6 research outputs found

    Understanding speech in interactive narratives with crowd sourced data

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    Speech recognition failures and limited vocabulary coverage pose challenges for speech interactions with characters in games. We describe an end-to-end system for automating characters from a large corpus of recorded human game logs, and demonstrate that inferring utterance meaning through a combination of plan recognition and surface texts similarity compensates for recognition and understanding failures significantly better than relying on surface similarity alone.Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game La

    The Four Pillars of Crowdsourcing: A Reference Model

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    Crowdsourcing is an emerging business model where tasks are accomplished by the general public; the crowd. Crowdsourcing has been used in a variety of disciplines, including information systems development, marketing and operationalization. It has been shown to be a successful model in recommendation systems, multimedia design and evaluation, database design, and search engine evaluation. Despite the increasing academic and industrial interest in crowdsourcing,there is still a high degree of diversity in the interpretation and the application of the concept. This paper analyses the literature and deduces a taxonomy of crowdsourcing. The taxonomy is meant to represent the different configurations of crowdsourcing in its main four pillars: the crowdsourcer, the crowd, the crowdsourced task and the crowdsourcing platform. Our outcome will help researchers and developers as a reference model to concretely and precisely state their particular interpretation and configuration of crowdsourcing

    Social Learning Systems: The Design of Evolutionary, Highly Scalable, Socially Curated Knowledge Systems

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    In recent times, great strides have been made towards the advancement of automated reasoning and knowledge management applications, along with their associated methodologies. The introduction of the World Wide Web peaked academicians’ interest in harnessing the power of linked, online documents for the purpose of developing machine learning corpora, providing dynamical knowledge bases for question answering systems, fueling automated entity extraction applications, and performing graph analytic evaluations, such as uncovering the inherent structural semantics of linked pages. Even more recently, substantial attention in the wider computer science and information systems disciplines has been focused on the evolving study of social computing phenomena, primarily those associated with the use, development, and analysis of online social networks (OSN\u27s). This work followed an independent effort to develop an evolutionary knowledge management system, and outlines a model for integrating the wisdom of the crowd into the process of collecting, analyzing, and curating data for dynamical knowledge systems. Throughout, we examine how relational data modeling, automated reasoning, crowdsourcing, and social curation techniques have been exploited to extend the utility of web-based, transactional knowledge management systems, creating a new breed of knowledge-based system in the process: the Social Learning System (SLS). The key questions this work has explored by way of elucidating the SLS model include considerations for 1) how it is possible to unify Web and OSN mining techniques to conform to a versatile, structured, and computationally-efficient ontological framework, and 2) how large-scale knowledge projects may incorporate tiered collaborative editing systems in an effort to elicit knowledge contributions and curation activities from a diverse, participatory audience

    Toward digitizing the human experience : a new resource for natural language processing

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    A long-standing goal of Artificial Intelligence is to program computers that understand natural language. A basic obstacle is that computers lack the common sense that even small children acquire simply by experiencing life, and no one has devised a way to program this experience into a computer. This dissertation presents a methodology and proof-of-concept software system that enables non-experts, with some training, to create simple experiences. For the purposes of this dissertation, an experience is a series of time-ordered comic frames, annotated with the changing intentional and physical states of the characters and objects in each frame. Each frame represents a small action and the effects of that action. To create an annotated experience, the software interface guides non-experts in identifying facts about experiences that humans normally take for granted. As part of this process, it uses the Socratic Method to help users notice difficult-to-articulate commonsense data. The resulting data is in two forms: specific narrative statements and general commonsense rules. Other researchers have proposed similar narrative data for commonsense modeling, but this project opens up the possibility of non-experts creating these data types. A test on ten subjects suggests that non-experts are able to use this methodology to produce high quality experiential data. The system’s inference capability, using forward chaining, demonstrates that the collected data is suitable for automated processing