323 research outputs found

    Datasets, features, learning, and models in visual recognition

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    Visual recognition is a fundamental research topic in computer vision. This dissertation explores datasets, features, learning, and models used for visual recognition. In order to train visual models and evaluate different recognition algorithms, this dissertation develops an approach to collect object image datasets on web pages using an analysis of text around the image and of image appearance. This method exploits established online knowledge resources (Wikipedia pages for text; Flickr and Caltech data sets for images). The resources provide rich text and object appearance information. This dissertation describes results on two datasets. The first is Berg’s collection of 10 animal categories; on this dataset, we significantly outperform previous approaches. On an additional set of 5 categories, experimental results show the effectiveness of the method. Images are represented as features for visual recognition. This dissertation introduces a text-based image feature and demonstrates that it consistently improves performance on hard object classification problems. The feature is built using an auxiliary dataset of images annotated with tags, downloaded from the Internet. Image tags are noisy. The method obtains the text features of an unannotated image from the tags of its k-nearest neighbors in this auxiliary collection. A visual classifier presented with an object viewed under novel circumstances (say, a new viewing direction) must rely on its visual examples. This text feature may not change, because the auxiliary dataset likely contains a similar picture. While the tags associated with images are noisy, they are more stable when appearance changes. The performance of this feature is tested using PASCAL VOC 2006 and 2007 datasets. This feature performs well; it consistently improves the performance of visual object classifiers, and is particularly effective when the training dataset is small. With more and more collected training data, computational cost becomes a bottleneck, especially when training sophisticated classifiers such as kernelized SVM. This dissertation proposes a fast training algorithm called Stochastic Intersection Kernel Machine (SIKMA). This proposed training method will be useful for many vision problems, as it can produce a kernel classifier that is more accurate than a linear classifier, and can be trained on tens of thousands of examples in two minutes. It processes training examples one by one in a sequence, so memory cost is no longer the bottleneck to process large scale datasets. This dissertation applies this approach to train classifiers of Flickr groups with many group training examples. The resulting Flickr group prediction scores can be used to measure image similarity between two images. Experimental results on the Corel dataset and a PASCAL VOC dataset show the learned Flickr features perform better on image matching, retrieval, and classification than conventional visual features. Visual models are usually trained to best separate positive and negative training examples. However, when recognizing a large number of object categories, there may not be enough training examples for most objects, due to the intrinsic long-tailed distribution of objects in the real world. This dissertation proposes an approach to use comparative object similarity. The key insight is that, given a set of object categories which are similar and a set of categories which are dissimilar, a good object model should respond more strongly to examples from similar categories than to examples from dissimilar categories. This dissertation develops a regularized kernel machine algorithm to use this category dependent similarity regularization. Experiments on hundreds of categories show that our method can make significant improvement for categories with few or even no positive examples

    Socializing the Semantic Gap: A Comparative Survey on Image Tag Assignment, Refinement and Retrieval

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    Where previous reviews on content-based image retrieval emphasize on what can be seen in an image to bridge the semantic gap, this survey considers what people tag about an image. A comprehensive treatise of three closely linked problems, i.e., image tag assignment, refinement, and tag-based image retrieval is presented. While existing works vary in terms of their targeted tasks and methodology, they rely on the key functionality of tag relevance, i.e. estimating the relevance of a specific tag with respect to the visual content of a given image and its social context. By analyzing what information a specific method exploits to construct its tag relevance function and how such information is exploited, this paper introduces a taxonomy to structure the growing literature, understand the ingredients of the main works, clarify their connections and difference, and recognize their merits and limitations. For a head-to-head comparison between the state-of-the-art, a new experimental protocol is presented, with training sets containing 10k, 100k and 1m images and an evaluation on three test sets, contributed by various research groups. Eleven representative works are implemented and evaluated. Putting all this together, the survey aims to provide an overview of the past and foster progress for the near future.Comment: to appear in ACM Computing Survey

    Love Thy Neighbors: Image Annotation by Exploiting Image Metadata

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    Some images that are difficult to recognize on their own may become more clear in the context of a neighborhood of related images with similar social-network metadata. We build on this intuition to improve multilabel image annotation. Our model uses image metadata nonparametrically to generate neighborhoods of related images using Jaccard similarities, then uses a deep neural network to blend visual information from the image and its neighbors. Prior work typically models image metadata parametrically, in contrast, our nonparametric treatment allows our model to perform well even when the vocabulary of metadata changes between training and testing. We perform comprehensive experiments on the NUS-WIDE dataset, where we show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods for multilabel image annotation even when our model is forced to generalize to new types of metadata.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 201

    Image Understanding by Socializing the Semantic Gap

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    Several technological developments like the Internet, mobile devices and Social Networks have spurred the sharing of images in unprecedented volumes, making tagging and commenting a common habit. Despite the recent progress in image analysis, the problem of Semantic Gap still hinders machines in fully understand the rich semantic of a shared photo. In this book, we tackle this problem by exploiting social network contributions. A comprehensive treatise of three linked problems on image annotation is presented, with a novel experimental protocol used to test eleven state-of-the-art methods. Three novel approaches to annotate, under stand the sentiment and predict the popularity of an image are presented. We conclude with the many challenges and opportunities ahead for the multimedia community

    Deep Fishing: Gradient Features from Deep Nets

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    Convolutional Networks (ConvNets) have recently improved image recognition performance thanks to end-to-end learning of deep feed-forward models from raw pixels. Deep learning is a marked departure from the previous state of the art, the Fisher Vector (FV), which relied on gradient-based encoding of local hand-crafted features. In this paper, we discuss a novel connection between these two approaches. First, we show that one can derive gradient representations from ConvNets in a similar fashion to the FV. Second, we show that this gradient representation actually corresponds to a structured matrix that allows for efficient similarity computation. We experimentally study the benefits of transferring this representation over the outputs of ConvNet layers, and find consistent improvements on the Pascal VOC 2007 and 2012 datasets.Comment: To appear at BMVC 201

    Learning Fine-grained Image Similarity with Deep Ranking

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    Learning fine-grained image similarity is a challenging task. It needs to capture between-class and within-class image differences. This paper proposes a deep ranking model that employs deep learning techniques to learn similarity metric directly from images.It has higher learning capability than models based on hand-crafted features. A novel multiscale network structure has been developed to describe the images effectively. An efficient triplet sampling algorithm is proposed to learn the model with distributed asynchronized stochastic gradient. Extensive experiments show that the proposed algorithm outperforms models based on hand-crafted visual features and deep classification models.Comment: CVPR 201

    Cross Pixel Optical Flow Similarity for Self-Supervised Learning

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    We propose a novel method for learning convolutional neural image representations without manual supervision. We use motion cues in the form of optical flow, to supervise representations of static images. The obvious approach of training a network to predict flow from a single image can be needlessly difficult due to intrinsic ambiguities in this prediction task. We instead propose a much simpler learning goal: embed pixels such that the similarity between their embeddings matches that between their optical flow vectors. At test time, the learned deep network can be used without access to video or flow information and transferred to tasks such as image classification, detection, and segmentation. Our method, which significantly simplifies previous attempts at using motion for self-supervision, achieves state-of-the-art results in self-supervision using motion cues, competitive results for self-supervision in general, and is overall state of the art in self-supervised pretraining for semantic image segmentation, as demonstrated on standard benchmarks

    Love Thy Neighbors: Image Annotation by Exploiting Image Metadata

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