530 research outputs found

    Improving the Performance of Online Neural Transducer Models

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    Having a sequence-to-sequence model which can operate in an online fashion is important for streaming applications such as Voice Search. Neural transducer is a streaming sequence-to-sequence model, but has shown a significant degradation in performance compared to non-streaming models such as Listen, Attend and Spell (LAS). In this paper, we present various improvements to NT. Specifically, we look at increasing the window over which NT computes attention, mainly by looking backwards in time so the model still remains online. In addition, we explore initializing a NT model from a LAS-trained model so that it is guided with a better alignment. Finally, we explore including stronger language models such as using wordpiece models, and applying an external LM during the beam search. On a Voice Search task, we find with these improvements we can get NT to match the performance of LAS

    A Weakly-Supervised Streaming Multilingual Speech Model with Truly Zero-Shot Capability

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    In this paper, we introduce our work of building a Streaming Multilingual Speech Model (SM2), which can transcribe or translate multiple spoken languages into texts of the target language. The backbone of SM2 is Transformer Transducer, which has high streaming capability. Instead of human labeled speech translation (ST) data, SM2 models are trained using weakly supervised data generated by converting the transcriptions in speech recognition corpora with a machine translation service. With 351 thousand hours of anonymized speech training data from 25 languages, SM2 models achieve comparable or even better ST quality than some recent popular large-scale non-streaming speech models. More importantly, we show that SM2 has the truly zero-shot capability when expanding to new target languages, yielding high quality ST results for {source-speech, target-text} pairs that are not seen during training.Comment: submitted to ICASSP 202

    Essential Speech and Language Technology for Dutch: Results by the STEVIN-programme

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    Computational Linguistics; Germanic Languages; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Computing Methodologie

    A Hierarchical Latent Variable Encoder-Decoder Model for Generating Dialogues

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    Sequential data often possesses a hierarchical structure with complex dependencies between subsequences, such as found between the utterances in a dialogue. In an effort to model this kind of generative process, we propose a neural network-based generative architecture, with latent stochastic variables that span a variable number of time steps. We apply the proposed model to the task of dialogue response generation and compare it with recent neural network architectures. We evaluate the model performance through automatic evaluation metrics and by carrying out a human evaluation. The experiments demonstrate that our model improves upon recently proposed models and that the latent variables facilitate the generation of long outputs and maintain the context.Comment: 15 pages, 5 tables, 4 figure

    The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth: Faithful and Controllable Dialogue Response Generation with Dataflow Transduction and Constrained Decoding

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    In a real-world dialogue system, generated responses must satisfy several interlocking constraints: being informative, truthful, and easy to control. The two predominant paradigms in language generation -- neural language modeling and rule-based generation -- both struggle to satisfy these constraints. Even the best neural models are prone to hallucination and omission of information, while existing formalisms for rule-based generation make it difficult to write grammars that are both flexible and fluent. We describe a hybrid architecture for dialogue response generation that combines the strengths of both approaches. This architecture has two components. First, a rule-based content selection model defined using a new formal framework called dataflow transduction, which uses declarative rules to transduce a dialogue agent's computations (represented as dataflow graphs) into context-free grammars representing the space of contextually acceptable responses. Second, a constrained decoding procedure that uses these grammars to constrain the output of a neural language model, which selects fluent utterances. The resulting system outperforms both rule-based and learned approaches in human evaluations of fluency, relevance, and truthfulness

    Dialog act guided contextual adapter for personalized speech recognition

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    Personalization in multi-turn dialogs has been a long standing challenge for end-to-end automatic speech recognition (E2E ASR) models. Recent work on contextual adapters has tackled rare word recognition using user catalogs. This adaptation, however, does not incorporate an important cue, the dialog act, which is available in a multi-turn dialog scenario. In this work, we propose a dialog act guided contextual adapter network. Specifically, it leverages dialog acts to select the most relevant user catalogs and creates queries based on both -- the audio as well as the semantic relationship between the carrier phrase and user catalogs to better guide the contextual biasing. On industrial voice assistant datasets, our model outperforms both the baselines - dialog act encoder-only model, and the contextual adaptation, leading to the most improvement over the no-context model: 58% average relative word error rate reduction (WERR) in the multi-turn dialog scenario, in comparison to the prior-art contextual adapter, which has achieved 39% WERR over the no-context model.Comment: Accepted at ICASSP 202

    THE CHILD AND THE WORLD: How Children acquire Language

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    HOW CHILDREN ACQUIRE LANGUAGE Over the last few decades research into child language acquisition has been revolutionized by the use of ingenious new techniques which allow one to investigate what in fact infants (that is children not yet able to speak) can perceive when exposed to a stream of speech sound, the discriminations they can make between different speech sounds, differentspeech sound sequences and different words. However on the central features of the mystery, the extraordinarily rapid acquisition of lexicon and complex syntactic structures, little solid progress has been made. The questions being researched are how infants acquire and produce the speech sounds (phonemes) of the community language; how infants find words in the stream of speech; and how they link words to perceived objects or action, that is, discover meanings. In a recent general review in Nature of children's language acquisition, Patricia Kuhl also asked why we do not learn new languages as easily at 50 as at 5 and why computers have not cracked the human linguistic code. The motor theory of language function and origin makes possible a plausible account of child language acquisition generally from which answers can be derived also to these further questions. Why computers so far have been unable to 'crack' the language problem becomes apparent in the light of the motor theory account: computers can have no natural relation between words and their meanings; they have no conceptual store to which the network of words is linked nor do they have the innate aspects of language functioning - represented by function words; computers have no direct links between speech sounds and movement patterns and they do not have the instantly integrated neural patterning underlying thought - they necessarily operate serially and hierarchically. Adults find the acquisition of a new language much more difficult than children do because they are already neurally committed to the link between the words of their first language and the elements in their conceptual store. A second language being acquired by an adult is in direct competition for neural space with the network structures established for the first language

    Deep Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

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    The goal of this work is to recognise phrases and sentences being spoken by a talking face, with or without the audio. Unlike previous works that have focussed on recognising a limited number of words or phrases, we tackle lip reading as an open-world problem - unconstrained natural language sentences, and in the wild videos. Our key contributions are: (1) we compare two models for lip reading, one using a CTC loss, and the other using a sequence-to-sequence loss. Both models are built on top of the transformer self-attention architecture; (2) we investigate to what extent lip reading is complementary to audio speech recognition, especially when the audio signal is noisy; (3) we introduce and publicly release a new dataset for audio-visual speech recognition, LRS2-BBC, consisting of thousands of natural sentences from British television. The models that we train surpass the performance of all previous work on a lip reading benchmark dataset by a significant margin.Comment: Accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc