258,637 research outputs found

    Redefining and Improving School District Governance

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    Explores recent research literature and emerging practices concerning the roles and responsibilities of district school boards and the issues impeding or assisting their effectiveness

    Promoting Healthy Communities and Preventing Childhood Obesity: Trends in Recent Legislation

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    Summarizes state legislation enacted in 2009 in the areas of healthy eating and physical activity, such as school nutrition and BMI measurements, and healthy community design and access to healthy food, such as safe routes to school and farmers' markets

    Student perceptions of a healthy university

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    As complex environments within which individuals and populations operate, universities present important contexts for understanding and addressing health issues. The healthy university is an example of the settings approach, which adopts a whole system perspective, aiming to make places within which people, learn, live, work and play supportive to health and wellbeing. The UK Healthy Universities Network has formulated an online toolkit, which includes a self-review tool, intended to enable universities to assess what actions they need to take to develop as a healthy university. This paper presents findings from consultative research undertaken with students from universities in England, Scotland and Wales, which explored what they believe represents a healthy university. Methods Student surveys and focus groups were used to collect data across eleven universities in England, Scotland and Wales. A priori themes were used to develop our own model for a healthy university, and for the thematic coding phase of analysis. Findings A healthy university would promote student health and wellbeing in every aspect of its business from its facilities and environment through to its curriculum. Access to reasonably priced healthy food and exercise facilities were key features of a healthy university for students in this study. The Self Review Tool has provided a crucial start for universities undertaking the journey towards becoming a healthy university. In looking to the future both universities and the UK Healthy Universities Network will now need to look at what students want from their whole university experience, and consider how the Self Review Tool can help universities embrace a more explicit conceptual framework. Conclusion The concept of a healthy university that can tailor its facilities and supportive environments to the needs of its students will go some way to developing students who are active global citizens and who are more likely to value and prioritise health and wellbeing, in the short and long term through to their adult lives

    Promoting Healthy Communities and Reducing Childhood Obesity: Legislative Options

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    Summarizes legislation proposed or enacted in 2007-08 in the areas of healthy eating and physical activity such as nutrition, physical education, and obesity prevention and treatment, as well as healthy community design and access to healthy food

    Leadership for Transforming High Schools

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    Explores the unique tasks and challenges faced by education leaders in the face of stricter accountability reforms associated with the federal No Child Left Behind legislation and associated state-level education policy initiatives

    Healthy People in a Healthy Economy: A Blueprint for Action in Massachusetts

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    Examines the recession's effects on health and the cost of chronic disease. Suggests proven strategies for schools, municipalities, state government, payers, employers, the food industry, physicians, philanthropies, and media to promote healthy behaviors

    Health Maintenance, Altered

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    New Models of Technology Assessment for Development

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    This report explores the role that ‘new models’ of technology assessment can play in improving the lives of poor and vulnerable populations in the developing world. The ‘new models’ addressed here combine citizen and decision-maker participation with technical expertise. They are virtual and networked rather than being based in a single office of technology assessment (as was the case in the United States in the 1970s-90s). They are flexible enough to address issues across disciplines and are increasingly transnational or global in their reach and scope. The report argues that these new models of technology assessment can make a vital contribution to informing policies and strategies around innovation, particularly in developing regions. They are most beneficial if they enable the broadening out of inputs to technology assessment, and the opening up of political debate around possible directions of technological change and their interactions with social and environmental systems. Beyond the process of technology assessment itself, the report argues that governance systems within which these processes are embedded play an important role in determining the impact and effectiveness of technology assessment. Finally, the report argues for training and capacity-building in technology assessment methodologies in developing countries, and support for internationally co-ordinated technology assessment efforts to address global and regional development challenges

    F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies Are Failing in America, 2009

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    Examines annual trends in national and state obesity rates, related health indicators, and policies. Discusses the economic downturn's effect on Americans' health and healthcare costs. Calls for investment in community-based disease prevention programs
