256,915 research outputs found

    Random Feature Maps for Dot Product Kernels

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    Approximating non-linear kernels using feature maps has gained a lot of interest in recent years due to applications in reducing training and testing times of SVM classifiers and other kernel based learning algorithms. We extend this line of work and present low distortion embeddings for dot product kernels into linear Euclidean spaces. We base our results on a classical result in harmonic analysis characterizing all dot product kernels and use it to define randomized feature maps into explicit low dimensional Euclidean spaces in which the native dot product provides an approximation to the dot product kernel with high confidence.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2012). This version corrects a minor error with Lemma 10. Acknowledgements : Devanshu Bhimwa

    InfiNet: Fully Convolutional Networks for Infant Brain MRI Segmentation

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    We present a novel, parameter-efficient and practical fully convolutional neural network architecture, termed InfiNet, aimed at voxel-wise semantic segmentation of infant brain MRI images at iso-intense stage, which can be easily extended for other segmentation tasks involving multi-modalities. InfiNet consists of double encoder arms for T1 and T2 input scans that feed into a joint-decoder arm that terminates in the classification layer. The novelty of InfiNet lies in the manner in which the decoder upsamples lower resolution input feature map(s) from multiple encoder arms. Specifically, the pooled indices computed in the max-pooling layers of each of the encoder blocks are related to the corresponding decoder block to perform non-linear learning-free upsampling. The sparse maps are concatenated with intermediate encoder representations (skip connections) and convolved with trainable filters to produce dense feature maps. InfiNet is trained end-to-end to optimize for the Generalized Dice Loss, which is well-suited for high class imbalance. InfiNet achieves the whole-volume segmentation in under 50 seconds and we demonstrate competitive performance against multiple state-of-the art deep architectures and their multi-modal variants.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conference, IEEE ISBI, 201

    Supervised Kernel Locally Principle Component Analysis for Face Recognition

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    In this paper, a novel algorithm for feature extraction, named supervised kernel locally principle component analysis (SKLPCA), is proposed. The SKLPCA is a non-linear and supervised subspace learning method, which maps the data into a potentially much higher dimension feature space by kernel trick and preserves the geometric structure of data according to prior class-label information. SKLPCA can discover the nonlinear structure of face images and enhance local within-class relations. Experimental results on ORL, Yale, CAS-PEAL and CMU PIE databases demonstrate that SKLPCA outperforms EigenFaces, LPCA and KPCA

    A deep learning approach for feature extraction from resting state functional connectivity of stroke patients and prediction of neuropsychological scores

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    Deep learning models are being increasingly used in precision medicine thanks to their ability to provide accurate predictions of clinical outcome from large-scale datasets of patient’s records. However, in many cases data scarcity has forced the adoption of simpler (linear) feature extraction methods, which are less prone to overfitting. In this work, we exploit data augmentation and transfer learning techniques to show that deep, non-linear autoencoders can in fact extract relevant features from resting state functional connectivity matrices of stroke patients, even when the available data is modest. In particular, we used the Human Connectome Project (HCP) which is a large and high-quality dataset to learn latent representation of healthy patients. The latent representations extracted by the autoencoders can then be given as input to regularized regression methods to predict neurophsychological scores, outperforming recently proposed methods based on linear feature extraction. Additionally, we study the impact of the cross validation set-up for each model, and we examined the quality of the predictive maps obtained by back-projecting the regression weight, to display the most predictive RSFC edges

    When less is more: How increasing the complexity of machine learning strategies for geothermal energy assessments may not lead toward better estimates

