8 research outputs found

    Learning Immune-Defectives Graph through Group Tests

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    This paper deals with an abstraction of a unified problem of drug discovery and pathogen identification. Pathogen identification involves identification of disease-causing biomolecules. Drug discovery involves finding chemical compounds, called lead compounds, that bind to pathogenic proteins and eventually inhibit the function of the protein. In this paper, the lead compounds are abstracted as inhibitors, pathogenic proteins as defectives, and the mixture of "ineffective" chemical compounds and non-pathogenic proteins as normal items. A defective could be immune to the presence of an inhibitor in a test. So, a test containing a defective is positive iff it does not contain its "associated" inhibitor. The goal of this paper is to identify the defectives, inhibitors, and their "associations" with high probability, or in other words, learn the Immune Defectives Graph (IDG) efficiently through group tests. We propose a probabilistic non-adaptive pooling design, a probabilistic two-stage adaptive pooling design and decoding algorithms for learning the IDG. For the two-stage adaptive-pooling design, we show that the sample complexity of the number of tests required to guarantee recovery of the inhibitors, defectives, and their associations with high probability, i.e., the upper bound, exceeds the proposed lower bound by a logarithmic multiplicative factor in the number of items. For the non-adaptive pooling design too, we show that the upper bound exceeds the proposed lower bound by at most a logarithmic multiplicative factor in the number of items.Comment: Double column, 17 pages. Updated with tighter lower bounds and other minor edit

    Generalized Group Testing

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    In the problem of classical group testing one aims to identify a small subset (of size dd) diseased individuals/defective items in a large population (of size nn). This process is based on a minimal number of suitably-designed group tests on subsets of items, where the test outcome is positive iff the given test contains at least one defective item. Motivated by physical considerations, we consider a generalized setting that includes as special cases multiple other group-testing-like models in the literature. In our setting, which subsumes as special cases a variety of noiseless and noisy group-testing models in the literature, the test outcome is positive with probability f(x)f(x), where xx is the number of defectives tested in a pool, and f()f(\cdot) is an arbitrary monotonically increasing (stochastic) test function. Our main contributions are as follows. 1. We present a non-adaptive scheme that with probability 1ε1-\varepsilon identifies all defective items. Our scheme requires at most O(H(f)dlog(nε)){\cal O}( H(f) d\log\left(\frac{n}{\varepsilon}\right)) tests, where H(f)H(f) is a suitably defined "sensitivity parameter" of f()f(\cdot), and is never larger than O(d1+o(1)){\cal O}\left(d^{1+o(1)}\right), but may be substantially smaller for many f()f(\cdot). 2. We argue that any testing scheme (including adaptive schemes) needs at least Ω((1ε)h(f)dlog(nd))\Omega \left((1-\varepsilon)h(f) d\log\left(\frac n d\right)\right) tests to ensure reliable recovery. Here h(f)1h(f) \geq 1 is a suitably defined "concentration parameter" of f()f(\cdot). 3. We prove that H(f)h(f)Θ(1)\frac{H(f)}{h(f)}\in\Theta(1) for a variety of sparse-recovery group-testing models in the literature, and H(f)h(f)O(d1+o(1))\frac {H(f)} {h(f)} \in {\cal O}\left(d^{1+o(1)}\right) for any other test function

    Group testing:an information theory perspective

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    The group testing problem concerns discovering a small number of defective items within a large population by performing tests on pools of items. A test is positive if the pool contains at least one defective, and negative if it contains no defectives. This is a sparse inference problem with a combinatorial flavour, with applications in medical testing, biology, telecommunications, information technology, data science, and more. In this monograph, we survey recent developments in the group testing problem from an information-theoretic perspective. We cover several related developments: efficient algorithms with practical storage and computation requirements, achievability bounds for optimal decoding methods, and algorithm-independent converse bounds. We assess the theoretical guarantees not only in terms of scaling laws, but also in terms of the constant factors, leading to the notion of the {\em rate} of group testing, indicating the amount of information learned per test. Considering both noiseless and noisy settings, we identify several regimes where existing algorithms are provably optimal or near-optimal, as well as regimes where there remains greater potential for improvement. In addition, we survey results concerning a number of variations on the standard group testing problem, including partial recovery criteria, adaptive algorithms with a limited number of stages, constrained test designs, and sublinear-time algorithms.Comment: Survey paper, 140 pages, 19 figures. To be published in Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theor

    Learning Immune-Defectives Graph through Group Tests

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    Learning Immune-Defectives Graph through Group Tests

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