385 research outputs found

    Leo-III Version 1.1 (System description)

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    Leo-III is an automated theorem prover for (polymorphic) higher-order logic which supports all common TPTP dialects, including THF, TFF and FOF as well as their rank-1 polymorphic derivatives. It is based on a paramodulation calculus with ordering constraints and, in tradition of its predecessor LEO-II, heavily relies on cooperation with external first-order theorem provers. Unlike LEO-II, asynchronous cooperation with typed first-order provers and an agent-based internal cooperation scheme is supported. In this paper, we sketch Leo-III's underlying calculus, survey implementation details and give examples of use

    Extensional Higher-Order Paramodulation in Leo-III

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    Leo-III is an automated theorem prover for extensional type theory with Henkin semantics and choice. Reasoning with primitive equality is enabled by adapting paramodulation-based proof search to higher-order logic. The prover may cooperate with multiple external specialist reasoning systems such as first-order provers and SMT solvers. Leo-III is compatible with the TPTP/TSTP framework for input formats, reporting results and proofs, and standardized communication between reasoning systems, enabling e.g. proof reconstruction from within proof assistants such as Isabelle/HOL. Leo-III supports reasoning in polymorphic first-order and higher-order logic, in all normal quantified modal logics, as well as in different deontic logics. Its development had initiated the ongoing extension of the TPTP infrastructure to reasoning within non-classical logics.Comment: 34 pages, 7 Figures, 1 Table; submitted articl

    Going Polymorphic - TH1 Reasoning for Leo-III

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    While interactive proof assistants for higher-order logic (HOL) commonly admit reasoning within rich type systems, current theorem provers for HOL are mainly based on simply typed lambda-calculi and therefore do not allow such flexibility. In this paper, we present modifications to the higher-order automated theorem prover Leo-III for turning it into a reasoning system for rank-1 polymorphic HOL. To that end, a polymorphic version of HOL and a suitable paramodulation-based calculus are sketched. The implementation is evaluated using a set of polymorphic TPTP THF problems

    Designing Normative Theories for Ethical and Legal Reasoning: LogiKEy Framework, Methodology, and Tool Support

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    A framework and methodology---termed LogiKEy---for the design and engineering of ethical reasoners, normative theories and deontic logics is presented. The overall motivation is the development of suitable means for the control and governance of intelligent autonomous systems. LogiKEy's unifying formal framework is based on semantical embeddings of deontic logics, logic combinations and ethico-legal domain theories in expressive classic higher-order logic (HOL). This meta-logical approach enables the provision of powerful tool support in LogiKEy: off-the-shelf theorem provers and model finders for HOL are assisting the LogiKEy designer of ethical intelligent agents to flexibly experiment with underlying logics and their combinations, with ethico-legal domain theories, and with concrete examples---all at the same time. Continuous improvements of these off-the-shelf provers, without further ado, leverage the reasoning performance in LogiKEy. Case studies, in which the LogiKEy framework and methodology has been applied and tested, give evidence that HOL's undecidability often does not hinder efficient experimentation.Comment: 50 pages; 10 figure

    Computer Science and Metaphysics: A Cross-Fertilization

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    Computational philosophy is the use of mechanized computational techniques to unearth philosophical insights that are either difficult or impossible to find using traditional philosophical methods. Computational metaphysics is computational philosophy with a focus on metaphysics. In this paper, we (a) develop results in modal metaphysics whose discovery was computer assisted, and (b) conclude that these results work not only to the obvious benefit of philosophy but also, less obviously, to the benefit of computer science, since the new computational techniques that led to these results may be more broadly applicable within computer science. The paper includes a description of our background methodology and how it evolved, and a discussion of our new results.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figure

    Capability Discovery for Automated Reasoning Systems

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    Automated reasoning systems such as theorem provers often employ interaction or cooperation with further reasoning software. Whereas in most cases the concrete choice of cooperating software is, to some extent, irrelevant, these systems are nevertheless often rigid in practice due to compatibility issues. In order to support more flexible cooperation schemes, a machine-readable description format for automated reasoning systems' capabilities is proposed. Additionally, a simple HTTP-based protocol for system and capability discovery is outlined. Both the format and the protocol are designed to be simple, extensible and easy to use with none to minor modifications for existing reasoning systems