16 research outputs found

    Fast arithmetic computing with neural networks

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    The authors introduce a restricted model of a neuron which is more practical as a model of computation then the classical model of a neuron. The authors define a model of neural networks as a feedforward network of such neurons. Whereas any logic circuit of polynomial size (in n) that computes the product of two n-bit numbers requires unbounded delay, such computations can be done in a neural network with constant delay. The authors improve some known results by showing that the product of two n-bit numbers and sorting of n n-bit numbers can both be computed by a polynomial size neural network using only four unit delays, independent of n . Moreover, the weights of each threshold element in the neural networks require only O(log n)-bit (instead of n-bit) accuracy

    Neural computation of arithmetic functions

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    A neuron is modeled as a linear threshold gate, and the network architecture considered is the layered feedforward network. It is shown how common arithmetic functions such as multiplication and sorting can be efficiently computed in a shallow neural network. Some known results are improved by showing that the product of two n-bit numbers and sorting of n n-bit numbers can be computed by a polynomial-size neural network using only four and five unit delays, respectively. Moreover, the weights of each threshold element in the neural networks require O(log n)-bit (instead of n -bit) accuracy. These results can be extended to more complicated functions such as multiple products, division, rational functions, and approximation of analytic functions

    Every Linear Threshold Function has a Low-Weight Approximator

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