1,602 research outputs found

    Learning Geometric Concepts with Nasty Noise

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    We study the efficient learnability of geometric concept classes - specifically, low-degree polynomial threshold functions (PTFs) and intersections of halfspaces - when a fraction of the data is adversarially corrupted. We give the first polynomial-time PAC learning algorithms for these concept classes with dimension-independent error guarantees in the presence of nasty noise under the Gaussian distribution. In the nasty noise model, an omniscient adversary can arbitrarily corrupt a small fraction of both the unlabeled data points and their labels. This model generalizes well-studied noise models, including the malicious noise model and the agnostic (adversarial label noise) model. Prior to our work, the only concept class for which efficient malicious learning algorithms were known was the class of origin-centered halfspaces. Specifically, our robust learning algorithm for low-degree PTFs succeeds under a number of tame distributions -- including the Gaussian distribution and, more generally, any log-concave distribution with (approximately) known low-degree moments. For LTFs under the Gaussian distribution, we give a polynomial-time algorithm that achieves error O(ϵ)O(\epsilon), where ϵ\epsilon is the noise rate. At the core of our PAC learning results is an efficient algorithm to approximate the low-degree Chow-parameters of any bounded function in the presence of nasty noise. To achieve this, we employ an iterative spectral method for outlier detection and removal, inspired by recent work in robust unsupervised learning. Our aforementioned algorithm succeeds for a range of distributions satisfying mild concentration bounds and moment assumptions. The correctness of our robust learning algorithm for intersections of halfspaces makes essential use of a novel robust inverse independence lemma that may be of broader interest

    SemAxis: A Lightweight Framework to Characterize Domain-Specific Word Semantics Beyond Sentiment

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    Because word semantics can substantially change across communities and contexts, capturing domain-specific word semantics is an important challenge. Here, we propose SEMAXIS, a simple yet powerful framework to characterize word semantics using many semantic axes in word- vector spaces beyond sentiment. We demonstrate that SEMAXIS can capture nuanced semantic representations in multiple online communities. We also show that, when the sentiment axis is examined, SEMAXIS outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in building domain-specific sentiment lexicons.Comment: Accepted in ACL 2018 as a full pape

    Attribute-Efficient PAC Learning of Low-Degree Polynomial Threshold Functions with Nasty Noise

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    The concept class of low-degree polynomial threshold functions (PTFs) plays a fundamental role in machine learning. In this paper, we study PAC learning of KK-sparse degree-dd PTFs on Rn\mathbb{R}^n, where any such concept depends only on KK out of nn attributes of the input. Our main contribution is a new algorithm that runs in time (nd/ϵ)O(d)({nd}/{\epsilon})^{O(d)} and under the Gaussian marginal distribution, PAC learns the class up to error rate ϵ\epsilon with O(K4dϵ2dlog5dn)O(\frac{K^{4d}}{\epsilon^{2d}} \cdot \log^{5d} n) samples even when an ηO(ϵd)\eta \leq O(\epsilon^d) fraction of them are corrupted by the nasty noise of Bshouty et al. (2002), possibly the strongest corruption model. Prior to this work, attribute-efficient robust algorithms are established only for the special case of sparse homogeneous halfspaces. Our key ingredients are: 1) a structural result that translates the attribute sparsity to a sparsity pattern of the Chow vector under the basis of Hermite polynomials, and 2) a novel attribute-efficient robust Chow vector estimation algorithm which uses exclusively a restricted Frobenius norm to either certify a good approximation or to validate a sparsity-induced degree-2d2d polynomial as a filter to detect corrupted samples.Comment: ICML 202

    Classification under input uncertainty with support vector machines

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    Uncertainty can exist in any measurement of data describing the real world. Many machine learning approaches attempt to model any uncertainty in the form of additive noise on the target, which can be effective for simple models. However, for more complex models, and where a richer description of anisotropic uncertainty is available, these approaches can suffer. The principal focus of this thesis is the development of advanced classification approaches that can incorporate the known input uncertainties into support vector machines (SVMs), which can accommodate isotropic uncertain information in the classification. This new method is termed as uncertainty support vector classification (USVC). Kernel functions can be used as well through the derivation of a novel kernelisation formulation to generalise this proposed technique to non-linear models and the resulting optimisation problem is a second order cone program (SOCP) with a unique solution. Based on the statistical models on the input uncertainty, Bi and Zhang (2005) developed total support vector classification (TSVC), which has a similar geometric interpretation and optimisation formulation to USVC, but chooses much lower probabilities that the corresponding original inputs are going to be correctly classified by the optimal solution than USVC. Adaptive uncertainty support vector classification (AUSVC) is then developed based on the combination of TSVC and USVC, in which the probabilities of the original inputs being correctly classified are adaptively adjusted in accordance with the corresponding uncertain inputs. Inheriting the advantages from AUSVC and the minimax probability machine (MPM), minimax probability support vector classification (MPSVC) is developed to maximise the probabilities of the original inputs being correctly classified. Statistical tests are used to evaluate the experimental results of different approaches. Experiments illustrate that AUSVC and MPSVC are suitable for classifying the observed uncertain inputs and recovering the true target function respectively since the contamination is normally unknown for the learner

    The Power of Localization for Efficiently Learning Linear Separators with Noise

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    We introduce a new approach for designing computationally efficient learning algorithms that are tolerant to noise, and demonstrate its effectiveness by designing algorithms with improved noise tolerance guarantees for learning linear separators. We consider both the malicious noise model and the adversarial label noise model. For malicious noise, where the adversary can corrupt both the label and the features, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm for learning linear separators in d\Re^d under isotropic log-concave distributions that can tolerate a nearly information-theoretically optimal noise rate of η=Ω(ϵ)\eta = \Omega(\epsilon). For the adversarial label noise model, where the distribution over the feature vectors is unchanged, and the overall probability of a noisy label is constrained to be at most η\eta, we also give a polynomial-time algorithm for learning linear separators in d\Re^d under isotropic log-concave distributions that can handle a noise rate of η=Ω(ϵ)\eta = \Omega\left(\epsilon\right). We show that, in the active learning model, our algorithms achieve a label complexity whose dependence on the error parameter ϵ\epsilon is polylogarithmic. This provides the first polynomial-time active learning algorithm for learning linear separators in the presence of malicious noise or adversarial label noise.Comment: Contains improved label complexity analysis communicated to us by Steve Hannek

    Robust Learning of Fixed-Structure Bayesian Networks

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    We investigate the problem of learning Bayesian networks in a robust model where an ϵ\epsilon-fraction of the samples are adversarially corrupted. In this work, we study the fully observable discrete case where the structure of the network is given. Even in this basic setting, previous learning algorithms either run in exponential time or lose dimension-dependent factors in their error guarantees. We provide the first computationally efficient robust learning algorithm for this problem with dimension-independent error guarantees. Our algorithm has near-optimal sample complexity, runs in polynomial time, and achieves error that scales nearly-linearly with the fraction of adversarially corrupted samples. Finally, we show on both synthetic and semi-synthetic data that our algorithm performs well in practice

    A Model Parent Involvement Program

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    It is vital that educators provide opportunities for parents to become partners in the education of their children. With an increased emphasis on parent involvement, educators are seeking new ways to involve families in their children\u27s education. Parent involvement can and should take a variety of forms. The purpose of this project was to design and develop a program for elementary schools that details how a parent involvement model of Family Fun Nights could help provide parents with a better understanding and knowledge of the Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements. The format also allows an opportunity for parents to be actively involved in a supportive and non-threatening environment