38 research outputs found

    A Mobile Geo-Communication Dataset for Physiology-Aware DASH in Rural Ambulance Transport

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    Use of telecommunication technologies for remote, continuous monitoring of patients can enhance effectiveness of emergency ambulance care during transport from rural areas to a regional center hospital. However, the communication along the various routes in rural areas may have wide bandwidth ranges from 2G to 4G; some regions may have only lower satellite bandwidth available. Bandwidth fluctuation together with real-time communication of various clinical multimedia pose a major challenge during rural patient ambulance transport.; AB@The availability of a pre-transport route-dependent communication bandwidth database is an important resource in remote monitoring and clinical multimedia transmission in rural ambulance transport. Here, we present a geo-communication dataset from extensive profiling of 4 major US mobile carriers in Illinois, from the rural location of Hoopeston to the central referral hospital center at Urbana. In collaboration with Carle Foundation Hospital, we developed a profiler, and collected various geographical and communication traces for realistic emergency rural ambulance transport scenarios. Our dataset is to support our ongoing work of proposing "physiology-aware DASH", which is particularly useful for adaptive remote monitoring of critically ill patients in emergency rural ambulance transport. It provides insights on ensuring higher Quality of Service (QoS) for most critical clinical multimedia in response to changes in patients' physiological states and bandwidth conditions. Our dataset is available online for research community.Comment: Proceedings of the 8th ACM on Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys'17), Pages 158-163, Taipei, Taiwan, June 20 - 23, 201

    Differentially Private Trajectory Analysis for Points-of-Interest Recommendation

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    Ubiquitous deployment of low-cost mobile positioning devices and the widespread use of high-speed wireless networks enable massive collection of large-scale trajectory data of individuals moving on road networks. Trajectory data mining finds numerous applications including understanding users' historical travel preferences and recommending places of interest to new visitors. Privacy-preserving trajectory mining is an important and challenging problem as exposure of sensitive location information in the trajectories can directly invade the location privacy of the users associated with the trajectories. In this paper, we propose a differentially private trajectory analysis algorithm for points-of-interest recommendation to users that aims at maximizing the accuracy of the recommendation results while protecting the privacy of the exposed trajectories with differential privacy guarantees. Our algorithm first transforms the raw trajectory dataset into a bipartite graph with nodes representing the users and the points-of-interest and the edges representing the visits made by the users to the locations, and then extracts the association matrix representing the bipartite graph to inject carefully calibrated noise to meet ϵ-differential privacy guarantees. A post-processing of the perturbed association matrix is performed to suppress noise prior to performing a Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS) on the transformed data that generates an ordered list of recommended points-of-interest. Extensive experiments on a real trajectory dataset show that our algorithm is efficient, scalable and demonstrates high recommendation accuracy while meeting the required differential privacy guarantees

    Traveltant: Social Interaction Based Personalized Recommendation System

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    Trip planning is a time consuming task that most people do before going to any destination. Traveltant is an intelligent system that analyzes a user\u27s Social network and suggests a complete trip plan detailed for every single day based on the user\u27s interests extracted from the Social network. Traveltant also considers the interests of friends the user interacts with most by building a ranked friends list of interactivity, and then uses the interests of those people in this list to enrich the recommendation results. Traveltant provides a smooth user interface through a Windows Phone 7 application while doing most of the work in a backend cloud service. To evaluate the results of the system, volunteers have rated the personalized results better than those results from only common factors such popularity and rating

    Context Trees: Augmenting Geospatial Trajectories with Context

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    Exposing latent knowledge in geospatial trajectories has the potential to provide a better understanding of the movements of individuals and groups. Motivated by such a desire, this work presents the context tree, a new hierarchical data structure that summarises the context behind user actions in a single model. We propose a method for context tree construction that augments geospatial trajectories with land usage data to identify such contexts. Through evaluation of the construction method and analysis of the properties of generated context trees, we demonstrate the foundation for understanding and modelling behaviour afforded. Summarising user contexts into a single data structure gives easy access to information that would otherwise remain latent, providing the basis for better understanding and predicting the actions and behaviours of individuals and groups. Finally, we also present a method for pruning context trees, for use in applications where it is desirable to reduce the size of the tree while retaining useful information

    Applications of Trajectory Data From the Perspective of a Road Transportation Agency: Literature Review and Maryland Case Study

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    Transportation agencies have an opportunity to leverage increasingly-available trajectory datasets to improve their analyses and decision-making processes. However, this data is typically purchased from vendors, which means agencies must understand its potential benefits beforehand in order to properly assess its value relative to the cost of acquisition. While the literature concerned with trajectory data is rich, it is naturally fragmented and focused on technical contributions in niche areas, which makes it difficult for government agencies to assess its value across different transportation domains. To overcome this issue, the current paper explores trajectory data from the perspective of a road transportation agency interested in acquiring trajectories to enhance its analyses. The paper provides a literature review illustrating applications of trajectory data in six areas of road transportation systems analysis: demand estimation, modeling human behavior, designing public transit, traffic performance measurement and prediction, environment and safety. In addition, it visually explores 20 million GPS traces in Maryland, illustrating existing and suggesting new applications of trajectory data

    A review of urban computing for mobile phone traces

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    In this work, we present three classes of methods to extract information from triangulated mobile phone signals, and describe applications with different goals in spatiotemporal analysis and urban modeling. Our first challenge is to relate extracted information from phone records (i.e., a set of time-stamped coordinates estimated from signal strengths) with destinations by each of the million anonymous users. By demonstrating a method that converts phone signals into small grid cell destinations, we present a framework that bridges triangulated mobile phone data with previously established findings obtained from data at more coarse-grained resolutions (such as at the cell tower or census tract levels). In particular, this method allows us to relate daily mobility networks, called motifs here, with trip chains extracted from travel diary surveys. Compared with existing travel demand models mainly relying on expensive and less-frequent travel survey data, this method represents an advantage for applying ubiquitous mobile phone data to urban and transportation modeling applications. Second, we present a method that takes advantage of the high spatial resolution of the triangulated phone data to infer trip purposes by examining semantic-enriched land uses surrounding destinations in individual's motifs. In the final section, we discuss a portable computational architecture that allows us to manage and analyze mobile phone data in geospatial databases, and to map mobile phone trips onto spatial networks such that further analysis about flows and network performances can be done. The combination of these three methods demonstrate the state-of-the-art algorithms that can be adapted to triangulated mobile phone data for the context of urban computing and modeling applications.BMW GroupAustrian Institute of TechnologySingapore. National Research FoundationMassachusetts Institute of Technology. School of EngineeringMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Urban Studies and PlanningSingapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (Center for Future Mobility

    A Trajectory-Based Recommender System for Tourism

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