79,557 research outputs found

    Learning Sparse Sharing Architectures for Multiple Tasks

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    Most existing deep multi-task learning models are based on parameter sharing, such as hard sharing, hierarchical sharing, and soft sharing. How choosing a suitable sharing mechanism depends on the relations among the tasks, which is not easy since it is difficult to understand the underlying shared factors among these tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel parameter sharing mechanism, named \emph{Sparse Sharing}. Given multiple tasks, our approach automatically finds a sparse sharing structure. We start with an over-parameterized base network, from which each task extracts a subnetwork. The subnetworks of multiple tasks are partially overlapped and trained in parallel. We show that both hard sharing and hierarchical sharing can be formulated as particular instances of the sparse sharing framework. We conduct extensive experiments on three sequence labeling tasks. Compared with single-task models and three typical multi-task learning baselines, our proposed approach achieves consistent improvement while requiring fewer parameters.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 202

    Facial Expression Analysis via Transfer Learning

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    Automated analysis of facial expressions has remained an interesting and challenging research topic in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition due to vast applications such as human-machine interface design, social robotics, and developmental psychology. This dissertation focuses on developing and applying transfer learning algorithms - multiple kernel learning (MKL) and multi-task learning (MTL) - to resolve the problems of facial feature fusion and the exploitation of multiple facial action units (AUs) relations in designing robust facial expression recognition systems. MKL algorithms are employed to fuse multiple facial features with different kernel functions and tackle the domain adaption problem at the kernel level within support vector machines (SVM). lp-norm is adopted to enforce both sparse and nonsparse kernel combination in our methods. We further develop and apply MTL algorithms for simultaneous detection of multiple related AUs by exploiting their inter-relationships. Three variants of task structure models are designed and investigated to obtain fine depiction of AU relations. lp-norm MTMKL and TD-MTMKL (Task-Dependent MTMKL) are group-sensitive MTL methodsthat model the co-occurrence relations among AUs. On the other hand, our proposed hierarchical multi-task structural learning (HMTSL) includes a latent layer to learn a hierarchical structure to exploit all possible AU interrelations for AU detection. Extensive experiments on public face databases show that our proposed transfer learning methods have produced encouraging results compared to several state-of-the-art methods for facial expression recognition and AU detection

    Multi-task additive models with shared transfer functions based on dictionary learning

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    Additive models form a widely popular class of regression models which represent the relation between covariates and response variables as the sum of low-dimensional transfer functions. Besides flexibility and accuracy, a key benefit of these models is their interpretability: the transfer functions provide visual means for inspecting the models and identifying domain-specific relations between inputs and outputs. However, in large-scale problems involving the prediction of many related tasks, learning independently additive models results in a loss of model interpretability, and can cause overfitting when training data is scarce. We introduce a novel multi-task learning approach which provides a corpus of accurate and interpretable additive models for a large number of related forecasting tasks. Our key idea is to share transfer functions across models in order to reduce the model complexity and ease the exploration of the corpus. We establish a connection with sparse dictionary learning and propose a new efficient fitting algorithm which alternates between sparse coding and transfer function updates. The former step is solved via an extension of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, whose properties are analyzed using a novel recovery condition which extends existing results in the literature. The latter step is addressed using a traditional dictionary update rule. Experiments on real-world data demonstrate that our approach compares favorably to baseline methods while yielding an interpretable corpus of models, revealing structure among the individual tasks and being more robust when training data is scarce. Our framework therefore extends the well-known benefits of additive models to common regression settings possibly involving thousands of tasks

    Implicit and Explicit Concept Relations in Deep Neural Networks for Multi-Label Video/Image Annotation

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    IEEE In this work we propose a DCNN (Deep Convolutional Neural Network) architecture that addresses the problem of video/image concept annotation by exploiting concept relations at two different levels. At the first level, we build on ideas from multi-task learning, and propose an approach to learn conceptspecific representations that are sparse, linear combinations of representations of latent concepts. By enforcing the sharing of the latent concept representations, we exploit the implicit relations between the target concepts. At a second level, we build on ideas from structured output learning, and propose the introduction, at training time, of a new cost term that explicitly models the correlations between the concepts. By doing so, we explicitly model the structure in the output space (i.e., the concept labels). Both of the above are implemented using standard convolutional layers and are incorporated in a single DCNN architecture that can then be trained end-to-end with standard back-propagation. Experiments on four large-scale video and image datasets show that the proposed DCNN improves concept annotation accuracy and outperforms the related state-of-the-art methods

    Learning Multiple Visual Tasks while Discovering their Structure

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    Multi-task learning is a natural approach for computer vision applications that require the simultaneous solution of several distinct but related problems, e.g. object detection, classification, tracking of multiple agents, or denoising, to name a few. The key idea is that exploring task relatedness (structure) can lead to improved performances. In this paper, we propose and study a novel sparse, non-parametric approach exploiting the theory of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces for vector-valued functions. We develop a suitable regularization framework which can be formulated as a convex optimization problem, and is provably solvable using an alternating minimization approach. Empirical tests show that the proposed method compares favorably to state of the art techniques and further allows to recover interpretable structures, a problem of interest in its own right.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    MetaGraph2Vec: Complex semantic path augmented heterogeneous network embedding

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    © 2018, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature. Network embedding in heterogeneous information networks (HINs) is a challenging task, due to complications of different node types and rich relationships between nodes. As a result, conventional network embedding techniques cannot work on such HINs. Recently, metapath-based approaches have been proposed to characterize relationships in HINs, but they are ineffective in capturing rich contexts and semantics between nodes for embedding learning, mainly because (1) metapath is a rather strict single path node-node relationship descriptor, which is unable to accommodate variance in relationships, and (2) only a small portion of paths can match the metapath, resulting in sparse context information for embedding learning. In this paper, we advocate a new metagraph concept to capture richer structural contexts and semantics between distant nodes. A metagraph contains multiple paths between nodes, each describing one type of relationships, so the augmentation of multiple metapaths provides an effective way to capture rich contexts and semantic relations between nodes. This greatly boosts the ability of metapath-based embedding techniques in handling very sparse HINs. We propose a new embedding learning algorithm, namely MetaGraph2Vec, which uses metagraph to guide the generation of random walks and to learn latent embeddings of multi-typed HIN nodes. Experimental results show that MetaGraph2Vec is able to outperform the state-of-the-art baselines in various heterogeneous network mining tasks such as node classification, node clustering, and similarity search
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