22,047 research outputs found

    Fitness Uniform Optimization

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    In evolutionary algorithms, the fitness of a population increases with time by mutating and recombining individuals and by a biased selection of more fit individuals. The right selection pressure is critical in ensuring sufficient optimization progress on the one hand and in preserving genetic diversity to be able to escape from local optima on the other hand. Motivated by a universal similarity relation on the individuals, we propose a new selection scheme, which is uniform in the fitness values. It generates selection pressure toward sparsely populated fitness regions, not necessarily toward higher fitness, as is the case for all other selection schemes. We show analytically on a simple example that the new selection scheme can be much more effective than standard selection schemes. We also propose a new deletion scheme which achieves a similar result via deletion and show how such a scheme preserves genetic diversity more effectively than standard approaches. We compare the performance of the new schemes to tournament selection and random deletion on an artificial deceptive problem and a range of NP-hard problems: traveling salesman, set covering and satisfiability.Comment: 25 double-column pages, 12 figure

    Explaining Adaptation in Genetic Algorithms With Uniform Crossover: The Hyperclimbing Hypothesis

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    The hyperclimbing hypothesis is a hypothetical explanation for adaptation in genetic algorithms with uniform crossover (UGAs). Hyperclimbing is an intuitive, general-purpose, non-local search heuristic applicable to discrete product spaces with rugged or stochastic cost functions. The strength of this heuristic lie in its insusceptibility to local optima when the cost function is deterministic, and its tolerance for noise when the cost function is stochastic. Hyperclimbing works by decimating a search space, i.e. by iteratively fixing the values of small numbers of variables. The hyperclimbing hypothesis holds that UGAs work by implementing efficient hyperclimbing. Proof of concept for this hypothesis comes from the use of a novel analytic technique involving the exploitation of algorithmic symmetry. We have also obtained experimental results that show that a simple tweak inspired by the hyperclimbing hypothesis dramatically improves the performance of a UGA on large, random instances of MAX-3SAT and the Sherrington Kirkpatrick Spin Glasses problem.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    On the landscape of combinatorial optimization problems

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    This paper carries out a comparison of the fitness landscape for four classic optimization problems: Max-Sat, graph-coloring, traveling salesman, and quadratic assignment. We have focused on two types of properties, local average properties of the landscape, and properties of the local optima. For the local optima we give a fairly comprehensive description of the properties, including the expected time to reach a local optimum, the number of local optima at different cost levels, the distance between optima, and the expected probability of reaching the optima. Principle component analysis is used to understand the correlations between the local optima. Most of the properties that we examine have not been studied previously, particularly those concerned with properties of the local optima. We compare and contrast the behavior of the four different problems. Although the problems are very different at the low level, many of the long-range properties exhibit a remarkable degree of similarity

    Estimating meme fitness in adaptive memetic algorithms for combinatorial problems

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    Among the most promising and active research areas in heuristic optimisation is the field of adaptive memetic algorithms (AMAs). These gain much of their reported robustness by adapting the probability with which each of a set of local improvement operators is applied, according to an estimate of their current value to the search process. This paper addresses the issue of how the current value should be estimated. Assuming the estimate occurs over several applications of a meme, we consider whether the extreme or mean improvements should be used, and whether this aggregation should be global, or local to some part of the solution space. To investigate these issues, we use the well-established COMA framework that coevolves the specification of a population of memes (representing different local search algorithms) alongside a population of candidate solutions to the problem at hand. Two very different memetic algorithms are considered: the first using adaptive operator pursuit to adjust the probabilities of applying a fixed set of memes, and a second which applies genetic operators to dynamically adapt and create memes and their functional definitions. For the latter, especially on combinatorial problems, credit assignment mechanisms based on historical records, or on notions of landscape locality, will have limited application, and it is necessary to estimate the value of a meme via some form of sampling. The results on a set of binary encoded combinatorial problems show that both methods are very effective, and that for some problems it is necessary to use thousands of variables in order to tease apart the differences between different reward schemes. However, for both memetic algorithms, a significant pattern emerges that reward based on mean improvement is better than that based on extreme improvement. This contradicts recent findings from adapting the parameters of operators involved in global evolutionary search. The results also show that local reward schemes outperform global reward schemes in combinatorial spaces, unlike in continuous spaces. An analysis of evolving meme behaviour is used to explain these findings. © 2012 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Reinforcement Learning in Different Phases of Quantum Control

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    The ability to prepare a physical system in a desired quantum state is central to many areas of physics such as nuclear magnetic resonance, cold atoms, and quantum computing. Yet, preparing states quickly and with high fidelity remains a formidable challenge. In this work we implement cutting-edge Reinforcement Learning (RL) techniques and show that their performance is comparable to optimal control methods in the task of finding short, high-fidelity driving protocol from an initial to a target state in non-integrable many-body quantum systems of interacting qubits. RL methods learn about the underlying physical system solely through a single scalar reward (the fidelity of the resulting state) calculated from numerical simulations of the physical system. We further show that quantum state manipulation, viewed as an optimization problem, exhibits a spin-glass-like phase transition in the space of protocols as a function of the protocol duration. Our RL-aided approach helps identify variational protocols with nearly optimal fidelity, even in the glassy phase, where optimal state manipulation is exponentially hard. This study highlights the potential usefulness of RL for applications in out-of-equilibrium quantum physics.Comment: A legend for the videos referred to in the paper is available on https://mgbukov.github.io/RL_movies

    Towards the Inferrence of Structural Similarity of Combinatorial Landscapes

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    One of the most common problem-solving heuristics is by analogy. For a given problem, a solver can be viewed as a strategic walk on its fitness landscape. Thus if a solver works for one problem instance, we expect it will also be effective for other instances whose fitness landscapes essentially share structural similarities with each other. However, due to the black-box nature of combinatorial optimization, it is far from trivial to infer such similarity in real-world scenarios. To bridge this gap, by using local optima network as a proxy of fitness landscapes, this paper proposed to leverage graph data mining techniques to conduct qualitative and quantitative analyses to explore the latent topological structural information embedded in those landscapes. By conducting large-scale empirical experiments on three classic combinatorial optimization problems, we gain concrete evidence to support the existence of structural similarity between landscapes of the same classes within neighboring dimensions. We also interrogated the relationship between landscapes of different problem classes
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