16,464 research outputs found

    Versatile Multi-Contact Planning and Control for Legged Loco-Manipulation

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    Loco-manipulation planning skills are pivotal for expanding the utility of robots in everyday environments. These skills can be assessed based on a system's ability to coordinate complex holistic movements and multiple contact interactions when solving different tasks. However, existing approaches have been merely able to shape such behaviors with hand-crafted state machines, densely engineered rewards, or pre-recorded expert demonstrations. Here, we propose a minimally-guided framework that automatically discovers whole-body trajectories jointly with contact schedules for solving general loco-manipulation tasks in pre-modeled environments. The key insight is that multi-modal problems of this nature can be formulated and treated within the context of integrated Task and Motion Planning (TAMP). An effective bilevel search strategy is achieved by incorporating domain-specific rules and adequately combining the strengths of different planning techniques: trajectory optimization and informed graph search coupled with sampling-based planning. We showcase emergent behaviors for a quadrupedal mobile manipulator exploiting both prehensile and non-prehensile interactions to perform real-world tasks such as opening/closing heavy dishwashers and traversing spring-loaded doors. These behaviors are also deployed on the real system using a two-layer whole-body tracking controller

    Representation and control of coordinated-motion tasks for human-robot systems

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    It is challenging for robots to perform various tasks in a human environment. This is because many human-centered tasks require coordination in both hands and may often involve cooperation with another human. Although human-centered tasks require different types of coordinated movements, most of the existing methodologies have focused only on specific types of coordination. This thesis aims at the description and control of coordinated-motion tasks for human-robot systems; i.e., humanoid robots as well as multi-robot and human-robot systems. First, for bimanually coordinated-motion tasks in dual-manipulator systems, we propose the Extended-Cooperative-Task-Space (ECTS) representation, which extends the existing Cooperative-Task-Space (CTS) representation based on the kinematic models for human bimanual movements in Biomechanics. The proposed ECTS representation can represent the whole spectrum of dual-arm motion/force coordination using two sets of ECTS motion/force variables in a unified manner. The type of coordination can be easily chosen by two meaningful coefficients, and during coordinated-motion tasks, each set of variables directly describes two different aspects of coordinated motion and force behaviors. Thus, the operator can specify coordinated-motion/force tasks more intuitively in high-level descriptions, and the specified tasks can be easily reused in other situations with greater flexibility. Moreover, we present consistent procedures of using the ECTS representation for task specifications in the upper-body and lower-body subsystems of humanoid robots in order to perform manipulation and locomotion tasks, respectively. Besides, we propose and discuss performance indices derived based on the ECTS representation, which can be used to evaluate and optimize the performance of any type of dual-arm manipulation tasks. We show that using the ECTS representation for specifying both dual-arm manipulation and biped locomotion tasks can greatly simplify the motion planning process, allowing the operator to focus on high-level descriptions of those tasks. Both upper-body and lower-body task specifications are demonstrated by specifying whole-body task examples on a Hubo II+ robot carrying out dual-arm manipulation as well as biped locomotion tasks in a simulation environment. We also present the results from experiments on a dual-arm robot (Baxter) for teleoperating various types of coordinated-motion tasks using a single 6D mouse interface. The specified upper- and lower-body tasks can be considered as coordinated motions with constraints. In order to express various constraints imposed across the whole-body, we discuss the modeling of whole-body structure and the computations for robotic systems having multiple kinematic chains. Then we present a whole-body controller formulated as a quadratic programming, which can take different types of constraints into account in a prioritized manner. We validate the whole-body controller based on the simulation results on a Hubo II+ robot performing specified whole-body task examples with a number of motion and force constraints as well as actuation limits. Lastly, we discuss an extension of the ECTS representation, called Hierarchical Extended-Cooperative-Task Space (H-ECTS) framework, which uses tree-structured graphical representations for coordinated-motion tasks of multi-robot and human-robot systems. The H-ECTS framework is validated by experimental results on two Baxter robots cooperating with each other as well as with an additional human partner

    Using the TIDieR checklist to standardize the description of a functional strength training intervention for the upper limb after stroke

