25 research outputs found

    Collaborative Authoring of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia by Enriching a Semantic Wiki’s Output

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    This research is concerned with harnessing collaborative approaches for the authoring of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia (AEH) systems. It involves the enhancement of Semantic Wikis with pedagogy aware features to this end. There are many challenges in understanding how communities of interest can efficiently collaborate for learning content authoring, in introducing pedagogy to the developed knowledge models and in specifying user models for efficient delivery of AEH systems. The contribution of this work will be the development of a model of collaborative authoring which includes domain specification, content elicitation, and definition of pedagogic approach. The proposed model will be implemented in a prototype AEH authoring system that will be tested and evaluated in a formal education context

    Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Wiki Untuk Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran

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    Aplikasi wiki adalah salah satu jenis dari aplikasi Web 2.0 yang merupakan halaman web di mana parapenggunanya dapat mengorganisir, meng-edit, me-review, merevisi, atau me-retrieve isi dari halaman webdengan mudah dan secara kolaboratif bersama pengguna lainnya. Aplikasi wiki memiliki potensi untukdigunakan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang lebih kolaboratif. Walaupun diciptakan di tahun1995, pendayagunaan wiki untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi masih terbatas khususnya diIndonesia.Aplikasi wiki hanyalah aplikasi komputer, dan sukses dari penggunaan wiki untuk pembelajaran yangkolaboratif ada di tangan pengajar mata kuliah yang bersangkutan untuk dapat membuat persiapan,implementasi, monitoring, dan penutupan proyek wiki yang baik. Oleh karena itu, dalam artikel ini penulismemberikan langkah-langkah untuk memilih layanan wiki, langkah-langkah untuk persiapan dan implementasiwiki dengan menggunakan Bloom's Taxonomy, serta langkah-langkah untuk memonitor dan menutup proyekwiki. Diharapkan agar pengajar di perguruan tinggi di Indonesia dapat memanfaatkan informasi tersebut untukmensukseskan proyek wiki di kelas mereka

    Using wikis for collaborative learning: a case study of an Undergraduate Students’ Group Project in Hong Kong

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    This research investigates the use of wiki in a collaborative project by undergraduate students in a university in Hong Kong. The wiki contents and work patterns of undergraduate students who were engaged in a collaborative group project were examined and MediaWiki’s potential for knowledge building was explored. Over a period of three months, 21 undergraduate students in a Knowledge Management course were divided into four groups. They used MediaWiki as a collaborative platform for communication and for working on a group project. After completion of the group projects, wiki log data were collected from MediaWiki, which included the number and dates of contributions, version changes, and discussions. Data obtained from the wiki logs were analyzed using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The findings provided a deeper understanding of the usability of wikis in collaborative group projects in tertiary education.postprintThe 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2009), Hong Kong, 3-4 December 2009. In Proceedings of ICKM, 2009, p. 1-1

    Tecnologias sociais, TICs e educação: pilares para a construção da Tecnopedia Social Rural - TeSoRu.

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    O artigo apresenta uma proposta de modelo conceitual para formar uma rede de conhecimento integrada à pesquisa, extensão e ensino visando atender aos agricultores familiares, denominada de Tecnopedia Social Rural (TeSoRu) usando as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) como instrumento mediador. A partir da ênfase na construção, aperfeiçoamento, captura e disseminação de experiências, saberes, informações e conhecimentos, inerentes às diversas coletividades que integram a rede e das potencialidades inseridas nas TICs, espera-se que a TeSoRu sirva como um canal dinâmico de comunicação e institucionalização de novas inteligibilidades subsidiando a inclusão social e digital no espaço rural .SBIE 2010

    Does collaboration occur when children are learning with the support of a wiki?

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    This paper reports on the outcomes of a mini-research project about visible forms of collaboration when children are learning with the support of Wikis-online editable websites. The findings were based on observing the children using the Wiki, analysis of the video recording of the task and the survey that was completed by the children using the Wiki as a tool for a task. Qualitative research methodology became a primary technique for the data collection and content analysis approach used to explore the children’s behaviour when investigating the use of the wiki and video recording of the sessions. Various types of behaviour associated with collaboration, were observed when the children were working on Wiki pages with their peers

    Using wikis to help first year students develop collaborative knowledge management skills for tomorrow

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    In the information economy the ability to harness digital technologies to capture and manage knowledge is a critical skill for university graduates. This study examines the use of wikis as an assessment tool to help first year students develop a range of knowledge management skills, including creative collaboration, consensus building and technical literacy. The purpose of the study is to provide an exploratory analysis of student attitudes toward the use of wikis as a collaborative assessment task. The results indicate that most students perceived wikis to be a flexible, convenient and fair pedagogical technique for collaborative learning. While many students preferred the wiki to a paper-based assessment, some students were not convinced that the task produced better collaborative outcomes. It is suggested that a staged wiki assessment might overcome some of the perceived shortcomings reported by students

    Comparing user experiences in using Twiki & Mediawiki to facilitate collaborative learning

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    This research seeks to determine the perceived effectiveness of using TWiki and MediaWiki in collaborative work and knowledge management; and to compare the use of TWiki and MediaWiki in terms of user experiences in the master’s level of study at the University of Hong Kong. Through a multiple case study approach, the study adopted a mixed methods research design which used both quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze findings from specific user groups in two study programmes. In the study, both wiki platforms were regarded as suitable tools for group work co-construction, which were found to be effective in improving group collaboration and work quality. Wikis were also viewed as enabling tools for knowledge management. MediaWiki was rated more favorably than TWiki, especially in the ease of use and enjoyment experienced. The paper should be of interest to educators who may want to explore wiki as a platform to enhance students’ collaborative group work.postprintThe 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2009), Hong Kong, 3-4 December 2009. In Proceedings of ICKM, 2009, p. 1-1

