehr medialen Umsetzung anthropologischer Grundelemente wie Autonomie, Freiheit oder Vertrauen

    Unterwachen und Schlafen

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    Anthropophile Medien durchdringen zunehmend unsere lebensweltliche Realität, sei es im Ambient Assisted Living, als Pflegeassistenzsysteme, in den Arbeitsszenarien einer Industrie 4.0, als behagliche Interfaces des Affective Computing oder als Lifetracker der Quantified-Self-Bewegung. Verbunden ist damit der Einzug menschlicher Befindlichkeiten, Werte und sozialer Routinen in das Design medialer Agencies. Über 40 Jahre nach dem Erscheinen von Michel Foucaults "Surveiller et punir" gerät damit auch dessen Kritikbegriff ins Wanken. An die Stelle von "Überwachen und Strafen" tritt "Unterwachen und Schlafen". Unterwachen und Schlafen stellt nicht das theoretische Programm einer vollautomatisierten Lebenswelt in Aussicht, sondern das Konstrukt einer nunmehr medialen Umsetzung anthropologischer Grundelemente wie Autonomie, Freiheit oder Vertrauen

    Examining the post-adoptive infusion of mobile technology in a healthcare domain: determinants and outcomes

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    The healthcare industry is beginning to appreciate the benefits which can be obtained from using Mobile Health Systems (MHS) at the point-of-care. As a result, healthcare organisations are investing heavily in mobile health initiatives with the expectation that users will employ the system to enhance performance. Despite widespread endorsement and support for the implementation of MHS, empirical evidence surrounding the benefits of MHS remains to be fully established. For MHS to be truly valuable, it is argued that the technological tool be infused within healthcare practitioners work practices and used to its full potential in post-adoptive scenarios. Yet, there is a paucity of research focusing on the infusion of MHS by healthcare practitioners. In order to address this gap in the literature, the objective of this study is to explore the determinants and outcomes of MHS infusion by healthcare practitioners. This research study adopts a post-positivist theory building approach to MHS infusion. Existing literature is utilised to develop a conceptual model by which the research objective is explored. Employing a mixed-method approach, this conceptual model is first advanced through a case study in the UK whereby propositions established from the literature are refined into testable hypotheses. The final phase of this research study involves the collection of empirical data from a Canadian hospital which supports the refined model and its associated hypotheses. The results from both phases of data collection are employed to develop a model of MHS infusion. The study contributes to IS theory and practice by: (1) developing a model with six determinants (Availability, MHS Self-Efficacy, Time-Criticality, Habit, Technology Trust, and Task Behaviour) and individual performance-related outcomes of MHS infusion (Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Learning), (2) examining undocumented determinants and relationships, (3) identifying prerequisite conditions that both healthcare practitioners and organisations can employ to assist with MHS infusion, (4) developing a taxonomy that provides conceptual refinement of IT infusion, and (5) informing healthcare organisations and vendors as to the performance of MHS in post-adoptive scenarios