529 research outputs found

    Perceptually Motivated Shape Context Which Uses Shape Interiors

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    In this paper, we identify some of the limitations of current-day shape matching techniques. We provide examples of how contour-based shape matching techniques cannot provide a good match for certain visually similar shapes. To overcome this limitation, we propose a perceptually motivated variant of the well-known shape context descriptor. We identify that the interior properties of the shape play an important role in object recognition and develop a descriptor that captures these interior properties. We show that our method can easily be augmented with any other shape matching algorithm. We also show from our experiments that the use of our descriptor can significantly improve the retrieval rates

    Object detection and activity recognition in digital image and video libraries

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    This thesis is a comprehensive study of object-based image and video retrieval, specifically for car and human detection and activity recognition purposes. The thesis focuses on the problem of connecting low level features to high level semantics by developing relational object and activity presentations. With the rapid growth of multimedia information in forms of digital image and video libraries, there is an increasing need for intelligent database management tools. The traditional text based query systems based on manual annotation process are impractical for today\u27s large libraries requiring an efficient information retrieval system. For this purpose, a hierarchical information retrieval system is proposed where shape, color and motion characteristics of objects of interest are captured in compressed and uncompressed domains. The proposed retrieval method provides object detection and activity recognition at different resolution levels from low complexity to low false rates. The thesis first examines extraction of low level features from images and videos using intensity, color and motion of pixels and blocks. Local consistency based on these features and geometrical characteristics of the regions is used to group object parts. The problem of managing the segmentation process is solved by a new approach that uses object based knowledge in order to group the regions according to a global consistency. A new model-based segmentation algorithm is introduced that uses a feedback from relational representation of the object. The selected unary and binary attributes are further extended for application specific algorithms. Object detection is achieved by matching the relational graphs of objects with the reference model. The major advantages of the algorithm can be summarized as improving the object extraction by reducing the dependence on the low level segmentation process and combining the boundary and region properties. The thesis then addresses the problem of object detection and activity recognition in compressed domain in order to reduce computational complexity. New algorithms for object detection and activity recognition in JPEG images and MPEG videos are developed. It is shown that significant information can be obtained from the compressed domain in order to connect to high level semantics. Since our aim is to retrieve information from images and videos compressed using standard algorithms such as JPEG and MPEG, our approach differentiates from previous compressed domain object detection techniques where the compression algorithms are governed by characteristics of object of interest to be retrieved. An algorithm is developed using the principal component analysis of MPEG motion vectors to detect the human activities; namely, walking, running, and kicking. Object detection in JPEG compressed still images and MPEG I frames is achieved by using DC-DCT coefficients of the luminance and chrominance values in the graph based object detection algorithm. The thesis finally addresses the problem of object detection in lower resolution and monochrome images. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the structural information of human silhouettes can be captured from AC-DCT coefficients

    A Multiscale Representation Method for Nonrigid Shapes With a Single Closed Contour

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    Sparse graph regularized mesh color edit propagation

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    Mesh color edit propagation aims to propagate the color from a few color strokes to the whole mesh, which is useful for mesh colorization, color enhancement and color editing, etc. Compared with image edit propagation, luminance information is not available for 3D mesh data, so the color edit propagation is more difficult on 3D meshes than images, with far less research carried out. This paper proposes a novel solution based on sparse graph regularization. Firstly, a few color strokes are interactively drawn by the user, and then the color will be propagated to the whole mesh by minimizing a sparse graph regularized nonlinear energy function. The proposed method effectively measures geometric similarity over shapes by using a set of complementary multiscale feature descriptors, and effectively controls color bleeding via a sparse â„“ 1 optimization rather than quadratic minimization used in existing work. The proposed framework can be applied for the task of interactive mesh colorization, mesh color enhancement and mesh color editing. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods

    Multi-Object Shape Retrieval Using Curvature Trees

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    This work presents a geometry-based image retrieval approach for multi-object images. We commence with developing an effective shape matching method for closed boundaries. Then, a structured representation, called curvature tree (CT), is introduced to extend the shape matching approach to handle images containing multiple objects with possible holes. We also propose an algorithm, based on Gestalt principles, to detect and extract high-level boundaries (or envelopes), which may evolve as a result of the spatial arrangement of a group of image objects. At first, a shape retrieval method using triangle-area representation (TAR) is presented for non-rigid shapes with closed boundaries. This representation is effective in capturing both local and global characteristics of a shape, invariant to translation, rotation, scaling and shear, and robust against noise and moderate amounts of occlusion. For matching, two algorithms are introduced. The first algorithm matches concavity maxima points extracted from TAR image obtained by thresholding the TAR. In the second matching algorithm, dynamic space warping (DSW) is employed to search efficiently for the optimal (least cost) correspondence between the points of two shapes. Experimental results using the MPEG-7 CE-1 database of 1400 shapes show the superiority of our method over other recent methods. Then, a geometry-based image retrieval system is developed for multi-object images. We model both shape and topology of image objects including holes using a structured representation called curvature tree (CT). To facilitate shape-based matching, the TAR of each object and hole is stored at the corresponding node in the CT. The similarity between two CTs is measured based on the maximum similarity subtree isomorphism (MSSI) where a one-to-one correspondence is established between the nodes of the two trees. Our matching scheme agrees with many recent findings in psychology about the human perception of multi-object images. Two algorithms are introduced to solve the MSSI problem: an approximate and an exact. Both algorithms have polynomial-time computational complexity and use the DSW as the similarity measure between the attributed nodes. Experiments on a database of 13500 medical images and a database of 1580 logo images have shown the effectiveness of the proposed method. The purpose of the last part is to allow for high-level shape retrieval in multi-object images by detecting and extracting the envelope of high-level object groupings in the image. Motivated by studies in Gestalt theory, a new algorithm for the envelope extraction is proposed that works in two stages. The first stage detects the envelope (if exists) and groups its objects using hierarchical clustering. In the second stage, each grouping is merged using morphological operations and then further refined using concavity tree reconstruction to eliminate odd concavities in the extracted envelope. Experiment on a set of 110 logo images demonstrates the feasibility of our approach
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