2,523 research outputs found

    Learning Regularization Weight for CRF Optimization

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    In recent years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are leading the way in many computer vision problems. Since the development of fully convolutional networks, CNNs have been widely employed for low-level pixel-labeling problems, and successfully pushed the performance to a new level. Although CNNs are able to extract highly discriminative features, they typically assign a class label to each image pixel individually. This leads to various spatial inconsistencies. Therefore, CNNs are commonly combined with graphical models, such as conditional random fields (CRFs), to impose spatial coherence. CRFs were invented precisely for the task of imposing spatial coherence among image pixels. The coherence regularization weight serves an important role of controlling the regularization strength in the CRF optimization, and has a great influence on the quality of the final result. Traditionally this weight value is set to a fixed number for all images. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach to learn the coherence regularization weight for each individual image using a CNN, and then apply this per-image-learned weight in the CNN+CRF system. We first construct a dataset where the optimal regularization weight for the CRF optimization has been pre-computed for each image. We adopt convolutional regression networks with standard architecture for learning, and tailor the input according to our problem. We test the effectiveness of our approach on the task of salient object segmentation where a graph-cut based CRF optimizer can generate globally optimal solution. We show that consistent performance improvements can be achieved by using the regularization weight learned on per-image basis as opposed to a fixed regularization weight for all images in the dataset

    Simple to Complex Cross-modal Learning to Rank

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    The heterogeneity-gap between different modalities brings a significant challenge to multimedia information retrieval. Some studies formalize the cross-modal retrieval tasks as a ranking problem and learn a shared multi-modal embedding space to measure the cross-modality similarity. However, previous methods often establish the shared embedding space based on linear mapping functions which might not be sophisticated enough to reveal more complicated inter-modal correspondences. Additionally, current studies assume that the rankings are of equal importance, and thus all rankings are used simultaneously, or a small number of rankings are selected randomly to train the embedding space at each iteration. Such strategies, however, always suffer from outliers as well as reduced generalization capability due to their lack of insightful understanding of procedure of human cognition. In this paper, we involve the self-paced learning theory with diversity into the cross-modal learning to rank and learn an optimal multi-modal embedding space based on non-linear mapping functions. This strategy enhances the model's robustness to outliers and achieves better generalization via training the model gradually from easy rankings by diverse queries to more complex ones. An efficient alternative algorithm is exploited to solve the proposed challenging problem with fast convergence in practice. Extensive experimental results on several benchmark datasets indicate that the proposed method achieves significant improvements over the state-of-the-arts in this literature.Comment: 14 pages; Accepted by Computer Vision and Image Understandin

    Efficient Learning of Sparse Conditional Random Fields for Supervised Sequence Labelling

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    Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) constitute a popular and efficient approach for supervised sequence labelling. CRFs can cope with large description spaces and can integrate some form of structural dependency between labels. In this contribution, we address the issue of efficient feature selection for CRFs based on imposing sparsity through an L1 penalty. We first show how sparsity of the parameter set can be exploited to significantly speed up training and labelling. We then introduce coordinate descent parameter update schemes for CRFs with L1 regularization. We finally provide some empirical comparisons of the proposed approach with state-of-the-art CRF training strategies. In particular, it is shown that the proposed approach is able to take profit of the sparsity to speed up processing and hence potentially handle larger dimensional models

    Efficient Multi-Template Learning for Structured Prediction

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    Conditional random field (CRF) and Structural Support Vector Machine (Structural SVM) are two state-of-the-art methods for structured prediction which captures the interdependencies among output variables. The success of these methods is attributed to the fact that their discriminative models are able to account for overlapping features on the whole input observations. These features are usually generated by applying a given set of templates on labeled data, but improper templates may lead to degraded performance. To alleviate this issue, in this paper, we propose a novel multiple template learning paradigm to learn structured prediction and the importance of each template simultaneously, so that hundreds of arbitrary templates could be added into the learning model without caution. This paradigm can be formulated as a special multiple kernel learning problem with exponential number of constraints. Then we introduce an efficient cutting plane algorithm to solve this problem in the primal, and its convergence is presented. We also evaluate the proposed learning paradigm on two widely-studied structured prediction tasks, \emph{i.e.} sequence labeling and dependency parsing. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms CRFs and Structural SVMs due to exploiting the importance of each template. Our complexity analysis and empirical results also show that our proposed method is more efficient than OnlineMKL on very sparse and high-dimensional data. We further extend this paradigm for structured prediction using generalized pp-block norm regularization with p>1p>1, and experiments show competitive performances when p∈[1,2)p \in [1,2)

    Synapse at CAp 2017 NER challenge: Fasttext CRF

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    We present our system for the CAp 2017 NER challenge which is about named entity recognition on French tweets. Our system leverages unsupervised learning on a larger dataset of French tweets to learn features feeding a CRF model. It was ranked first without using any gazetteer or structured external data, with an F-measure of 58.89\%. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first system to use fasttext embeddings (which include subword representations) and an embedding-based sentence representation for NER

    Neural networks versus Logistic regression for 30 days all-cause readmission prediction

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    Heart failure (HF) is one of the leading causes of hospital admissions in the US. Readmission within 30 days after a HF hospitalization is both a recognized indicator for disease progression and a source of considerable financial burden to the healthcare system. Consequently, the identification of patients at risk for readmission is a key step in improving disease management and patient outcome. In this work, we used a large administrative claims dataset to (1)explore the systematic application of neural network-based models versus logistic regression for predicting 30 days all-cause readmission after discharge from a HF admission, and (2)to examine the additive value of patients' hospitalization timelines on prediction performance. Based on data from 272,778 (49% female) patients with a mean (SD) age of 73 years (14) and 343,328 HF admissions (67% of total admissions), we trained and tested our predictive readmission models following a stratified 5-fold cross-validation scheme. Among the deep learning approaches, a recurrent neural network (RNN) combined with conditional random fields (CRF) model (RNNCRF) achieved the best performance in readmission prediction with 0.642 AUC (95% CI, 0.640-0.645). Other models, such as those based on RNN, convolutional neural networks and CRF alone had lower performance, with a non-timeline based model (MLP) performing worst. A competitive model based on logistic regression with LASSO achieved a performance of 0.643 AUC (95%CI, 0.640-0.646). We conclude that data from patient timelines improve 30 day readmission prediction for neural network-based models, that a logistic regression with LASSO has equal performance to the best neural network model and that the use of administrative data result in competitive performance compared to published approaches based on richer clinical datasets
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