624 research outputs found

    Hyperprior Induced Unsupervised Disentanglement of Latent Representations

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    We address the problem of unsupervised disentanglement of latent representations learnt via deep generative models. In contrast to current approaches that operate on the evidence lower bound (ELBO), we argue that statistical independence in the latent space of VAEs can be enforced in a principled hierarchical Bayesian manner. To this effect, we augment the standard VAE with an inverse-Wishart (IW) prior on the covariance matrix of the latent code. By tuning the IW parameters, we are able to encourage (or discourage) independence in the learnt latent dimensions. Extensive experimental results on a range of datasets (2DShapes, 3DChairs, 3DFaces and CelebA) show our approach to outperform the β\beta-VAE and is competitive with the state-of-the-art FactorVAE. Our approach achieves significantly better disentanglement and reconstruction on a new dataset (CorrelatedEllipses) which introduces correlations between the factors of variation.Comment: AAAI-201

    Dual Gaussian-based Variational Subspace Disentanglement for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification

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    Visible-infrared person re-identification (VI-ReID) is a challenging and essential task in night-time intelligent surveillance systems. Except for the intra-modality variance that RGB-RGB person re-identification mainly overcomes, VI-ReID suffers from additional inter-modality variance caused by the inherent heterogeneous gap. To solve the problem, we present a carefully designed dual Gaussian-based variational auto-encoder (DG-VAE), which disentangles an identity-discriminable and an identity-ambiguous cross-modality feature subspace, following a mixture-of-Gaussians (MoG) prior and a standard Gaussian distribution prior, respectively. Disentangling cross-modality identity-discriminable features leads to more robust retrieval for VI-ReID. To achieve efficient optimization like conventional VAE, we theoretically derive two variational inference terms for the MoG prior under the supervised setting, which not only restricts the identity-discriminable subspace so that the model explicitly handles the cross-modality intra-identity variance, but also enables the MoG distribution to avoid posterior collapse. Furthermore, we propose a triplet swap reconstruction (TSR) strategy to promote the above disentangling process. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on two VI-ReID datasets.Comment: Accepted by ACM MM 2020 poster. 12 pages, 10 appendixe
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