    Entorno virtual de aprendizaje compartido en Educación Superior

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    Cada vez son m&aacute;s demandadas las plataformas virtuales apoyadas en el concepto web 2.0 y en las Redes Personales de Aprendizaje (PLN) al garantizar la conversaci&oacute;n entre agentes educativos y la colaboraci&oacute;n orientada a la producci&oacute;n conjunta de conocimiento. Desde este punto de vista, surgieron los Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje (VLE) d&oacute;nde se configuran, integran y combinan nuevas aplicaciones adaptadas a las necesidades de los usuarios. El prop&oacute;sito final de esta experiencia es la creaci&oacute;n de un entorno virtual compartido para lograr que el aprendizaje no se vincule exclusivamente a una actividad memor&iacute;stica y que a trav&eacute;s del uso combinado de la plataforma virtual, herramientas de la web 2.0 y la red social los estudiantes puedan crear su propio espacio de trabajo en el que quede reflejado la b&uacute;squeda y transformaci&oacute;n de la informaci&oacute;n, creaci&oacute;n de recursos para el aprendizaje y tareas de colaboraci&oacute;n. Nuestro entorno virtual de aprendizaje compartido ha sido puesto a prueba, implementado y evaluado durante el segundo cuatrimestre, en el marco de la asignatura Did&aacute;ctica General en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educaci&oacute;n de la Universidad de Sevilla (Espa&ntilde;a) durante el curso acad&eacute;mico 2009-2010. Una encuesta efectuada revela hechos interesantes sobre el &eacute;xito de este entorno virtual compartido en relaci&oacute;n con la motivaci&oacute;n y los resultados de aprendizaje de los estudiantes.&nbsp;&nbsp;ABSTRACTShared virtual learning environments in higher education.&nbsp;There is an increasing demand for virtual platforms based on the concept of Web 2.0 and on Personal Learning Networks (PLN) as these guarantee conversations between educational agents and cooperation aimed at the joint knowledge production. From this point of view, Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) have emerged in which new applications adapted to users&rsquo; needs are configured, integrated and combined. The ultimate purpose of this experience is the creation of a shared virtual environment to ensure that learning is not linked exclusively to rote activity. Through the combined use of the virtual platform, Web 2.0 tools and social networking, students can create their own workspace in which the search and processing of information, as well as the creation of learning resources and collaboration tasks are reflected. Our shared virtual learning environment has been tested, implemented and evaluated in the second semester, as part of the General Teaching Methodology course in the Faculty of Education at the University of Seville (Spain) during the 2009 &ndash; 2010 academic year. A survey reveals interesting facts about the success of the shared virtual environment in relation to the motivation and learning outcomes of students.&nbsp;</p

    E-Learning associado ao Turismo: caso de estudo numa unidade curricular de uma licenciatura do ensino superior

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    O ensino à distância está cada vez mais presente nas instituições de ensino, em todos os níveis, através da utilização cada vez mais frequente das capacidades disponibilizadas pelas novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Neste âmbito, o e-Learning assume um papel cada vez mais importante para a disseminação do ensino à distância, sendo cada vez mais utilizado nos diversos graus de ensino com destaque para o ensino superior, bem como apresenta elevadas potencialidades para a formação e atualização de conhecimentos dos profissionais dos variados setores de atividade económica, com particular ênfase no turismo. Neste trabalho pretende-se caracterizar o ensino à distância, dando uma especial atenção ao eLearning, às suas características, funcionalidades e formas de utilização que lhe estão associadas, bem como um enquadramento do momento atual de utilização do e-Learning. O caso de estudo foi aplicado a através de um questionário (online) aplicado a estudantes de uma unidade curricular (UC) do ensino superior português, na área do turismo. Os resultados obtidos permitiram-nos concluir que uma maior frequência de utilização deste tipo de ferramentas pode corresponder a um melhor desempenho dos estudantes e possibilitou-nos tomar conhecimento da opinião dos inquiridos sobre a importância das funcionalidades e pedagogias associadas ao e-Learning, e se as mesmas devem ser mais utilizadas e desenvolvidas no futuro, quer para estudantes quer para futuros profissionais ligados à atividade turística, a qual é muito influenciada pelos avanços tecnológicos

    Community College Students\u27 Perceptions of Effective Communication in Online Learning

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    This quantitative research project analyzed the application of instructional communication tools and techniques used by community college students to determine how they perceive communication in their online classes. Online students from a community college participated in this study by completing an electronic survey. Data analysis revealed that these participating students communicated primarily through written online communication tools such as posting of class notes, email, and discussions. Students lack exposure to more innovative communication tools such as teacher-made audio and video presentations or live conversations and demonstrations through the use of Wimba or other tools, which are readily available in the robust course management systems today. To produce more engaged and active learning experiences, online instructors need to employ a variety of communication tools to accommodate all learning styles. Participants of this study do not perceive the effectiveness of their online communication to be as effective as communication in their traditional classes. Instructors cannot decrease transactional distance if they do not effectively utilize online communication tools to create meaningful interactions. Results also showed a strong correlation between communication and satisfaction levels of students regarding online classes. Students in this study indicated more satisfaction toward online classes when effective communication maintained a strong presence. The study results also indicated that students identified effective communication as a major factor of motivation in completing an online class. Students reported communication-related barriers such as lack of community interaction, delayed responses from instructors, and an inhuman feel to the online experience. Recommendations for practice included the following: (1) provide additional training for instructors on the effective uses of communication tools in online classes; (2) implement a mentoring program that pairs beginning or struggling online instructors with exemplary online instructors; and (3) develop a policy on virtual office hours that allows online instructors to schedule office hours for their online students outside of their traditional working hours. Virtual office hours allow students and instructors more opportunities for communication