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    Background and Purpose: Published reports of intervention in randomized controlled trials are often poorly described. The Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklist has been recently developed to improve the reporting of interventions. The aim of this article is to describe a therapy intervention used in the stroke rehabilitation trial, "Clinical Efficacy of Functional Strength Training for Upper Limb Motor Recovery Early After Stroke: Neural Correlates and Prognostic Indicators" (FAST-INdICATE), using TIDieR. Methods: The functional strength training intervention used in the FAST-INdICATE trial was described using TIDieR so that intervention can be replicated by both clinicians, who may implement it in practice, and researchers, who may deliver it in future research. The usefulness of TIDieR in the context of a complex stroke rehabilitation intervention was then discussed. Results and Discussion: The TIDieR checklist provided a systematic way of describing a treatment intervention used in a clinical trial of stroke rehabilitation. Clarification is needed regarding several aspects of the TIDieR checklist, including in which section to report about the development of the intervention in pilot studies, results of feasibility studies; overlap between training and procedures for assessing fidelity; and where to publish supplementary material so that it remains in the public domain. Summary: TIDieR is a systematic way of reporting the intervention delivered in a clinical trial of a complex intervention such as stroke rehabilitation. This approach may also have value for standardizing intervention in clinical practice. Video abstract is available for more insights from the authors (see Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://links.lww.com/JNPT/A131)

    Development of a Whole-body Work Imitation Learning System by a Biped and Bi-armed Humanoid

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    Imitation learning has been actively studied in recent years. In particular, skill acquisition by a robot with a fixed body, whose root link position and posture and camera angle of view do not change, has been realized in many cases. On the other hand, imitation of the behavior of robots with floating links, such as humanoid robots, is still a difficult task. In this study, we develop an imitation learning system using a biped robot with a floating link. There are two main problems in developing such a system. The first is a teleoperation device for humanoids, and the second is a control system that can withstand heavy workloads and long-term data collection. For the first point, we use the whole body control device TABLIS. It can control not only the arms but also the legs and can perform bilateral control with the robot. By connecting this TABLIS with the high-power humanoid robot JAXON, we construct a control system for imitation learning. For the second point, we will build a system that can collect long-term data based on posture optimization, and can simultaneously move the robot's limbs. We combine high-cycle posture generation with posture optimization methods, including whole-body joint torque minimization and contact force optimization. We designed an integrated system with the above two features to achieve various tasks through imitation learning. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of this system by experiments of manipulating flexible fabrics such that not only the hands but also the head and waist move simultaneously, manipulating objects using legs characteristic of humanoids, and lifting heavy objects that require large forces.Comment: accepted at IROS202

    Collaborative Bimanual Manipulation Using Optimal Motion Adaptation and Interaction Control Retargetting Human Commands to Feasible Robot Control References

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    This article presents a robust and reliable human–robot collaboration (HRC) framework for bimanual manipulation. We propose an optimal motion adaptation method to retarget arbitrary human commands to feasible robot pose references while maintaining payload stability. The framework comprises three modules: 1) a task-space sequential equilibrium and inverse kinematics optimization ( task-space SEIKO ) for retargeting human commands and enforcing feasibility constraints, 2) an admittance controller to facilitate compliant human–robot physical interactions, and 3) a low-level controller improving stability during physical interactions. Experimental results show that the proposed framework successfully adapted infeasible and dangerous human commands into continuous motions within safe boundaries and achieved stable grasping and maneuvering of large and heavy objects on a real dual-arm robot via teleoperation and physical interaction. Furthermore, the framework demonstrated the capability in the assembly task of building blocks and the insertion task of industrial power connectors

    Modeling and Control of Multi-Arm and Multi-Leg Robots: Compensating for Object Dynamics during Grasping

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    Dehio N, Smith J, Wigand DL, et al. Modeling & Control of Multi-Arm and Multi-Leg Robots: Compensating for Object Dynamics during Grasping. In: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation. 2018

    Opening Cabinets and Drawers in the Real World using a Commodity Mobile Manipulator

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    Pulling open cabinets and drawers presents many difficult technical challenges in perception (inferring articulation parameters for objects from onboard sensors), planning (producing motion plans that conform to tight task constraints), and control (making and maintaining contact while applying forces on the environment). In this work, we build an end-to-end system that enables a commodity mobile manipulator (Stretch RE2) to pull open cabinets and drawers in diverse previously unseen real world environments. We conduct 4 days of real world testing of this system spanning 31 different objects from across 13 different real world environments. Our system achieves a success rate of 61% on opening novel cabinets and drawers in unseen environments zero-shot. An analysis of the failure modes suggests that errors in perception are the most significant challenge for our system. We will open source code and models for others to replicate and build upon our system.Comment: Project webpage: https://arjung128.github.io/opening-cabinets-and-drawer
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