5 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Analysis of the Structure-Function Relationship in Proteins Based on Local Structure Similarity

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    BACKGROUND:Sequence similarity to characterized proteins provides testable functional hypotheses for less than 50% of the proteins identified by genome sequencing projects. With structural genomics it is believed that structural similarities may give functional hypotheses for many of the remaining proteins. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We provide a systematic analysis of the structure-function relationship in proteins using the novel concept of local descriptors of protein structure. A local descriptor is a small substructure of a protein which includes both short- and long-range interactions. We employ a library of commonly reoccurring local descriptors general enough to assemble most existing protein structures. We then model the relationship between these local shapes and Gene Ontology using rule-based learning. Our IF-THEN rule model offers legible, high resolution descriptions that combine local substructures and is able to discriminate functions even for functionally versatile folds such as the frequently occurring TIM barrel and Rossmann fold. By evaluating the predictive performance of the model, we provide a comprehensive quantification of the structure-function relationship based only on local structure similarity. Our findings are, among others, that conserved structure is a stronger prerequisite for enzymatic activity than for binding specificity, and that structure-based predictions complement sequence-based predictions. The model is capable of generating correct hypotheses, as confirmed by a literature study, even when no significant sequence similarity to characterized proteins exists. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Our approach offers a new and complete description and quantification of the structure-function relationship in proteins. By demonstrating how our predictions offer higher sensitivity than using global structure, and complement the use of sequence, we show that the presented ideas could advance the development of meta-servers in function prediction

    A Kernelisation Approach for Multiple d-Hitting Set and Its Application in Optimal Multi-Drug Therapeutic Combinations

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    Therapies consisting of a combination of agents are an attractive proposition, especially in the context of diseases such as cancer, which can manifest with a variety of tumor types in a single case. However uncovering usable drug combinations is expensive both financially and temporally. By employing computational methods to identify candidate combinations with a greater likelihood of success we can avoid these problems, even when the amount of data is prohibitively large. Hitting Set is a combinatorial problem that has useful application across many fields, however as it is NP-complete it is traditionally considered hard to solve exactly. We introduce a more general version of the problem (α,β,d)-Hitting Set, which allows more precise control over how and what the hitting set targets. Employing the framework of Parameterized Complexity we show that despite being NP-complete, the (α,β,d)-Hitting Set problem is fixed-parameter tractable with a kernel of size O(αdkd) when we parameterize by the size k of the hitting set and the maximum number α of the minimum number of hits, and taking the maximum degree d of the target sets as a constant. We demonstrate the application of this problem to multiple drug selection for cancer therapy, showing the flexibility of the problem in tailoring such drug sets. The fixed-parameter tractability result indicates that for low values of the parameters the problem can be solved quickly using exact methods. We also demonstrate that the problem is indeed practical, with computation times on the order of 5 seconds, as compared to previous Hitting Set applications using the same dataset which exhibited times on the order of 1 day, even with relatively relaxed notions for what constitutes a low value for the parameters. Furthermore the existence of a kernelization for (α,β,d)-Hitting Set indicates that the problem is readily scalable to large datasets