43,232 research outputs found

    TuBI - ein virtuelles Seminar zur Text- und Bildgestaltung im Internet

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    TuBI stands for a virtual seminar concerning the design of text and pictures in the Internet. The participants get to know theoretical knowledge and practical competencies in designing convincing web-pages and furthermore in planning didactically wise concepts for learning texts in the Internet. The instructional concept bases on the principles of problem oriented learning and the Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach. In the net-based learning environment "TuBI" applicable knowledge is taught by means of authentic problems and multimedia anchors. Various electronic communication tools are offered to the participants to foster their virtual cooperation. The curriculum was developed after a critical reflection of already existing virtual seminar-concepts and therefore offers an instructional support that explicitly responds to the specific features that learning in a virtual space comes with.TuBI (Text- und Bildgestaltung im Internet) ist ein virtuelles Seminar, das den Teilnehmern theoretisches Wissen und praktische Kompetenzen in der Gestaltung von Text und Bild im Internet vermitteln soll. Dabei geht es um ein ansprechendes Design sowie um die didaktisch sinnvolle Konzeption von Internet-Seiten. Die instruktionale Ausrichtung des Seminars basiert auf den Grundprinzipien des problemorientierten Lernens und dem Cognitive Apprenticeship Ansatz. In der netzbasierten Lernumgebung TuBI findet anwendungsnahes Lernen anhand von authentischen Problemstellungen und multimedialen Ankern statt. Dabei stehen den Studierenden verschiedene elektronische Kommunikationswerkzeuge zur Verfügung, die die virtuelle Kooperation der Studierenden unterstützen sollen. Das Curriculum entstand aus einer kritischen Reflektion bereits vorhandener virtueller Seminarkonzepte und bietet daher instruktionale Unterstützungen, die speziell auf die spezifischen Eigenschaften des Lernens im virtuellen Raum eingehen

    Computer Aided Education Systems in Knowledge Based Society: from SUPER-Test to MULTIMEDIA & OFFICE-Test

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    This paper analyzes the testing and self-testing processes for the Computer Aided Education System (CAES) SuperTest Package [14], used at the Academy of Economic Studies of Chisinau, Moldova and recently implemented at the University of Bacau, Romania and Ciprian Porumbescu College, Chisinau. We also discuss here the development of such type of CAES as MULTIMEDIA and MULTIMEDIA&OFFICE Testing Methods - the CAES software - from the Information Society and Knowledge Society point of view.Computer aided education systems, test, knowledge based society

    What is the problem to which interactive multimedia is the solution?

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    This is something of an unusual paper. It serves as both the reason for and the result of a small number of leading academics in the field, coming together to focus on the question that serves as the title to this paper: What is the problem to which interactive multimedia is the solution? Each of the authors addresses this question from their own viewpoint, offering informed insights into the development, implementation and evaluation of multimedia. The result of their collective work was also the focus of a Western Australian Institute of Educational Research seminar, convened at Edith Cowan University on 18 October, 1994. The question posed is deliberately rhetorical - it is asked to allow those represented here to consider what they think are the significant issues in the fast-growing field of multimedia. More directly, the question is also asked here because nobody else has considered it worth asking: for many multimedia is done because it is technically possible, not because it offers anything that is of value or provides the solution to a particular problem. The question, then, is answered in various ways by each of the authors involved and each, in their own way, consider a range of fundamental issues concerning the nature, place and use of multimedia - both in education and in society generally. By way of an introduction, the following provides a unifying context for the various contributions made here

    Effective CAL: Theory and practice

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    This paper looks at the creation of CAL material in theory and practice through the perspective of a CAL development unit, the Hypertext Support Unit at the University of Kent. With similar units now in place in other institutions, the production of CAL is taking place at a rapid pace, often with the evaluation of the applications disproportionately lagging behind. This inevitably raises questions of whether what we are producing is effective CAL, and what approaches should be taken to use the potential of multimedia in a learning environment

    Generalised Decision Level Ensemble Method for Classifying Multi-media Data

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    In recent decades, multimedia data have been commonly generated and used in various domains, such as in healthcare and social media due to their ability of capturing rich information. But as they are unstructured and separated, how to fuse and integrate multimedia datasets and then learn from them eectively have been a main challenge to machine learning. We present a novel generalised decision level ensemble method (GDLEM) that combines the multimedia datasets at decision level. After extracting features from each of multimedia datasets separately, the method trains models independently on each media dataset and then employs a generalised selection function to choose the appropriate models to construct a heterogeneous ensemble. The selection function is dened as a weighted combination of two criteria: the accuracy of individual models and the diversity among the models. The framework is tested on multimedia data and compared with other heterogeneous ensembles. The results show that the GDLEM is more exible and eective