34 research outputs found

    Multi-facet determination for clustering with Bayesian networks

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    Real world applications of sectors like industry, healthcare or finance usually generate data of high complexity that can be interpreted from different viewpoints. When clustering this type of data, a single set of clusters may not suffice, hence the necessity of methods that generate multiple clusterings that represent different perspectives. In this paper, we present a novel multi-partition clustering method that returns several interesting and non-redundant solutions, where each of them is a data partition with an associated facet of data. Each of these facets represents a subset of the original attributes that is selected using our information-theoretic criterion UMRMR. Our approach is based on an optimization procedure that takes advantage of the Bayesian network factorization to provide high quality solutions in a fraction of the time

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWith the tremendous growth of data produced in the recent years, it is impossible to identify patterns or test hypotheses without reducing data size. Data mining is an area of science that extracts useful information from the data by discovering patterns and structures present in the data. In this dissertation, we will largely focus on clustering which is often the first step in any exploratory data mining task, where items that are similar to each other are grouped together, making downstream data analysis robust. Different clustering techniques have different strengths, and the resulting groupings provide different perspectives on the data. Due to the unsupervised nature i.e., the lack of domain experts who can label the data, validation of results is very difficult. While there are measures that compute "goodness" scores for clustering solutions as a whole, there are few methods that validate the assignment of individual data items to their clusters. To address these challenges we focus on developing a framework that can generate, compare, combine, and evaluate different solutions to make more robust and significant statements about the data. In the first part of this dissertation, we present fast and efficient techniques to generate and combine different clustering solutions. We build on some recent ideas on efficient representations of clusters of partitions to develop a well founded metric that is spatially aware to compare clusterings. With the ability to compare clusterings, we describe a heuristic to combine different solutions to produce a single high quality clustering. We also introduce a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to sample different clusterings from the entire landscape to provide the users with a variety of choices. In the second part of this dissertation, we build certificates for individual data items and study their influence on effective data reduction. We present a geometric approach by defining regions of influence for data items and clusters and use this to develop adaptive sampling techniques to speedup machine learning algorithms. This dissertation is therefore a systematic approach to study the landscape of clusterings in an attempt to provide a better understanding of the data

    Clustering with a Reject Option: Interactive Clustering as Bayesian Prior Elicitation

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    A good clustering can help a data analyst to explore and understand a data set, but what constitutes a good clustering may depend on domain-specific and application-specific criteria. These criteria can be difficult to formalize, even when it is easy for an analyst to know a good clustering when she sees one. We present a new approach to interactive clustering for data exploration, called \ciif, based on a particularly simple feedback mechanism, in which an analyst can choose to reject individual clusters and request new ones. The new clusters should be different from previously rejected clusters while still fitting the data well. We formalize this interaction in a novel Bayesian prior elicitation framework. In each iteration, the prior is adapted to account for all the previous feedback, and a new clustering is then produced from the posterior distribution. To achieve the computational efficiency necessary for an interactive setting, we propose an incremental optimization method over data minibatches using Lagrangian relaxation. Experiments demonstrate that \ciif can produce accurate and diverse clusterings

    Towards a data-integrated cell

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    We are increasingly accumulating molecular data about a cell. The challenge is how to integrate them within a unified conceptual and computational framework enabling new discoveries. Hence, we propose a novel, data-driven concept of an integrated cell, iCell. Also, we introduce a computational prototype of an iCell, which integrates three omics, tissue-specific molecular interaction network types. We construct iCells of four cancers and the corresponding tissue controls and identify the most rewired genes in cancer. Many of them are of unknown function and cannot be identified as different in cancer in any specific molecular network. We biologically validate that they have a role in cancer by knockdown experiments followed by cell viability assays. We find additional support through Kaplan-Meier survival curves of thousands of patients. Finally, we extend this analysis to uncover pan-cancer genes. Our methodology is universal and enables integrative comparisons of diverse omics data over cells and tissues

