76 research outputs found

    Hybrid Graph Neural Networks for Crowd Counting

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    Crowd counting is an important yet challenging task due to the large scale and density variation. Recent investigations have shown that distilling rich relations among multi-scale features and exploiting useful information from the auxiliary task, i.e., localization, are vital for this task. Nevertheless, how to comprehensively leverage these relations within a unified network architecture is still a challenging problem. In this paper, we present a novel network structure called Hybrid Graph Neural Network (HyGnn) which targets to relieve the problem by interweaving the multi-scale features for crowd density as well as its auxiliary task (localization) together and performing joint reasoning over a graph. Specifically, HyGnn integrates a hybrid graph to jointly represent the task-specific feature maps of different scales as nodes, and two types of relations as edges:(i) multi-scale relations for capturing the feature dependencies across scales and (ii) mutual beneficial relations building bridges for the cooperation between counting and localization. Thus, through message passing, HyGnn can distill rich relations between the nodes to obtain more powerful representations, leading to robust and accurate results. Our HyGnn performs significantly well on four challenging datasets: ShanghaiTech Part A, ShanghaiTech Part B, UCF_CC_50 and UCF_QNRF, outperforming the state-of-the-art approaches by a large margin.Comment: To appear in AAAI 202

    High-Accuracy Facial Depth Models derived from 3D Synthetic Data

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    In this paper, we explore how synthetically generated 3D face models can be used to construct a high accuracy ground truth for depth. This allows us to train the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to solve facial depth estimation problems. These models provide sophisticated controls over image variations including pose, illumination, facial expressions and camera position. 2D training samples can be rendered from these models, typically in RGB format, together with depth information. Using synthetic facial animations, a dynamic facial expression or facial action data can be rendered for a sequence of image frames together with ground truth depth and additional metadata such as head pose, light direction, etc. The synthetic data is used to train a CNN based facial depth estimation system which is validated on both synthetic and real images. Potential fields of application include 3D reconstruction, driver monitoring systems, robotic vision systems, and advanced scene understanding

    Diagnosing Rarity in Human-Object Interaction Detection

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    Human-object interaction (HOI) detection is a core task in computer vision. The goal is to localize all human-object pairs and recognize their interactions. An interaction defined by a tuple leads to a long-tailed visual recognition challenge since many combinations are rarely represented. The performance of the proposed models is limited especially for the tail categories, but little has been done to understand the reason. To that end, in this paper, we propose to diagnose rarity in HOI detection. We propose a three-step strategy, namely Detection, Identification and Recognition where we carefully analyse the limiting factors by studying state-of-the-art models. Our findings indicate that detection and identification steps are altered by the interaction signals like occlusion and relative location, as a result limiting the recognition accuracy.Comment: Accepted at CVPR'20 Workshop on Learning from Limited Label

    Context-aware Human Motion Prediction

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    The problem of predicting human motion given a sequence of past observations is at the core of many applications in robotics and computer vision. Current state-of-the-art formulate this problem as a sequence-to-sequence task, in which a historical of 3D skeletons feeds a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) that predicts future movements, typically in the order of 1 to 2 seconds. However, one aspect that has been obviated so far, is the fact that human motion is inherently driven by interactions with objects and/or other humans in the environment. In this paper, we explore this scenario using a novel context-aware motion prediction architecture. We use a semantic-graph model where the nodes parameterize the human and objects in the scene and the edges their mutual interactions. These interactions are iteratively learned through a graph attention layer, fed with the past observations, which now include both object and human body motions. Once this semantic graph is learned, we inject it to a standard RNN to predict future movements of the human/s and object/s. We consider two variants of our architecture, either freezing the contextual interactions in the future of updating them. A thorough evaluation in the "Whole-Body Human Motion Database" shows that in both cases, our context-aware networks clearly outperform baselines in which the context information is not considered.Comment: Accepted at CVPR2
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