37 research outputs found

    Sanitization of FHE ciphertexts

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    By definition, fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes support homomorphic decryption, and all known FHE constructions are bootstrapped from a Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SHE) scheme via this technique. Additionally, when a public key is provided, ciphertexts are also re-randomizable, e.g., by adding to them fresh encryptions of 0. From those two operations we devise an algorithm to sanitize a ciphertext, by making its distribution canonical. In particular, the distribution of the ciphertext does not depend on the circuit that led to it via homomorphic evaluation, thus providing circuit privacy in the honest-but-curious model. Unlike the previous approach based on noise flooding, our approach does not degrade much the security/efficiency trade-off of the underlying FHE. The technique can be applied to all lattice-based FHE proposed so far, without substantially affecting their concrete parameters

    Saber:module-LWR based key exchange, CPA-secure encryption and CCA-secure KEM

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    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. In this paper, we introduce Saber, a package of cryptographic primitives whose security relies on the hardness of the Module Learning With Rounding problem (Mod-LWR). We first describe a secure Diffie-Hellman type key exchangeprotocol, which is then transformed into an IND-CPA encryption scheme and finally into an IND-CCA secure key encapsulation mechanism using a post-quantum version of the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform. The design goals of this package were simplicity, efficiency and flexibility resulting in the following choices: all integer moduli are powers of 2 avoiding modular reduction and rejection sampling entirely; the use of LWR halves the amount of randomness required compared to LWE-based schemes and reduces bandwidth; the module structure provides flexibility by reusing one core component for multiple security levels. A constant-time AVX2 optimized software implementation of the KEM with parameters providing more than 128 bits of post-quantum security, requires only 101K, 125K and 129K cycles for key generation, encapsulation and decapsulation respectively on a Dell laptop with an Intel i7-Haswell processor

    On the Hardness of Learning with Rounding over Small Modulus

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    We show the following reductions from the learning with errors problem (LWE) to the learning with rounding problem (LWR): (1) Learning the secret and (2) distinguishing samples from random strings is at least as hard for LWR as it is for LWE for efficient algorithms if the number of samples is no larger than O(q/Bp), where q is the LWR modulus, p is the rounding modulus and the noise is sampled from any distribution supported over the set {-B,...,B}. Our second result generalizes a theorem of Alwen, Krenn, Pietrzak and Wichs (CRYPTO 2013) and provides an alternate proof of it. Unlike Alwen et al., we do not impose any number theoretic restrictions on the modulus q. The first result also extends to variants of LWR and LWE over polynomial rings. As additional results we show that (3) distinguishing any number of LWR samples from random strings is of equivalent hardness to LWE whose noise distribution is uniform over the integers in the range [-q/2p,...,q/2p) provided q is a multiple of p and (4) the noise flooding technique for converting faulty LWE noise to a discrete Gaussian distribution can be applied whenever q = \Omega(B\sqrt{m}). All our reductions preserve sample complexity and have time complexity at most polynomial in q, the dimension, and the number of samples

    Homomorphic Encryption without Gaussian Noise

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    We propose a Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SHE) scheme based on the Learning With Rounding (LWR) problem. The LWR problem is somewhat similar to the more classical Learning With Errors (LWE) and was proposed as a deterministic variant of it and setting up an LWR instance does not require the generation of gaussian noise. Thus our SHE scheme can be instantiated without the need for expensive Gaussian noise sampling. Our initial scheme provides lower ciphertext sizes for small plaintext spaces than existing leading schemes such as BGV

    Saber on ARM CCA-secure module lattice-based key encapsulation on ARM

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    The CCA-secure lattice-based post-quantum key encapsulation scheme Saber is a candidate in the NIST\u27s post-quantum cryptography standardization process. In this paper, we study the implementation aspects of Saber in resource-constrained microcontrollers from the ARM Cortex-M series which are very popular for realizing IoT applications. In this work, we carefully optimize various parts of Saber for speed and memory. We exploit digital signal processing instructions and efficient memory access for a fast implementation of polynomial multiplication. We also use memory efficient Karatsuba and just-in-time strategy for generating the public matrix of the module lattice to reduce the memory footprint. We also show that our optimizations can be combined with each other seamlessly to provide various speed-memory trade-offs. Our speed optimized software takes just 1,147K, 1,444K, and 1,543K clock cycles on a Cortex-M4 platform for key generation, encapsulation and decapsulation respectively. Our memory efficient software takes 4,786K, 6,328K, and 7,509K clock cycles on an ultra resource-constrained Cortex-M0 platform for key generation, encapsulation, and decapsulation respectively while consuming only 6.2 KB of memory at most. These results show that lattice-based key encapsulation schemes are perfectly practical for securing IoT devices from quantum computing attacks

