13,964 research outputs found

    Learning to Prove Safety over Parameterised Concurrent Systems (Full Version)

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    We revisit the classic problem of proving safety over parameterised concurrent systems, i.e., an infinite family of finite-state concurrent systems that are represented by some finite (symbolic) means. An example of such an infinite family is a dining philosopher protocol with any number n of processes (n being the parameter that defines the infinite family). Regular model checking is a well-known generic framework for modelling parameterised concurrent systems, where an infinite set of configurations (resp. transitions) is represented by a regular set (resp. regular transducer). Although verifying safety properties in the regular model checking framework is undecidable in general, many sophisticated semi-algorithms have been developed in the past fifteen years that can successfully prove safety in many practical instances. In this paper, we propose a simple solution to synthesise regular inductive invariants that makes use of Angluin's classic L* algorithm (and its variants). We provide a termination guarantee when the set of configurations reachable from a given set of initial configurations is regular. We have tested L* algorithm on standard (as well as new) examples in regular model checking including the dining philosopher protocol, the dining cryptographer protocol, and several mutual exclusion protocols (e.g. Bakery, Burns, Szymanski, and German). Our experiments show that, despite the simplicity of our solution, it can perform at least as well as existing semi-algorithms.Comment: Full version of FMCAD'17 pape

    Bounds in Query Learning

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    We introduce new combinatorial quantities for concept classes, and prove lower and upper bounds for learning complexity in several models of query learning in terms of various combinatorial quantities. Our approach is flexible and powerful enough to enough to give new and very short proofs of the efficient learnability of several prominent examples (e.g. regular languages and regular ω\omega-languages), in some cases also producing new bounds on the number of queries. In the setting of equivalence plus membership queries, we give an algorithm which learns a class in polynomially many queries whenever any such algorithm exists. We also study equivalence query learning in a randomized model, producing new bounds on the expected number of queries required to learn an arbitrary concept. Many of the techniques and notions of dimension draw inspiration from or are related to notions from model theory, and these connections are explained. We also use techniques from query learning to mildly improve a result of Laskowski regarding compression schemes

    Learning Residual Finite-State Automata Using Observation Tables

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    We define a two-step learner for RFSAs based on an observation table by using an algorithm for minimal DFAs to build a table for the reversal of the language in question and showing that we can derive the minimal RFSA from it after some simple modifications. We compare the algorithm to two other table-based ones of which one (by Bollig et al. 2009) infers a RFSA directly, and the other is another two-step learner proposed by the author. We focus on the criterion of query complexity.Comment: In Proceedings DCFS 2010, arXiv:1008.127

    Quantum Algorithms for Learning and Testing Juntas

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    In this article we develop quantum algorithms for learning and testing juntas, i.e. Boolean functions which depend only on an unknown set of k out of n input variables. Our aim is to develop efficient algorithms: - whose sample complexity has no dependence on n, the dimension of the domain the Boolean functions are defined over; - with no access to any classical or quantum membership ("black-box") queries. Instead, our algorithms use only classical examples generated uniformly at random and fixed quantum superpositions of such classical examples; - which require only a few quantum examples but possibly many classical random examples (which are considered quite "cheap" relative to quantum examples). Our quantum algorithms are based on a subroutine FS which enables sampling according to the Fourier spectrum of f; the FS subroutine was used in earlier work of Bshouty and Jackson on quantum learning. Our results are as follows: - We give an algorithm for testing k-juntas to accuracy ϵ\epsilon that uses O(k/ϵ)O(k/\epsilon) quantum examples. This improves on the number of examples used by the best known classical algorithm. - We establish the following lower bound: any FS-based k-junta testing algorithm requires Ω(k)\Omega(\sqrt{k}) queries. - We give an algorithm for learning kk-juntas to accuracy ϵ\epsilon that uses O(ϵ1klogk)O(\epsilon^{-1} k\log k) quantum examples and O(2klog(1/ϵ))O(2^k \log(1/\epsilon)) random examples. We show that this learning algorithms is close to optimal by giving a related lower bound.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. Uses synttree package. To appear in Quantum Information Processin

    Learning Moore Machines from Input-Output Traces

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    The problem of learning automata from example traces (but no equivalence or membership queries) is fundamental in automata learning theory and practice. In this paper we study this problem for finite state machines with inputs and outputs, and in particular for Moore machines. We develop three algorithms for solving this problem: (1) the PTAP algorithm, which transforms a set of input-output traces into an incomplete Moore machine and then completes the machine with self-loops; (2) the PRPNI algorithm, which uses the well-known RPNI algorithm for automata learning to learn a product of automata encoding a Moore machine; and (3) the MooreMI algorithm, which directly learns a Moore machine using PTAP extended with state merging. We prove that MooreMI has the fundamental identification in the limit property. We also compare the algorithms experimentally in terms of the size of the learned machine and several notions of accuracy, introduced in this paper. Finally, we compare with OSTIA, an algorithm that learns a more general class of transducers, and find that OSTIA generally does not learn a Moore machine, even when fed with a characteristic sample

    Query learning of derived ω\omega-tree languages in polynomial time

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    We present the first polynomial time algorithm to learn nontrivial classes of languages of infinite trees. Specifically, our algorithm uses membership and equivalence queries to learn classes of ω\omega-tree languages derived from weak regular ω\omega-word languages in polynomial time. The method is a general polynomial time reduction of learning a class of derived ω\omega-tree languages to learning the underlying class of ω\omega-word languages, for any class of ω\omega-word languages recognized by a deterministic B\"{u}chi acceptor. Our reduction, combined with the polynomial time learning algorithm of Maler and Pnueli [1995] for the class of weak regular ω\omega-word languages yields the main result. We also show that subset queries that return counterexamples can be implemented in polynomial time using subset queries that return no counterexamples for deterministic or non-deterministic finite word acceptors, and deterministic or non-deterministic B\"{u}chi ω\omega-word acceptors. A previous claim of an algorithm to learn regular ω\omega-trees due to Jayasrirani, Begam and Thomas [2008] is unfortunately incorrect, as shown in Angluin [2016]

    Synthesizing Program Input Grammars

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    We present an algorithm for synthesizing a context-free grammar encoding the language of valid program inputs from a set of input examples and blackbox access to the program. Our algorithm addresses shortcomings of existing grammar inference algorithms, which both severely overgeneralize and are prohibitively slow. Our implementation, GLADE, leverages the grammar synthesized by our algorithm to fuzz test programs with structured inputs. We show that GLADE substantially increases the incremental coverage on valid inputs compared to two baseline fuzzers