3,199 research outputs found

    Learning at the Ends: From Hand to Tool Affordances in Humanoid Robots

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    One of the open challenges in designing robots that operate successfully in the unpredictable human environment is how to make them able to predict what actions they can perform on objects, and what their effects will be, i.e., the ability to perceive object affordances. Since modeling all the possible world interactions is unfeasible, learning from experience is required, posing the challenge of collecting a large amount of experiences (i.e., training data). Typically, a manipulative robot operates on external objects by using its own hands (or similar end-effectors), but in some cases the use of tools may be desirable, nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume that while a robot can collect many sensorimotor experiences using its own hands, this cannot happen for all possible human-made tools. Therefore, in this paper we investigate the developmental transition from hand to tool affordances: what sensorimotor skills that a robot has acquired with its bare hands can be employed for tool use? By employing a visual and motor imagination mechanism to represent different hand postures compactly, we propose a probabilistic model to learn hand affordances, and we show how this model can generalize to estimate the affordances of previously unseen tools, ultimately supporting planning, decision-making and tool selection tasks in humanoid robots. We present experimental results with the iCub humanoid robot, and we publicly release the collected sensorimotor data in the form of a hand posture affordances dataset.Comment: dataset available at htts://vislab.isr.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/, IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob 2017

    Interactive Robot Learning of Gestures, Language and Affordances

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    A growing field in robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) research is human-robot collaboration, whose target is to enable effective teamwork between humans and robots. However, in many situations human teams are still superior to human-robot teams, primarily because human teams can easily agree on a common goal with language, and the individual members observe each other effectively, leveraging their shared motor repertoire and sensorimotor resources. This paper shows that for cognitive robots it is possible, and indeed fruitful, to combine knowledge acquired from interacting with elements of the environment (affordance exploration) with the probabilistic observation of another agent's actions. We propose a model that unites (i) learning robot affordances and word descriptions with (ii) statistical recognition of human gestures with vision sensors. We discuss theoretical motivations, possible implementations, and we show initial results which highlight that, after having acquired knowledge of its surrounding environment, a humanoid robot can generalize this knowledge to the case when it observes another agent (human partner) performing the same motor actions previously executed during training.Comment: code available at https://github.com/gsaponaro/glu-gesture

    Affordances in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Robotics: A Survey

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    The concept of affordances appeared in psychology during the late 60s as an alternative perspective on the visual perception of the environment. It was revolutionary in the intuition that the way living beings perceive the world is deeply influenced by the actions they are able to perform. Then, across the last 40 years, it has influenced many applied fields, e.g., design, human-computer interaction, computer vision, and robotics. In this paper, we offer a multidisciplinary perspective on the notion of affordances. We first discuss the main definitions and formalizations of the affordance theory, then we report the most significant evidence in psychology and neuroscience that support it, and finally we review the most relevant applications of this concept in robotics

    Beyond Gazing, Pointing, and Reaching: A Survey of Developmental Robotics

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    Developmental robotics is an emerging field located at the intersection of developmental psychology and robotics, that has lately attracted quite some attention. This paper gives a survey of a variety of research projects dealing with or inspired by developmental issues, and outlines possible future directions