250,183 research outputs found

    Collaborative Learning of Stochastic Bandits over a Social Network

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    We consider a collaborative online learning paradigm, wherein a group of agents connected through a social network are engaged in playing a stochastic multi-armed bandit game. Each time an agent takes an action, the corresponding reward is instantaneously observed by the agent, as well as its neighbours in the social network. We perform a regret analysis of various policies in this collaborative learning setting. A key finding of this paper is that natural extensions of widely-studied single agent learning policies to the network setting need not perform well in terms of regret. In particular, we identify a class of non-altruistic and individually consistent policies, and argue by deriving regret lower bounds that they are liable to suffer a large regret in the networked setting. We also show that the learning performance can be substantially improved if the agents exploit the structure of the network, and develop a simple learning algorithm based on dominating sets of the network. Specifically, we first consider a star network, which is a common motif in hierarchical social networks, and show analytically that the hub agent can be used as an information sink to expedite learning and improve the overall regret. We also derive networkwide regret bounds for the algorithm applied to general networks. We conduct numerical experiments on a variety of networks to corroborate our analytical results.Comment: 14 Pages, 6 Figure

    Detecting change points in the large-scale structure of evolving networks

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    Interactions among people or objects are often dynamic in nature and can be represented as a sequence of networks, each providing a snapshot of the interactions over a brief period of time. An important task in analyzing such evolving networks is change-point detection, in which we both identify the times at which the large-scale pattern of interactions changes fundamentally and quantify how large and what kind of change occurred. Here, we formalize for the first time the network change-point detection problem within an online probabilistic learning framework and introduce a method that can reliably solve it. This method combines a generalized hierarchical random graph model with a Bayesian hypothesis test to quantitatively determine if, when, and precisely how a change point has occurred. We analyze the detectability of our method using synthetic data with known change points of different types and magnitudes, and show that this method is more accurate than several previously used alternatives. Applied to two high-resolution evolving social networks, this method identifies a sequence of change points that align with known external "shocks" to these networks

    Are you going to the party: depends, who else is coming? [Learning hidden group dynamics via conditional latent tree models]

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    Scalable probabilistic modeling and prediction in high dimensional multivariate time-series is a challenging problem, particularly for systems with hidden sources of dependence and/or homogeneity. Examples of such problems include dynamic social networks with co-evolving nodes and edges and dynamic student learning in online courses. Here, we address these problems through the discovery of hierarchical latent groups. We introduce a family of Conditional Latent Tree Models (CLTM), in which tree-structured latent variables incorporate the unknown groups. The latent tree itself is conditioned on observed covariates such as seasonality, historical activity, and node attributes. We propose a statistically efficient framework for learning both the hierarchical tree structure and the parameters of the CLTM. We demonstrate competitive performance in multiple real world datasets from different domains. These include a dataset on students' attempts at answering questions in a psychology MOOC, Twitter users participating in an emergency management discussion and interacting with one another, and windsurfers interacting on a beach in Southern California. In addition, our modeling framework provides valuable and interpretable information about the hidden group structures and their effect on the evolution of the time series

    Social Networks, Learning, and Flexibility: Sourcing Scientific Knowledge in New Biotechnology Firms

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    We examine how two highly successful new biotechnology firms (NBFs) source their most critical input -- scientific knowledge. We find that scientists at the two NBFs enter into large numbers of collaborative research efforts with scientists at other organizations, especially universities. Formal market contracts are rarely used to govern these exchanges of scientific knowledge. Our findings suggest that the use of boundary-spanning social networks by the two NBFs increases both their learning and their flexibility in ways that would not be possible within a self-contained hierarchical organization.

    Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Graphy Theory to Cyberbullying

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    Cyberbullying is an ongoing and devastating issue in today\u27s online social media. Abusive users engage in cyber-harassment by utilizing social media to send posts, private messages, tweets, or pictures to innocent social media users. Detecting and preventing cases of cyberbullying is crucial. In this work, I analyze multiple machine learning, deep learning, and graph analysis algorithms and explore their applicability and performance in pursuit of a robust system for detecting cyberbullying. First, I evaluate the performance of the machine learning algorithms Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, Decision Tree, and Logistic Regression. This yielded positive results and obtained upwards of 86% accuracy. Further enhancements were achieved using Evolutionary Algorithms, improving the overall results of the machine learning models. Deep Learning algorithms was the next experiment in which efficiency was monitored in terms of training time and performance. Next, analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks and Hierarchical Attention Networks was conducted, achieving 82% accuracy. The final research project used graph analysis to explore the relation among different social media users, and analyze the connectivity and communities of users who were discovered to have posted offensive messages

    From motor babbling to hierarchical learning by imitation: a robot developmental pathway

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    How does an individual use the knowledge acquired through self exploration as a manipulable model through which to understand others and benefit from their knowledge? How can developmental and social learning be combined for their mutual benefit? In this paper we review a hierarchical architecture (HAMMER) which allows a principled way for combining knowledge through exploration and knowledge from others, through the creation and use of multiple inverse and forward models. We describe how Bayesian Belief Networks can be used to learn the association between a robot’s motor commands and sensory consequences (forward models), and how the inverse association can be used for imitation. Inverse models created through self exploration, as well as those from observing others can coexist and compete in a principled unified framework, that utilises the simulation theory of mind approach to mentally rehearse and understand the actions of others

    Context-Aware Personalized Point-of-Interest Recommendation System

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    The increasing volume of information has created overwhelming challenges to extract the relevant items manually. Fortunately, the online systems, such as e-commerce (e.g., Amazon), location-based social networks (LBSNs) (e.g., Facebook) among many others have the ability to track end users\u27 browsing and consumption experiences. Such explicit experiences (e.g., ratings) and many implicit contexts (e.g., social, spatial, temporal, and categorical) are useful in preference elicitation and recommendation. As an emerging branch of information filtering, the recommendation systems are already popular in many domains, such as movies (e.g., YouTube), music (e.g., Pandora), and Point-of-Interest (POI) (e.g., Yelp). The POI domain has many contextual challenges (e.g., spatial (preferences to a near place), social (e.g., friend\u27s influence), temporal (e.g., popularity at certain time), categorical (similar preferences to places with same category), locality of POI, etc.) that can be crucial for an efficient recommendation. The user reviews shared across different social networks provide granularity in users\u27 consumption experience. From the data mining and machine learning perspective, following three research directions are identified and considered relevant to an efficient context-aware POI recommendation, (1) incorporation of major contexts into a single model and a detailed analysis of the impact of those contexts, (2) exploitation of user activity and location influence to model hierarchical preferences, and (3) exploitation of user reviews to formulate the aspect opinion relation and to generate explanation for recommendation. This dissertation presents different machine learning and data mining-based solutions to address the above-mentioned research problems, including, (1) recommendation models inspired from contextualized ranking and matrix factorization that incorporate the major contexts and help in analysis of their importance, (2) hierarchical and matrix-factorization models that formulate users\u27 activity and POI influences on different localities that model hierarchical preferences and generate individual and sequence recommendations, and (3) graphical models inspired from natural language processing and neural networks to generate recommendations augmented with aspect-based explanations