11 research outputs found

    An in-depth study on diversity evaluation : The importance of intrinsic diversity

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    Diversified document ranking has been recognized as an effective strategy to tackle ambiguous and/or underspecified queries. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth study on diversity evaluation that provides insights for assessing the performance of a diversified retrieval system. By casting the widely used diversity metrics (e.g., ERR-IA, α-nDCG and D#-nDCG) into a unified framework based on marginal utility, we analyze how these metrics capture extrinsic diversity and intrinsic diversity. Our analyses show that the prior metrics (ERR-IA, α-nDCG and D#-nDCG) are not able to precisely measure intrinsic diversity if we merely feed a set of subtopics into them in a traditional manner (i.e., without fine-grained relevance knowledge per subtopic). As the redundancy of relevant documents with respect to each specific information need (i.e., subtopic) can not be then detected and solved, the overall diversity evaluation may not be reliable. Furthermore, a series of experiments are conducted on a gold standard collection (English and Chinese) and a set of submitted runs, where the intent-square metrics that extend the diversity metrics through incorporating hierarchical subtopics are used as references. The experimental results show that the intent-square metrics disagree with the diversity metrics (ERR-IA and α-nDCG) being used in a traditional way on top-ranked runs, and that the average precision correlation scores between intent-square metrics and the prior diversity metrics (ERR-IA and α-nDCG) are fairly low. These results justify our analyses, and uncover the previously-unknown importance of intrinsic diversity to the overall diversity evaluation

    Supervised approaches for explicit search result diversification

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    Diversification of web search results aims to promote documents with diverse content (i.e., covering different aspects of a query) to the top-ranked positions, to satisfy more users, enhance fairness and reduce bias. In this work, we focus on the explicit diversification methods, which assume that the query aspects are known at the diversification time, and leverage supervised learning methods to improve their performance in three different frameworks with different features and goals. First, in the LTRDiv framework, we focus on applying typical learning to rank (LTR) algorithms to obtain a ranking where each top-ranked document covers as many aspects as possible. We argue that such rankings optimize various diversification metrics (under certain assumptions), and hence, are likely to achieve diversity in practice. Second, in the AspectRanker framework, we apply LTR for ranking the aspects of a query with the goal of more accurately setting the aspect importance values for diversification. As features, we exploit several pre- and post-retrieval query performance predictors (QPPs) to estimate how well a given aspect is covered among the candidate documents. Finally, in the LmDiv framework, we cast the diversification problem into an alternative fusion task, namely, the supervised merging of rankings per query aspect. We again use QPPs computed over the candidate set for each aspect, and optimize an objective function that is tailored for the diversification goal. We conduct thorough comparative experiments using both the basic systems (based on the well-known BM25 matching function) and the best-performing systems (with more sophisticated retrieval methods) from previous TREC campaigns. Our findings reveal that the proposed frameworks, especially AspectRanker and LmDiv, outperform both non-diversified rankings and two strong diversification baselines (i.e., xQuAD and its variant) in terms of various effectiveness metrics


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    筑波大学修士(情報学)学位論文 ・ 平成29年3月24日授与(37779号