291,213 research outputs found

    A classification learning algorithm robust to irrelevant features

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    Presence of irrelevant features is a fact of life in many realworld applications of classification learning. Although nearest-neighbor classification algorithms have emerged as a promising approach to machine learning tasks with their high predictive accuracy, they are adversely affected by the presence of such irrelevant features. In this paper, we describe a recently proposed classification algorithm called VFI5, which achieves comparable accuracy to nearest-neighbor classifiers while it is robust with respect to irrelevant features. The paper compares both the nearest-neighbor classifier and the VFI5 algorithms in the presence of irrelevant features on both artificially generated and real-world data sets selected from the UCI repository

    Conditional Dynamic Mutual Information-Based Feature Selection

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    With emergence of new techniques, data in many fields are getting larger and larger, especially in dimensionality aspect. The high dimensionality of data may pose great challenges to traditional learning algorithms. In fact, many of features in large volume of data are redundant and noisy. Their presence not only degrades the performance of learning algorithms, but also confuses end-users in the post-analysis process. Thus, it is necessary to eliminate irrelevant features from data before being fed into learning algorithms. Currently, many endeavors have been attempted in this field and many outstanding feature selection methods have been developed. Among different evaluation criteria, mutual information has also been widely used in feature selection because of its good capability of quantifying uncertainty of features in classification tasks. However, the mutual information estimated on the whole dataset cannot exactly represent the correlation between features. To cope with this issue, in this paper we firstly re-estimate mutual information on identified instances dynamically, and then introduce a new feature selection method based on conditional mutual information. Performance evaluations on sixteen UCI datasets show that our proposed method achieves comparable performance to other well-established feature selection algorithms in most cases

    Generalized Query-Based Active Learning to Identify Differentially Methylated Regions in DNA

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    Active learning is a supervised learning technique that reduces the number of examples required for building a successful classifier, because it can choose the data it learns from. This technique holds promise for many biological domains in which classified examples are expensive and time-consuming to obtain. Most traditional active learning methods ask very specific queries to the Oracle (e.g., a human expert) to label an unlabeled example. The example may consist of numerous features, many of which are irrelevant. Removing such features will create a shorter query with only relevant features, and it will be easier for the Oracle to answer. We propose a generalized query-based active learning (GQAL) approach that constructs generalized queries based on multiple instances. By constructing appropriately generalized queries, we can achieve higher accuracy compared to traditional active learning methods. We apply our active learning method to find differentially DNA methylated regions (DMRs). DMRs are DNA locations in the genome that are known to be involved in tissue differentiation, epigenetic regulation, and disease. We also apply our method on 13 other data sets and show that our method is better than another popular active learning technique

    Semantic Image Synthesis via Adversarial Learning

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    In this paper, we propose a way of synthesizing realistic images directly with natural language description, which has many useful applications, e.g. intelligent image manipulation. We attempt to accomplish such synthesis: given a source image and a target text description, our model synthesizes images to meet two requirements: 1) being realistic while matching the target text description; 2) maintaining other image features that are irrelevant to the text description. The model should be able to disentangle the semantic information from the two modalities (image and text), and generate new images from the combined semantics. To achieve this, we proposed an end-to-end neural architecture that leverages adversarial learning to automatically learn implicit loss functions, which are optimized to fulfill the aforementioned two requirements. We have evaluated our model by conducting experiments on Caltech-200 bird dataset and Oxford-102 flower dataset, and have demonstrated that our model is capable of synthesizing realistic images that match the given descriptions, while still maintain other features of original images.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 201

    Sparse Spatial Transformers for Few-Shot Learning

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    Learning from limited data is a challenging task since the scarcity of data leads to a poor generalization of the trained model. The classical global pooled representation is likely to lose useful local information. Recently, many few shot learning methods address this challenge by using deep descriptors and learning a pixel-level metric. However, using deep descriptors as feature representations may lose the contextual information of the image. And most of these methods deal with each class in the support set independently, which cannot sufficiently utilize discriminative information and task-specific embeddings. In this paper, we propose a novel Transformer based neural network architecture called Sparse Spatial Transformers (SSFormers), which can find task-relevant features and suppress task-irrelevant features. Specifically, we first divide each input image into several image patches of different sizes to obtain dense local features. These features retain contextual information while expressing local information. Then, a sparse spatial transformer layer is proposed to find spatial correspondence between the query image and the entire support set to select task-relevant image patches and suppress task-irrelevant image patches. Finally, we propose to use an image patch matching module for calculating the distance between dense local representations, thus to determine which category the query image belongs to in the support set. Extensive experiments on popular few-shot learning benchmarks show that our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance