4 research outputs found

    Learning to refer informatively by amortizing pragmatic reasoning

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    A hallmark of human language is the ability to effectively and efficiently convey contextually relevant information. One theory for how humans reason about language is presented in the Rational Speech Acts (RSA) framework, which captures pragmatic phenomena via a process of recursive social reasoning (Goodman & Frank, 2016). However, RSA represents ideal reasoning in an unconstrained setting. We explore the idea that speakers might learn to amortize the cost of RSA computation over time by directly optimizing for successful communication with an internal listener model. In simulations with grounded neural speakers and listeners across two communication game datasets representing synthetic and human-generated data, we find that our amortized model is able to quickly generate language that is effective and concise across a range of contexts, without the need for explicit pragmatic reasoning.Comment: Accepted to CogSci 202

    Generating Pragmatic Examples to Train Neural Program Synthesizers

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    Programming-by-example is the task of synthesizing a program that is consistent with a set of user-provided input-output examples. As examples are often an under-specification of one's intent, a good synthesizer must choose the intended program from the many that are consistent with the given set of examples. Prior work frames program synthesis as a cooperative game between a listener (that synthesizes programs) and a speaker (a user choosing examples), and shows that models of computational pragmatic inference are effective in choosing the user intended programs. However, these models require counterfactual reasoning over a large set of programs and examples, which is infeasible in realistic program spaces. In this paper, we propose a novel way to amortize this search with neural networks. We sample pairs of programs and examples via self-play between listener and speaker models, and use pragmatic inference to choose informative training examples from this sample.We then use the informative dataset to train models to improve the synthesizer's ability to disambiguate user-provided examples without human supervision. We validate our method on the challenging task of synthesizing regular expressions from example strings, and find that our method (1) outperforms models trained without choosing pragmatic examples by 23% (a 51% relative increase) (2) matches the performance of supervised learning on a dataset of pragmatic examples provided by humans, despite using no human data in training

    From Word Models to World Models: Translating from Natural Language to the Probabilistic Language of Thought

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    How does language inform our downstream thinking? In particular, how do humans make meaning from language -- and how can we leverage a theory of linguistic meaning to build machines that think in more human-like ways? In this paper, we propose \textit{rational meaning construction}, a computational framework for language-informed thinking that combines neural models of language with probabilistic models for rational inference. We frame linguistic meaning as a context-sensitive mapping from natural language into a \textit{probabilistic language of thought} (PLoT) -- a general-purpose symbolic substrate for probabilistic, generative world modeling. Our architecture integrates two powerful computational tools that have not previously come together: we model thinking with \textit{probabilistic programs}, an expressive representation for flexible commonsense reasoning; and we model meaning construction with \textit{large language models} (LLMs), which support broad-coverage translation from natural language utterances to code expressions in a probabilistic programming language. We illustrate our framework in action through examples covering four core domains from cognitive science: probabilistic reasoning, logical and relational reasoning, visual and physical reasoning, and social reasoning about agents and their plans. In each, we show that LLMs can generate context-sensitive translations that capture pragmatically-appropriate linguistic meanings, while Bayesian inference with the generated programs supports coherent and robust commonsense reasoning. We extend our framework to integrate cognitively-motivated symbolic modules to provide a unified commonsense thinking interface from language. Finally, we explore how language can drive the construction of world models themselves

    3-я Міжнародна конференція зі сталого майбутнього: екологічні, технологічні, соціальні та економічні аспекти (ICSF 2022) 24-27 травня 2022 року, м. Кривий Ріг, Україна

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    Матеріали 3-ої Міжнародної конференції зі сталого майбутнього: екологічні, технологічні, соціальні та економічні аспекти (ICSF 2022) 24-27 травня 2022 року, м. Кривий Ріг, Україна.Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters (ICSF 2022) 24-27 May 2022, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine