88,854 research outputs found

    Multi-Stage Search Architectures for Streaming Documents

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    The web is becoming more dynamic due to the increasing engagement and contribution of Internet users in the age of social media. A more dynamic web presents new challenges for web search--an important application of Information Retrieval (IR). A stream of new documents constantly flows into the web at a high rate, adding to the old content. In many cases, documents quickly lose their relevance. In these time-sensitive environments, finding relevant content in response to user queries requires a real-time search service; immediate availability of content for search and a fast ranking, which requires an optimized search architecture. These aspects of today's web are at odds with how academic IR researchers have traditionally viewed the web, as a collection of static documents. Moreover, search architectures have received little attention in the IR literature. Therefore, academic IR research, for the most part, does not provide a mechanism to efficiently handle a high-velocity stream of documents, nor does it facilitate real-time ranking. This dissertation addresses the aforementioned shortcomings. We present an efficient mech- anism to index a stream of documents, thereby enabling immediate availability of content. Our indexer works entirely in main memory and provides a mechanism to control inverted list con- tiguity, thereby enabling faster retrieval. Additionally, we consider document ranking with a machine-learned model, dubbed "Learning to Rank" (LTR), and introduce a novel multi-stage search architecture that enables fast retrieval and allows for more design flexibility. The stages of our architecture include candidate generation (top k retrieval), feature extraction, and docu- ment re-ranking. We compare this architecture with a traditional monolithic architecture where candidate generation and feature extraction occur together. As we lay out our architecture, we present optimizations to each stage to facilitate low-latency ranking. These optimizations include a fast approximate top k retrieval algorithm, document vectors for feature extraction, architecture- conscious implementations of tree ensembles for LTR using predication and vectorization, and algorithms to train tree-based LTR models that are fast to evaluate. We also study the efficiency- effectiveness tradeoffs of these techniques, and empirically evaluate our end-to-end architecture on microblog document collections. We show that our techniques improve efficiency without degrading quality

    Modeling Temporal Evidence from External Collections

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    Newsworthy events are broadcast through multiple mediums and prompt the crowds to produce comments on social media. In this paper, we propose to leverage on this behavioral dynamics to estimate the most relevant time periods for an event (i.e., query). Recent advances have shown how to improve the estimation of the temporal relevance of such topics. In this approach, we build on two major novelties. First, we mine temporal evidences from hundreds of external sources into topic-based external collections to improve the robustness of the detection of relevant time periods. Second, we propose a formal retrieval model that generalizes the use of the temporal dimension across different aspects of the retrieval process. In particular, we show that temporal evidence of external collections can be used to (i) infer a topic's temporal relevance, (ii) select the query expansion terms, and (iii) re-rank the final results for improved precision. Experiments with TREC Microblog collections show that the proposed time-aware retrieval model makes an effective and extensive use of the temporal dimension to improve search results over the most recent temporal models. Interestingly, we observe a strong correlation between precision and the temporal distribution of retrieved and relevant documents.Comment: To appear in WSDM 201

    Investigating Retrieval Method Selection with Axiomatic Features

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    We consider algorithm selection in the context of ad-hoc information retrieval. Given a query and a pair of retrieval methods, we propose a meta-learner that predicts how to combine the methods' relevance scores into an overall relevance score. Inspired by neural models' different properties with regard to IR axioms, these predictions are based on features that quantify axiom-related properties of the query and its top ranked documents. We conduct an evaluation on TREC Web Track data and find that the meta-learner often significantly improves over the individual methods. Finally, we conduct feature and query weight analyses to investigate the meta-learner's behavior

    Multi-Task Learning for Email Search Ranking with Auxiliary Query Clustering

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    User information needs vary significantly across different tasks, and therefore their queries will also differ considerably in their expressiveness and semantics. Many studies have been proposed to model such query diversity by obtaining query types and building query-dependent ranking models. These studies typically require either a labeled query dataset or clicks from multiple users aggregated over the same document. These techniques, however, are not applicable when manual query labeling is not viable, and aggregated clicks are unavailable due to the private nature of the document collection, e.g., in email search scenarios. In this paper, we study how to obtain query type in an unsupervised fashion and how to incorporate this information into query-dependent ranking models. We first develop a hierarchical clustering algorithm based on truncated SVD and varimax rotation to obtain coarse-to-fine query types. Then, we study three query-dependent ranking models, including two neural models that leverage query type information as additional features, and one novel multi-task neural model that views query type as the label for the auxiliary query cluster prediction task. This multi-task model is trained to simultaneously rank documents and predict query types. Our experiments on tens of millions of real-world email search queries demonstrate that the proposed multi-task model can significantly outperform the baseline neural ranking models, which either do not incorporate query type information or just simply feed query type as an additional feature.Comment: CIKM 201
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