    Leveraging Structural Flexibility to Predict Protein Function

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    Proteins are essentially versatile and flexible molecules and understanding protein function plays a fundamental role in understanding biological systems. Protein structure comparisons are widely used for revealing protein function. However,with rigidity or partial rigidity assumption, most existing comparison methods do not consider conformational flexibility in protein structures. To address this issue, this thesis seeks to develop algorithms for flexible structure comparisons to predict one specific aspect of protein function, binding specificity. Given conformational samples as flexibility representation, we focus on two predictive problems related to specificity: aggregate prediction and individual prediction.For aggregate prediction, we have designed FAVA (Flexible Aggregate Volumetric Analysis). FAVA is the first conformationally general method to compare proteins with identical folds but different specificities. FAVA is able to correctly categorize members of protein superfamilies and to identify influential amino acids that cause different specificities. A second method PEAP (Point-based Ensemble for Aggregate Prediction) employs ensemble clustering techniques from many base clustering to predict binding specificity. This method incorporates structural motions of functional substructures and is capable of mitigating prediction errors.For individual prediction, the first method is an atomic point representation for representing flexibilities in the binding cavity. This representation is able to predict binding specificity on each protein conformation with high accuracy, and it is the first to analyze maps of binding cavity conformations that describe proteins with different specificities. Our second method introduces a volumetric lattice representation. This representation localizes solvent-accessible shape of the binding cavity by computing cavity volume in each user-defined space. It proves to be more informative than point-based representations. Last but not least, we discuss a structure-independent representation. This representation builds a lattice model on protein electrostatic isopotentials. This is the first known method to predict binding specificity explicitly from the perspective of electrostatic fields.The methods presented in this thesis incorporate the variety of protein conformations into the analysis of protein ligand binding, and provide more views on flexible structure comparisons and structure-based function annotation of molecular design

    Circuit analysis of the <i>Drosophila</i> brain using connectivity-based neuronal classification reveals organization of key communication pathways

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    AbstractWe present a functionally relevant, quantitative characterization of the neural circuitry of Drosophila melanogaster at the mesoscopic level of neuron types as classified exclusively based on potential network connectivity. Starting from a large neuron-to-neuron brain-wide connectome of the fruit fly, we use stochastic block modeling and spectral graph clustering to group neurons together into a common “cell class” if they connect to neurons of other classes according to the same probability distributions. We then characterize the connectivity-based cell classes with standard neuronal biomarkers, including neurotransmitters, developmental birthtimes, morphological features, spatial embedding, and functional anatomy. Mutual information indicates that connectivity-based classification reveals aspects of neurons that are not adequately captured by traditional classification schemes. Next, using graph theoretic and random walk analyses to identify neuron classes as hubs, sources, or destinations, we detect pathways and patterns of directional connectivity that potentially underpin specific functional interactions in the Drosophila brain. We uncover a core of highly interconnected dopaminergic cell classes functioning as the backbone communication pathway for multisensory integration. Additional predicted pathways pertain to the facilitation of circadian rhythmic activity, spatial orientation, fight-or-flight response, and olfactory learning. Our analysis provides experimentally testable hypotheses critically deconstructing complex brain function from organized connectomic architecture

    Redundancy-aware learning of protein structure-function relationships

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    The protein kinases are a large family of enzymes that play a fundamental role in propagating signals within the cell. Because of the high degree of binding site similarity shared among protein kinases, designing drug compounds with high specificity among the kinases has proven difficult. However, computational approaches to comparing the 3-dimensional geometry and physicochemical properties of key binding site residues, referred to here as substructures, have been shown to be informative of inhibitor selectivity. This thesis introduces two fundamental approaches for the comparative analysis of substructure similarity and demonstrates the importance of each method on a variety of large protein structure datasets for multiple biological applications. The Family-wise Alignment of SubStructural Templates Framework (The FASST Framework) provides an unsupervised learning approach for identifying substructure clusterings. The substructure clusterings identified by FASST allow for the automatic evaluation of substructure variability, the identification of distinct structural conformations and the selection of anomalous outlier structures within large structure datasets. These clusterings are shown to be capable of identifying biologically meaningful structure trends among a diverse number of protein families. The FASST Live visualization and analysis platform provides multiple comparative analysis pipelines and allows the user to interactively explore the substructure clusterings computed by FASST. The Combinatorial Clustering Of Residue Position Subsets (CCORPS) method provides a supervised learning approach for identifying structural features that are correlated with a given set of annotation labels. The ability of CCORPS to identify structural features predictive of functional divergence among families of homologous enzymes is demonstrated across 48 distinct protein families. The CCORPS method is further demonstrated to generalize to the very difficult problem of predicting protein kinase inhibitor affinity. CCORPS is demonstrated to make perfect or near-perfect predictions for the binding ability of 12 of the 38 kinase inhibitors studied, while only having overall poor predictive ability for 1 of the 38 compounds. Additionally, CCORPS is shown to identify shared structural features across phylogenetically diverse groups of kinases that are correlated with binding affinity for particular inhibitors; such instances of structural similarity among phylogenetically diverse kinases are also shown to not be rare among kinases. Finally, these function-specific structural features may serve as potential starting points for the development of highly specific kinase inhibitors. Importantly, both The FASST Framework and CCORPS implement a redundancy-aware approach to dealing with structure overrepresentation that allows for the incorporation of all available structure data. As shown in this thesis, surprising structural variability exists even among structure datasets consisting of a single protein sequence. By incorporating the full variety of structural conformations within the analysis, the methods presented here provide a richer view of the variability of large protein structure datasets