91 research outputs found

    Retinal Vessels Segmentation Techniques and Algorithms: A Survey

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    Retinal vessels identification and localization aim to separate the different retinal vasculature structure tissues, either wide or narrow ones, from the fundus image background and other retinal anatomical structures such as optic disc, macula, and abnormal lesions. Retinal vessels identification studies are attracting more and more attention in recent years due to non-invasive fundus imaging and the crucial information contained in vasculature structure which is helpful for the detection and diagnosis of a variety of retinal pathologies included but not limited to: Diabetic Retinopathy (DR), glaucoma, hypertension, and Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). With the development of almost two decades, the innovative approaches applying computer-aided techniques for segmenting retinal vessels are becoming more and more crucial and coming closer to routine clinical applications. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview for retinal vessels segmentation techniques. Firstly, a brief introduction to retinal fundus photography and imaging modalities of retinal images is given. Then, the preprocessing operations and the state of the art methods of retinal vessels identification are introduced. Moreover, the evaluation and validation of the results of retinal vessels segmentation are discussed. Finally, an objective assessment is presented and future developments and trends are addressed for retinal vessels identification techniques.https://doi.org/10.3390/app802015

    A Multi-Anatomical Retinal Structure Segmentation System For Automatic Eye Screening Using Morphological Adaptive Fuzzy Thresholding

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    Eye exam can be as efficacious as physical one in determining health concerns. Retina screening can be the very first clue to detecting a variety of hidden health issues including pre-diabetes and diabetes. Through the process of clinical diagnosis and prognosis; ophthalmologists rely heavily on the binary segmented version of retina fundus image; where the accuracy of segmented vessels, optic disc and abnormal lesions extremely affects the diagnosis accuracy which in turn affect the subsequent clinical treatment steps. This thesis proposes an automated retinal fundus image segmentation system composed of three segmentation subsystems follow same core segmentation algorithm. Despite of broad difference in features and characteristics; retinal vessels, optic disc and exudate lesions are extracted by each subsystem without the need for texture analysis or synthesis. For sake of compact diagnosis and complete clinical insight, our proposed system can detect these anatomical structures in one session with high accuracy even in pathological retina images. The proposed system uses a robust hybrid segmentation algorithm combines adaptive fuzzy thresholding and mathematical morphology. The proposed system is validated using four benchmark datasets: DRIVE and STARE (vessels), DRISHTI-GS (optic disc), and DIARETDB1 (exudates lesions). Competitive segmentation performance is achieved, outperforming a variety of up-to-date systems and demonstrating the capacity to deal with other heterogenous anatomical structures

    Classification and Segmentation of Galactic Structuresin Large Multi-spectral Images

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    Extensive and exhaustive cataloguing of astronomical objects is imperative for studies seeking to understand mechanisms which drive the universe. Such cataloguing tasks can be tedious, time consuming and demand a high level of domain specific knowledge. Past astronomical imaging surveys have been catalogued through mostly manual effort. Immi-nent imaging surveys, however, will produce a magnitude of data that cannot be feasibly processed through manual cataloguing. Furthermore, these surveys will capture objects fainter than the night sky, termed low surface brightness objects, and at unprecedented spatial resolution owing to advancements in astronomical imaging. In this thesis, we in-vestigate the use of deep learning to automate cataloguing processes, such as detection, classification and segmentation of objects. A common theme throughout this work is the adaptation of machine learning methods to challenges specific to the domain of low surface brightness imaging.We begin with creating an annotated dataset of structures in low surface brightness images. To facilitate supervised learning in neural networks, a dataset comprised of input and corresponding ground truth target labels is required. An online tool is presented, allowing astronomers to classify and draw over objects in large multi-spectral images. A dataset produced using the tool is then detailed, containing 227 low surface brightness images from the MATLAS survey and labels made by four annotators. We then present a method for synthesising images of galactic cirrus which appear similar to MATLAS images, allowing pretraining of neural networks.A method for integrating sensitivity to orientation in convolutional neural networks is then presented. Objects in astronomical images can present in any given orientation, and thus the ability for neural networks to handle rotations is desirable. We modify con-volutional filters with sets of Gabor filters with different orientations. These orientations are learned alongside network parameters during backpropagation, allowing exact optimal orientations to be captured. The method is validated extensively on multiple datasets and use cases.We propose an attention based neural network architecture to process global contami-nants in large images. Performing analysis of low surface brightness images requires plenty of contextual information and local textual patterns. As a result, a network for processing low surface brightness images should ideally be able to accommodate large high resolu-tion images without compromising on either local or global features. We utilise attention to capture long range dependencies, and propose an efficient attention operator which significantly reduces computational cost, allowing the input of large images. We also use Gabor filters to build an attention mechanism to better capture long range orientational patterns. These techniques are validated on the task of cirrus segmentation in MAT-LAS images, and cloud segmentation on the SWIMSEG database, where state of the art performance is achieved.Following, cirrus segmentation in MATLAS images is further investigated, and a com-prehensive study is performed on the task. We discuss challenges associated with cirrus segmentation and low surface brightness images in general, and present several tech-niques to accommodate them. A novel loss function is proposed to facilitate training of the segmentation model on probabilistic targets. Results are presented on the annotated MATLAS images, with extensive ablation studies and a final benchmark to test the limits of the detailed segmentation pipeline.Finally, we develop a pipeline for multi-class segmentation of galactic structures and surrounding contaminants. Techniques of previous chapters are combined with a popu-lar instance segmentation architecture to create a neural network capable of segmenting localised objects and extended amorphous regions. The process of data preparation for training instance segmentation models is thoroughly detailed. The method is tested on segmentation of five object classes in MATLAS images. We find that unifying the tasks of galactic structure segmentation and contaminant segmentation improves model perfor-mance in comparison to isolating each task

    Machine Learning Methods for Medical and Biological Image Computing

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    Medical and biological imaging technologies provide valuable visualization information of structure and function for an organ from the level of individual molecules to the whole object. Brain is the most complex organ in body, and it increasingly attracts intense research attentions with the rapid development of medical and bio-logical imaging technologies. A massive amount of high-dimensional brain imaging data being generated makes the design of computational methods for eļ¬ƒcient analysis on those images highly demanded. The current study of computational methods using hand-crafted features does not scale with the increasing number of brain images, hindering the pace of scientiļ¬c discoveries in neuroscience. In this thesis, I propose computational methods using high-level features for automated analysis of brain images at diļ¬€erent levels. At the brain function level, I develop a deep learning based framework for completing and integrating multi-modality neuroimaging data, which increases the diagnosis accuracy for Alzheimerā€™s disease. At the cellular level, I propose to use three dimensional convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for segmenting the volumetric neuronal images, which improves the performance of digital reconstruction of neuron structures. I design a novel CNN architecture such that the model training and testing image prediction can be implemented in an end-to-end manner. At the molecular level, I build a voxel CNN classiļ¬er to capture discriminative features of the input along three spatial dimensions, which facilitate the identiļ¬cation of secondary structures of proteins from electron microscopy im-ages. In order to classify genes speciļ¬cally expressed in diļ¬€erent brain cell-type, I propose to use invariant image feature descriptors to capture local gene expression information from cellular-resolution in situ hybridization images. I build image-level representations by applying regularized learning and vector quantization on generated image descriptors. The developed computational methods in this dissertation are evaluated using images from medical and biological experiments in comparison with baseline methods. Experimental results demonstrate that the developed representations, formulations, and algorithms are eļ¬€ective and eļ¬ƒcient in learning from brain imaging data
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