7 research outputs found

    Social Choice Optimization

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    Social choice is the theory about collective decision towards social welfare starting from individual opinions, preferences, interests or welfare. The field of Computational Social Welfare is somewhat recent and it is gaining impact in the Artificial Intelligence Community. Classical literature makes the assumption of single-peaked preferences, i.e. there exist a order in the preferences and there is a global maximum in this order. This year some theoretical results were published about Two-stage Approval Voting Systems (TAVs), Multi-winner Selection Rules (MWSR) and Incomplete (IPs) and Circular Preferences (CPs). The purpose of this paper is three-fold: Firstly, I want to introduced Social Choice Optimisation as a generalisation of TAVs where there is a max stage and a min stage implementing thus a Minimax, well-known Artificial Intelligence decision-making rule to minimize hindering towards a (Social) Goal. Secondly, I want to introduce, following my Open Standardization and Open Integration Theory (in refinement process) put in practice in my dissertation, the Open Standardization of Social Inclusion, as a global social goal of Social Choice Optimization

    Explainable Action Advising for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    Action advising is a knowledge transfer technique for reinforcement learning based on the teacher-student paradigm. An expert teacher provides advice to a student during training in order to improve the student's sample efficiency and policy performance. Such advice is commonly given in the form of state-action pairs. However, it makes it difficult for the student to reason with and apply to novel states. We introduce Explainable Action Advising, in which the teacher provides action advice as well as associated explanations indicating why the action was chosen. This allows the student to self-reflect on what it has learned, enabling advice generalization and leading to improved sample efficiency and learning performance - even in environments where the teacher is sub-optimal. We empirically show that our framework is effective in both single-agent and multi-agent scenarios, yielding improved policy returns and convergence rates when compared to state-of-the-art methodsComment: This work has been accepted to ICRA 202

    Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning: Challenges and Directions Towards Human-Like Approaches

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    This paper surveys the field of multiagent deep reinforcement learning. The combination of deep neural networks with reinforcement learning has gained increased traction in recent years and is slowly shifting the focus from single-agent to multiagent environments. Dealing with multiple agents is inherently more complex as (a) the future rewards depend on the joint actions of multiple players and (b) the computational complexity of functions increases. We present the most common multiagent problem representations and their main challenges, and identify five research areas that address one or more of these challenges: centralised training and decentralised execution, opponent modelling, communication, efficient coordination, and reward shaping. We find that many computational studies rely on unrealistic assumptions or are not generalisable to other settings; they struggle to overcome the curse of dimensionality or nonstationarity. Approaches from psychology and sociology capture promising relevant behaviours such as communication and coordination. We suggest that, for multiagent reinforcement learning to be successful, future research addresses these challenges with an interdisciplinary approach to open up new possibilities for more human-oriented solutions in multiagent reinforcement learning.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figure

    Deep multiagent reinforcement learning: challenges and directions

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    This paper surveys the field of deep multiagent reinforcement learning (RL). The combination of deep neural networks with RL has gained increased traction in recent years and is slowly shifting the focus from single-agent to multiagent environments. Dealing with multiple agents is inherently more complex as (a) the future rewards depend on multiple players' joint actions and (b) the computational complexity increases. We present the most common multiagent problem representations and their main challenges, and identify five research areas that address one or more of these challenges: centralised training and decentralised execution, opponent modelling, communication, efficient coordination, and reward shaping. We find that many computational studies rely on unrealistic assumptions or are not generalisable to other settings; they struggle to overcome the curse of dimensionality or nonstationarity. Approaches from psychology and sociology capture promising relevant behaviours, such as communication and coordination, to help agents achieve better performance in multiagent settings. We suggest that, for multiagent RL to be successful, future research should address these challenges with an interdisciplinary approach to open up new possibilities in multiagent RL.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Large Complex Environments

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    Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has seen much success in the past decade. However, these methods are yet to find wide application in large-scale real world problems due to two important reasons. First, MARL algorithms have poor sample efficiency, where many data samples need to be obtained through interactions with the environment to learn meaningful policies, even in small environments. Second, MARL algorithms are not scalable to environments with many agents since, typically, these algorithms are exponential in the number of agents in the environment. This dissertation aims to address both of these challenges with the goal of making MARL applicable to a variety of real world environments. Towards improving sample efficiency, an important observation is that many real world environments already, in practice, deploy sub-optimal or heuristic approaches for generating policies. A useful possibility that arises is how to best use such approaches as advisors to help improve reinforcement learning in multi-agent domains. In this dissertation, we provide a principled framework for incorporating action recommendations from online sub-optimal advisors in multi-agent settings. To this end, we propose a general model for learning from external advisors in MARL and show that desirable theoretical properties such as convergence to a unique solution concept, and reasonable finite sample complexity bounds exist, under a set of common assumptions. Furthermore, extensive experiments illustrate that these algorithms: can be used in a variety of environments, have performances that compare favourably to other related baselines, can scale to large state-action spaces, and are robust to poor advice from advisors. Towards scaling MARL, we explore the use of mean field theory. Mean field theory provides an effective way of scaling multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms to environments with many agents, where other agents can be abstracted by a virtual mean agent. Prior work has used mean field theory in MARL, however, they suffer from several stringent assumptions such as requiring fully homogeneous agents, full observability of the environment, and centralized learning settings, that prevent their wide application in practical environments. In this dissertation, we extend mean field methods to environments having heterogeneous agents, and partially observable settings. Further, we extend mean field methods to include decentralized approaches. We provide novel mean field based MARL algorithms that outperform previous methods on a set of large games with many agents. Theoretically, we provide bounds on the information loss experienced as a result of using the mean field and further provide fixed point guarantees for Q-learning-based algorithms in each of these environments. Subsequently, we combine our work in mean field learning and learning from advisors to show that we can achieve powerful MARL algorithms that are more suitable for real world environments as compared to prior approaches. This method uses the recently introduced attention mechanism to perform per-agent modelling of others in the locality, in addition to using the mean field for global responses. Notably, in this dissertation, we show applications in several real world multi-agent environments such as the Ising model, the ride-pool matching problem, and the massively multi-player online (MMO) game setting (which is currently a multi-billion dollar market)

    Learning hierarchical teaching policies for cooperative agents

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    © 2020 International Foundation for Autonomous. Collective learning can be greatly enhanced when agents effectively exchange knowledge with their peers. In particular, recent work studying agents that learn to teach other teammates has demonstrated that action advising accelerates team-wide learning. However, the prior work has simplified the learning of advising policies by using simple function approximations and only considered advising with primitive (low-level) actions, limiting the scalability of learning and teaching to complex domains. This paper introduces a novel learning-to-teach framework, called hierarchical multiagent teaching (HMAT), that improves scalability to complex environments by using the deep representation for student policies and by advising with more expressive extended action sequences over multiple levels of temporal abstraction. Our empirical evaluations demonstrate that HMAT improves team-wide learning progress in large, complex domains where previous approaches fail. HMAT also learns teaching policies that can effectively transfer knowledge to different teammates with knowledge of different tasks, even when the teammates have heterogeneous action spaces