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    Previous moderate- and high-temperature geothermal resource assessments of the western United States utilized data-driven methods and expert decisions to estimate resource favorability. Although expert decisions can add confidence to the modeling process by ensuring reasonable models are employed, expert decisions also introduce human and, thereby, model bias. This bias can present a source of error that reduces the predictive performance of the models and confidence in the resulting resource estimates. Our study aims to develop robust data-driven methods with the goals of reducing bias and improving predictive ability. We present and compare nine favorability maps for geothermal resources in the western United States using data from the U.S. Geological Survey\u27s 2008 geothermal resource assessment. Two favorability maps are created using the expert decision-dependent methods from the 2008 assessment (i.e., weight-of-evidence and logistic regression). With the same data, we then create six different favorability maps using logistic regression (without underlying expert decisions), XGBoost, and support-vector machines paired with two training strategies. The training strategies are customized to address the inherent challenges of applying machine learning to the geothermal training data, which have no negative examples and severe class imbalance. We also create another favorability map using an artificial neural network. We demonstrate that modern machine learning approaches can improve upon systems built with expert decisions. We also find that XGBoost, a non-linear algorithm, produces greater agreement with the 2008 results than linear logistic regression without expert decisions, because the expert decisions in the 2008 assessment rendered the otherwise linear approaches non-linear despite the fact that the 2008 assessment used only linear methods. The F1 scores for all approaches appear low (F1 score \u3c 0.10), do not improve with increasing model complexity, and, therefore, indicate the fundamental limitations of the input features (i.e., training data). Until improved feature data are incorporated into the assessment process, simple non-linear algorithms (e.g., XGBoost) perform equally well or better than more complex methods (e.g., artificial neural networks) and remain easier to interpret

    SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Image Segmentation.

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    We present a novel and practical deep fully convolutional neural network architecture for semantic pixel-wise segmentation termed SegNet. This core trainable segmentation engine consists of an encoder network, a corresponding decoder network followed by a pixel-wise classification layer. The architecture of the encoder network is topologically identical to the 13 convolutional layers in the VGG16 network [1] . The role of the decoder network is to map the low resolution encoder feature maps to full input resolution feature maps for pixel-wise classification. The novelty of SegNet lies is in the manner in which the decoder upsamples its lower resolution input feature map(s). Specifically, the decoder uses pooling indices computed in the max-pooling step of the corresponding encoder to perform non-linear upsampling. This eliminates the need for learning to upsample. The upsampled maps are sparse and are then convolved with trainable filters to produce dense feature maps. We compare our proposed architecture with the widely adopted FCN [2] and also with the well known DeepLab-LargeFOV [3] , DeconvNet [4] architectures. This comparison reveals the memory versus accuracy trade-off involved in achieving good segmentation performance. SegNet was primarily motivated by scene understanding applications. Hence, it is designed to be efficient both in terms of memory and computational time during inference. It is also significantly smaller in the number of trainable parameters than other competing architectures and can be trained end-to-end using stochastic gradient descent. We also performed a controlled benchmark of SegNet and other architectures on both road scenes and SUN RGB-D indoor scene segmentation tasks. These quantitative assessments show that SegNet provides good performance with competitive inference time and most efficient inference memory-wise as compared to other architectures. We also provide a Caffe implementation of SegNet and a web demo at http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/projects/segnet

    Bi-Directional ConvLSTM U-Net with Densley Connected Convolutions

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    In recent years, deep learning-based networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance in medical image segmentation. Among the existing networks, U-Net has been successfully applied on medical image segmentation. In this paper, we propose an extension of U-Net, Bi-directional ConvLSTM U-Net with Densely connected convolutions (BCDU-Net), for medical image segmentation, in which we take full advantages of U-Net, bi-directional ConvLSTM (BConvLSTM) and the mechanism of dense convolutions. Instead of a simple concatenation in the skip connection of U-Net, we employ BConvLSTM to combine the feature maps extracted from the corresponding encoding path and the previous decoding up-convolutional layer in a non-linear way. To strengthen feature propagation and encourage feature reuse, we use densely connected convolutions in the last convolutional layer of the encoding path. Finally, we can accelerate the convergence speed of the proposed network by employing batch normalization (BN). The proposed model is evaluated on three datasets of: retinal blood vessel segmentation, skin lesion segmentation, and lung nodule segmentation, achieving state-of-the-art performance
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