3,362 research outputs found

    Pedagogic approaches to using technology for learning: literature review

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    This literature review is intended to address and support teaching qualifications and CPD through identifying new and emerging pedagogies; "determining what constitutes effective use of technology in teaching and learning; looking at new developments in teacher training qualifications to ensure that they are at the cutting edge of learning theory and classroom practice and making suggestions as to how teachers can continually update their skills." - Page 4

    Study Of The Challenges That Hinder MSME Development In FYR Macedonia : Country Report for the British Council and Swedish Institute

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    In addition to this Study, a further six studies were produced. One for each of the countries, under investigation (Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro & Serbia) and a Main Report, which was published in May 2018.The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (to be referred to as FYR Macedonia from herein) is a landlocked country. It has made considerable progress since 2000 and the end of the Balkan Wars, but would still greatly benefit from raising its rate of economic growth. It has an interesting population profile with a dip in the economically important 25–34 years age range. We undertook a survey of aspiring entrepreneurs across FYR Macedonia. The sample was largely self-selected based on previous telephone surveys where respondents had expressed an interest in entrepreneurship, plus a review of the commercial register and referrals from respondents. The age distribution of aspiring entrepreneurs was under represented in younger age groups but higher in the 25–34 year old group compared with the population. Increased economic growth needs to be achieved against a background of relatively modest inflows of foreign direct investment, and disappointingly flat levels of gross domestic capital formation, contrasting with sustained increases in consumption. There has been significant progress in stabilising the trade balance. FYR Macedonia has a significant informal economy, a sizeable unemployment rate and a worrying loss of skills as qualified people migrate overseas. There have been sustained efforts to improve the skills training systems, but the vocational training system still needs support. Entrepreneurship aspirations are positive. There are few problems with structural issues such as ease of forming a company, although important regulatory simplifications (for example in property registration) are still needed. Five key issues stand out: 1. Access to finance is very challenging and acts as a significant barrier to both innovation and entrepreneurship. There is a particular need for access to affordable seed capital. This is a similar to the challenge being addressed by some of the rural micro-finance programs in Asia. 2. Connection to markets outside FYR Macedonia and the Western Balkans region is challenging for new entrepreneurs. 3. There is a considerable amount of energy and effort already being injected, but significant scope for improving the skills of entrepreneurial teams. 4. There may be a need to raise the entrepreneurial appetite of young people (under 25 years old). 5. FYR Macedonia seems to have incubated a significant number of opportunity-seeking entrepreneurs, rather than involuntary entrepreneurs seeking family incomes, but the support structure is limited. They might benefit from a focused event to bring together industries from across FYR Macedonia.Final Published versio

    Study Of The Challenges That Hinder MSME Development In FYR Macedonia : Country Report for the British Council and Swedish Institute

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    In addition to this Study, a further six studies were produced. One for each of the countries, under investigation (Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro & Serbia) and a Main Report, which was published in May 2018.The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (to be referred to as FYR Macedonia from herein) is a landlocked country. It has made considerable progress since 2000 and the end of the Balkan Wars, but would still greatly benefit from raising its rate of economic growth. It has an interesting population profile with a dip in the economically important 25–34 years age range. We undertook a survey of aspiring entrepreneurs across FYR Macedonia. The sample was largely self-selected based on previous telephone surveys where respondents had expressed an interest in entrepreneurship, plus a review of the commercial register and referrals from respondents. The age distribution of aspiring entrepreneurs was under represented in younger age groups but higher in the 25–34 year old group compared with the population. Increased economic growth needs to be achieved against a background of relatively modest inflows of foreign direct investment, and disappointingly flat levels of gross domestic capital formation, contrasting with sustained increases in consumption. There has been significant progress in stabilising the trade balance. FYR Macedonia has a significant informal economy, a sizeable unemployment rate and a worrying loss of skills as qualified people migrate overseas. There have been sustained efforts to improve the skills training systems, but the vocational training system still needs support. Entrepreneurship aspirations are positive. There are few problems with structural issues such as ease of forming a company, although important regulatory simplifications (for example in property registration) are still needed. Five key issues stand out: 1. Access to finance is very challenging and acts as a significant barrier to both innovation and entrepreneurship. There is a particular need for access to affordable seed capital. This is a similar to the challenge being addressed by some of the rural micro-finance programs in Asia. 2. Connection to markets outside FYR Macedonia and the Western Balkans region is challenging for new entrepreneurs. 3. There is a considerable amount of energy and effort already being injected, but significant scope for improving the skills of entrepreneurial teams. 4. There may be a need to raise the entrepreneurial appetite of young people (under 25 years old). 5. FYR Macedonia seems to have incubated a significant number of opportunity-seeking entrepreneurs, rather than involuntary entrepreneurs seeking family incomes, but the support structure is limited. They might benefit from a focused event to bring together industries from across FYR Macedonia.Final Published versio

    The role of EMENTORING and social media for developing the entrepreneurship competences

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    AbstractThe emerging needs of a post-crisis society, the prospective studies at European level about “The new skills for new jobs”, the strategy documents for Europe 2020 shows that new sectors will appear, new skills are needed and among them, all have in common the entrepreneurial and ICT skills as basic ones. As demonstrated in the OECD Innovation Strategy, entrepreneurial skills and attitudes, risk-taking behavior, creativity, etc, will be crucial competences in the economy of the future. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    OECD review: skills beyond school: background report for England

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    Integrating personal learning and working environments

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    This review paper part of a series of papers commissioned by the Institute for Employment Research at the University of Warwick under the title of 'Beyond Current Horizons – Working and Employment Challenge'. In turn, in forms part of a larger programme of work under the banner of Beyond Current Horizons that is being managed by FutureLab on behalf of the UK Department for Schools, Children and Families. The brief was to cover: - The main trends and issues in the area concerned; - Any possible discontinuities looking forward to 2025 and beyond; - Uncertainties and any big tensions; - Conclusions on what the key issues will be in the future and initial reflections on any general implications for education. Given the wide ranging nature of the brief, this paper largely confines itself to trends and issues in the UK, although where appropriate examples from other countries in Europe are introduced. We realise that in an age of growing globalisation the future of work and learning in the UK cannot be separated from developments elsewhere and that developments in other parts of the world may present a different momentum and trajectory from that in the UK. Thus, when reading this report, please bear in mind the limitations in our approach
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