    Leakage Resilient Fully Homomorphic Encryption

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    We construct the first leakage resilient variants of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes. Our leakage model is bounded adaptive leakage resilience. We first construct a leakage- resilient leveled FHE scheme, meaning the scheme is both leakage resilient and homomorphic for all circuits of depth less than some pre-established maximum set at the time of key generation. We do so by applying ideas from recent works analyzing the leakage resilience of public key encryption schemes based on the decision learning with errors (DLWE) assumption to the Gentry, Sahai and Waters ([17]) leveled FHE scheme. We then move beyond simply leveled FHE, removing the need for an a priori maximum circuit depth, by presenting a novel way to combine schemes. We show that by combining leakage resilient leveled FHE with multi-key FHE, it is possible to create a leakage resilient scheme capable of homomorphically evaluating circuits of arbitrary depth, with a bounded number of distinct input ciphertexts

    Saber on ARM:CCA-secure module lattice-based key encapsulation on ARM

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    The CCA-secure lattice-based post-quantum key encapsulation scheme Saber is a candidate in the NIST’s post-quantum cryptography standardization process. In this paper, we study the implementation aspects of Saber in resourceconstrained microcontrollers from the ARM Cortex-M series which are very popular for realizing IoT applications. In this work, we carefully optimize various parts of Saber for speed and memory. We exploit digital signal processing instructions and efficient memory access for a fast implementation of polynomial multiplication. We also use memory efficient Karatsuba and just-in-time strategy for generating the public matrix of the module lattice to reduce the memory footprint. We also show that our optimizations can be combined with each other seamlessly to provide various speed-memory trade-offs. Our speed optimized software takes just 1,147K, 1,444K, and 1,543K clock cycles on a Cortex-M4 platform for key generation, encapsulation and decapsulation respectively. Our memory efficient software takes 4,786K, 6,328K, and 7,509K clock cycles on an ultra resource-constrained Cortex-M0 platform for key generation, encapsulation, and decapsulation respectively while consuming only 6.2 KB of memory at most. These results show that lattice-based key encapsulation schemes are perfectly practical for securing IoT devices from quantum computing attacks

    Better Algorithms for LWE and LWR

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    The Learning With Error problem (LWE) is becoming more and more used in cryptography, for instance, in the design of some fully homomorphic encryption schemes. It is thus of primordial importance to find the best algorithms that might solve this problem so that concrete parameters can be proposed. The BKW algorithm was proposed by Blum et al. as an algorithm to solve the Learning Parity with Noise problem (LPN), a subproblem of LWE. This algorithm was then adapted to LWE by Albrecht et al. In this paper, we improve the algorithm proposed by Albrecht et al. by using multidimensional Fourier transforms. Our algorithm is, to the best of our knowledge, the fastest LWE solving algorithm. Compared to the work of Albrecht et al. we greatly simplify the analysis, getting rid of integrals which were hard to evaluate in the final complexity. We also remove some heuristics on rounded Gaussians. Some of our results on rounded Gaussians might be of independent interest. Moreover, we also analyze algorithms solving LWE with discrete Gaussian noise. Finally, we apply the same algorithm to the Learning With Rounding problem (LWR) for prime q, a deterministic counterpart to LWE. This problem is getting more and more attention and is used, for instance, to design pseudorandom functions. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the first algorithm applied directly to LWR. Furthermore, the analysis of LWR contains some technical results of independent interest

    Cumulatively All-Lossy-But-One Trapdoor Functions from Standard Assumptions

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    International audienceChakraborty, Prabhakaran, and Wichs (PKC'20) recently introduced a new tag-based variant of lossy trapdoor functions, termed cumulatively all-lossy-but-one trapdoor functions (CALBO-TDFs). Informally, CALBO-TDFs allow defining a public tag-based function with a (computationally hidden) special tag, such that the function is lossy for all tags except when the special secret tag is used. In the latter case, the function becomes injective and efficiently invertible using a secret trapdoor. This notion has been used to obtain advanced constructions of signatures with strong guarantees against leakage and tampering, and also by Dodis, Vaikunthanathan, and Wichs (EUROCRYPT'20) to obtain constructions of randomness extractors with extractor-dependent sources. While these applications are motivated by practical considerations, the only known instantiation of CALBO-TDFs so far relies on the existence of indistinguishability obfuscation. In this paper, we propose the first two instantiations of CALBO-TDFs based on standard assumptions. Our constructions are based on the LWE assumption with a sub-exponential approximation factor and on the DCR assumption, respectively, and circumvent the use of indistinguishability obfuscation by relying on lossy modes and trapdoor mechanisms enabled by these assumptions