4 research outputs found

    Q-learning for autonomous mobile robot obstacle avoidance

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    An approach to the problem of autonomous mobile robot obstacle avoidance using Reinforcement Learning, more precisely Q-Learning, is presented in this paper. Reinforcement Learning in Robotics has been a challenging topic for the past few years. The ability to equip a robot with a powerful enough tool to allow an autonomous discovery of an optimal behavior through trial-and-error interactions with its environment has been a reason for numerous deep research projects. In this paper, two different Q-Learning approaches are presented as well as an extensive hyperparameter study. These algorithms were developed for a simplistically simulated Bot'n Roll ONE A (Fig. 1). The simulated robot communicates with the control script via ROS. The robot must surpass three levels of iterative complexity mazes similar to the ones presented on RoboParty [1] educational event challenge. For both algorithms, an extensive hyperparameter search was taken into account by testing hundreds of simulations with different parameters. Both Q-Learning solutions develop different strategies trying to solve the three labyrinths, enhancing its learning ability as well as discovering different approaches to certain situations, and finishing the task in complex environments

    Formação continuada em tecnologias educacionais : investigação do curso de robótica educacional para professores do ensino fundamental do município de Curitiba em 2022

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    Orientador: Prof.º Dr. Emerson JoucoskiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências e em Matemática. Defesa : Curitiba, 16/05/2023Inclui referênciasResumo: O modelo teórico TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge), visa compreender os saberes necessários para o professor, integrar efetivamente a tecnologia no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Ele surge da combinação de três tipos de conhecimentos: tecnológico, pedagógico e o conhecimento do conteúdo. A pesquisa desenvolvida investigou um contexto de formação continuada em robótica educacional, utilizando o kit LudoBot, ofertada aos professores do Ensino Fundamental, pela Secretaria Municipal da Educação (SME) de Curitiba-PR. O objetivo deste trabalho, é investigar como a formação continuada em robótica educacional, ofertada pela SME, contribuiu para o desenvolvimento do Conhecimento Tecnológico, Pedagógico e do Conteúdo (TPACK) nos professores. A pesquisa se inscreve numa abordagem de cunho qualitativa, e se aproxima da pesquisa exploratória quanto aos objetivos. Compuseram o corpus de pesquisa três instrumentos: questionários, observação e entrevistas. Para analisar o conjunto de dados obtidos ao longo do desenvolvimento utilizou-se a Análise Textual Discursiva. Os resultados apontam que a formação continuada em robótica educacional, pautada sobre os pressupostos do TPACK pode oportunizar o desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos pedagógicos, tecnológicos e do conteúdo nos professores. Para tanto, é necessária uma ação reflexiva sobre o processo formativo, as concepções e o contexto, ressignificando os saberes desenvolvidos a fim de mediar propostas de ensino permeadas pelo uso das tecnologias. Promover o acesso à robótica educacional e a inclusão tecnológica dos estudantes em uma rede municipal de ensino, pressupõe romper alguns paradigmas e desafios, que envolvem desde as perspectivas dos professores até questões de ordem técnica e de infraestrutura. Ao utilizarem essa ferramenta, os professores percebem os impactos positivos que ela propicia para a motivação e o engajamento dos estudantes, promovendo um comprometimento nas atividades e estimulando o desenvolvimento de habilidades. Consideramos que este estudo contribui para as pesquisas na área de formação continuada de professores para utilização dos recursos tecnológicos, destacando os saberes necessários para a prática envolvendo essas ferramentas. Estudos futuros podem investigar a ação do professor, identificando como o TPACK é mobilizado na prática docente.Abstract: The theoretical framework of TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) aims to understand the knowledge required for teachers to effectively integrate technology into the teaching and learning process. It emerges from the combination of three types of knowledge: technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge. The research conducted investigated a context of continuous training in educational robotics, using the LudoBot kit, offered to elementary school teachers by the Municipal Education Department (SME) of Curitiba, PR, Brazil. The objective of this work is to investigate how the continuous training in educational robotics, offered by the SME, contributed to the development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in teachers. The research follows a qualitative approach and has exploratory characteristics. Three instruments composed the research corpus: questionnaires, observation, and interviews. Textual Discursive Analysis was used to analyze the data collected during the study. The results indicate that continuous training in educational robotics, based on the assumptions of TPACK, can foster the development of pedagogical, technological, and content knowledge in teachers. However, this requires reflective action regarding the training process, conceptions, and context, redefining the knowledge developed in order to mediate teaching proposals permeated by the use of technologies. Promoting access to educational robotics and technological inclusion of students in a municipal education network presupposes overcoming certain paradigms and challenges, which involve teachers' perspectives as well as technical and infrastructural issues. When teachers employ this tool, they perceive its positive impacts on student motivation and engagement, fostering commitment to activities and stimulating the development of skills. This study contributes to research in the field of continuous teacher training for the use of technological resources, emphasizing the necessary knowledge for practical application involving these tools. Future studies can investigate teachers' actions, identifying how TPACK is mobilized in teaching practice

    Learning Robotics for youngsters - the RoboParty experience

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    Series: "Advances in intelligent systems and computing , ISSN 2194-5357, vol. 417"The involvement of children and adolescents in robotics is on demand by the many events and competitions of robotics all over the world. This non-deterministic world is more attractive, fun, hands-on and with real results than computer virtual simulations and 3D worlds. It is important, by different reasons, to involve people of all ages in an area that some consider the future of mankind and an opportunity to increase the low rate of engineers globally. Robotics competitions at this level are essentially based on teaching motion and programming skills by using Lego™ based robots and a set of challenges to overcome. This paper presents a different approach that is being used by Minho University in order to attract STEM candidates into these fields, with visible success and excellent results. The event is called RoboParty® and teaches children, adolescents and adults, from any area, how to build a robot from scratch, using electronics, mechanics and programming during three non-stop days

    Clube de Robótica da Escola Secundária Francisco Franco: estudo etnográfico

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    Este estudo incide sobre a atividade de um clube escolar de robótica de uma escola localizada no centro urbano da cidade do Funchal, a Escola Secundária de Francisco Franco. Através de uma metodologia etnográfica, procurou-se caracterizar a cultura e a dinâmica pedagógica emergentes deste ambiente de aprendizagem saturado de tecnologia e de ideias criativas. A discussão subjacente teve como pano de fundo a criação de contextos de aprendizagem construtivistas / construcionistas, bem como o papel que a tecnologia pode ter enquanto motor da inovação pedagógica. A tese divide-se em duas partes. Na primeira faz-se a revisão da literatura, discutindo-se os temas da aprendizagem, da inovação pedagógica e do papel das tecnologias avançadas na criação de novos contextos de aprendizagem. Na segunda parte discute-se a metodologia do estudo empírico, caracteriza-se o locus da investigação (a escola e o clube) e descreve-se e interpreta-se a cultura emergente da dinâmica dos participantes daquele projeto de natureza extracurricular.This study focuses on the activity of a robotics school club of a school located in the urban center of Funchal, Escola Secundária de Francisco Franco. Through an ethnographic methodology, we sought to characterize the culture and the pedagogical dynamics emerging from this learning environment saturated with technology and creative ideas. The underlying discussion was set against the background of constructivist / constructionist learning contexts, as well as the role that technology can play as a driver of pedagogical innovation. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first, the literature is reviewed, discussing the themes of learning, pedagogical innovation and the role of advanced technologies in the creation of new learning contexts. The second part discusses the methodology of the empirical study, characterizes the locus of the investigation (the school and the club) and describes and interprets the emerging culture of the dynamics of the participants of that extracurricular project