41,369 research outputs found

    Accelerating sparse restricted Boltzmann machine training using non-Gaussianity measures

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    In recent years, sparse restricted Boltzmann machines have gained popularity as unsupervised feature extractors. Starting from the observation that their training process is biphasic, we investigate how it can be accelerated: by determining when it can be stopped based on the non-Gaussianity of the distribution of the model parameters, and by increasing the learning rate when the learnt filters have locked on to their preferred configurations. We evaluated our approach on the CIFAR-10, NORB and GTZAN datasets

    Bayesian Semi-supervised Learning with Graph Gaussian Processes

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    We propose a data-efficient Gaussian process-based Bayesian approach to the semi-supervised learning problem on graphs. The proposed model shows extremely competitive performance when compared to the state-of-the-art graph neural networks on semi-supervised learning benchmark experiments, and outperforms the neural networks in active learning experiments where labels are scarce. Furthermore, the model does not require a validation data set for early stopping to control over-fitting. Our model can be viewed as an instance of empirical distribution regression weighted locally by network connectivity. We further motivate the intuitive construction of the model with a Bayesian linear model interpretation where the node features are filtered by an operator related to the graph Laplacian. The method can be easily implemented by adapting off-the-shelf scalable variational inference algorithms for Gaussian processes.Comment: To appear in NIPS 2018 Fixed an error in Figure 2. The previous arxiv version contains two identical sub-figure