64,681 research outputs found

    A Virtual Reality Tool for Representing, Visualizing and Updating Deep Learning Models

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    Deep learning is ubiquitous, but its lack of transparency limits its impact on several potential application areas. We demonstrate a virtual reality tool for automating the process of assigning data inputs to different categories. A dataset is represented as a cloud of points in virtual space. The user explores the cloud through movement and uses hand gestures to categorise portions of the cloud. This triggers gradual movements in the cloud: points of the same category are attracted to each other, different groups are pushed apart, while points are globally distributed in a way that utilises the entire space. The space, time, and forces observed in virtual reality can be mapped to well-defined machine learning concepts, namely the latent space, the training epochs and the backpropagation. Our tool illustrates how the inner workings of deep neural networks can be made tangible and transparent. We expect this approach to accelerate the autonomous development of deep learning applications by end users in novel areas

    A virtual practice community for student learning and staff development in health and social work inter-professional education. Mini-project evaluation report.

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    Interprofessional education (IPE) has been widely advocated and developed as a means to encourage effective collaboration in order to improve public sector services. An IPE curriculum was introduced at Bournemouth University from 2005 for all nursing branches, midwifery, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, operating department practice and social work students (n=600). Challenges of this ambitious and large scale project included facilitating meaningful interprofessional learning while balancing structural complexities of professional body requirements and the logistics of large student numbers and multi-site teaching. A web-based simulated community was created, known as Wessex Bay, as a learning resource to facilitate interprofessional learning around case scenarios. An evaluation of student and staff experiences of IPE over two years, focusing principally on the use of technology in the education process was implemented. Student and staff data were collected via e-surveys, focus groups and open-ended questionnaires with additional feedback from external reviewers specifically on Wessex Bay. Qualitative data were subjected to thematic analysis. Whilst the findings are not claimed to be representative, they provide a rich insight into student and staff experiences of technology enhanced learning in IPE. The richness and complexity of data has led to a number of project outcomes with wide-ranging implications for interprofessional education. This research has led to the identification of three major territories of praxis in which individuals, both students and tutors, are operating in IPE, namely professional differences and identity, curriculum design and learning and teaching strategies, and technology enhanced learning. For the purposes of this report, we will discuss the findings related to student and staff experiences of technology enhanced learning in IPE. The evaluation of the findings highlighted three issues; the level of student and staff knowledge and skill in using learning technologies impacted significantly on learning; there was a need to capitalise on the use of web-based learning resources by increasing interactivity within the scenarios; and finally student and staff experiences of the learning resources was enhanced by a positive learning culture to facilitate creative use of materials. All project aims and objectives were met, and whilst more focused staff and student development in using learning technology is required, a culture of working interprofessionally among students and academic staff has begun to develop, leading to the sharing of ideas about content and learning processes. Recommendations resulting from the project include the introduction of assessed development of student and staff learning technology skills; development of more interactive web-based learning embedded within the case scenarios; and streamlining of the scenarios to provide fewer, but more developed, cases

    A Virtual Practice Community for Student Learning and Staff Development in Health and Social Work Inter-Professional Education; Changing Practice Through Collaboration

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    This Mini Project has been funded by the Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre of the Higher Education Academy Available on-line at HEA website: http://www.health.heacademy.ac.uk/publications/miniproject/scammell08.pd

    The MUPPLE competence continuum

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    The idea of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) seems to polarise the educational sphere into supporters and opponents. Both groups relate their enthusiasm or criticism to underlying competences motivated by or needed for building up, running, and maintaining a PLE. Within the following article, results of a qualitative study with multiple cases will be presented to shed light onto which competence and which of its building blocks are involved in running a (mash-up) PLE. Data about the involved skills, abilities, habits, attitudes and knowledge will be presented in a raster of the five dimensions 'plan', 'reflect', 'monitor', 'act', and 'interact' against the three stages 'start', 'trigger', and 'outcome'. The findings indicate that there is a continuum ranging from the ones needed right ahead to the ones ultimately sought

    Piloting mobile mixed reality simulation in paramedic distance education

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    New pedagogical methods delivered through mobile mixed reality (via a user-supplied mobile phone incorporating 3d printing and augmented reality) are becoming possible in distance education, shifting pedagogy from 2D images, words and videos to interactive simulations and immersive mobile skill training environments. This paper presents insights from the implementation and testing of a mobile mixed reality intervention in an Australian distance paramedic science classroom. The context of this mobile simulation study is skills acquisition in airways management focusing on direct laryngoscopy with foreign body removal. The intervention aims to assist distance education learners in practicing skills prior to attending mandatory residential schools and helps build a baseline equality between those students that study face to face and those at a distance. Outcomes from the pilot study showed improvements in several key performance indicators in the distance learners, but also demonstrated problems to overcome in the pedagogical method

    A First Comparison Between LIGO and Virgo Inspiral Search Pipelines

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    This article reports on a project that is the first step the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration have taken to prepare for the mutual search for inspiral signals. The project involved comparing the analysis pipelines of the two collaborations on data sets prepared by both sides, containing simulated noise and injected events. The ability of the pipelines to detect the injected events was checked, and a first comparison of how the parameters of the events were recovered has been completed.Comment: GWDAW-9 proceeding

    Group Maintenance Behaviors in the Decision-Making Styles of Self-Organizing Distributed Teams

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    Businesses, universities, and other organizations are increasingly reliant on self-organizing, distributed teams which are enabled by information and communication technologies (ICTs). However, inherent geographical, organizational, and social limitations of ICTs challenge the relationships necessary for groups to make effective decisions. Understanding how group maintenance plays out within the context of different styles of decision making may provide insight into social tactics undertaken in such teams. Group maintenance is defined as discretionary, relation-building behavior that enables group members to trust and cooperate with one another more easily [1]. Decision style refers to the extent to which group decision making involves a broad contribution from group members other than leaders. It may range from the most autocratic style where a decision is made by one or a few individuals, to truly collaborative where every member has the opportunity to affect the decision. This study examines group maintenance within decision-making behaviors of Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) development teams as examples of distributed teams. Most FLOSS software is developed by such teams that are both dynamic and self-organizing, comprised of professionals, users, and other volunteers working in a loosely coupled manner [2-4]. These teams are nearly entirely virtual in that developers contribute from around the world, meet face-to-face infrequently (if at all), and coordinate their activities primarily through computer-mediated communications (CMC) [6, 7]
